B超检查对胎儿有伤害吗« Mami Ask 妈妈问?














B超探测前的准备:一般不必作探测前准备,在探测易受消化道气体干扰的深部器官时,需空腹检查或作更严格的肠道准备。如腹腔的肝、胆、胰的探测前3日{zh0}禁食牛奶、 豆制品、糖类等易于发酵产气食物,检查前1天晚吃清淡饮食,当天需空腹禁食、禁水。




在三个月以后作B超 对胎儿基本上是影响不大的,不过不要经常做就是了。












English:B ultrasonic examination of fetal harm have you

B ultrasonic examination of fetal harm have you

B-is a project of prenatal care, 5 weeks pregnant孕妈咪can start to do B-examined at this time through the B-, can be observed whether it is normal part of pregnancy (excluding pregnancy), whether the survival of embryos. In the first 13 weeks of pregnancy after, B-can clearly show that fetal head, trunk, heart, lung, liver, spleen, stomach, kidney, bladder and other organs and limbs bones situation, by measuring the data collected, it is estimated that the fetus development, but also identified the fetal position and placental location, the evaluation of placental function, select the delivery mode.

to remind, if not do not want their children or other special reasons, the general pregnancy 3 months are not allowed to make a B-.
ectopic pregnancy: B Ultra can help clear up the doubts
If you experience vaginal bleeding early pregnancy, B-can determine whether the survival of embryos, whether to continue pregnancy, whether the abnormal pregnancy or hydatidiform mole.
the mid-and late pregnancy if vaginal bleeding, placenta previa and to determine their own type of pre-, or the existence of the phenomenon of placental abruption.
for abnormal uterine increasing pregnant women, too much amniotic fluid can be identified or multiple pregnancy, but also to observe whether or fetal malformation.
who suspects that have chromosomal abnormalities of fetal genetic disease, can extract a small amount of B-villus, intrauterine umbilical cord blood or amniotic fluid, and then further genetic examination. This work has the value of gifted students.
B can observe the super sex. Yet it must be noted, should not have a gender preference caused by the human sex ratio imbalance.
need to do several times throughout the pregnancy B -
for the answer to this question is not absolute, depending on the specific circumstances of pregnant women may be, in general, to do at least three B-.
1, the first inspection time is 18-20 weeks in pregnancy, when pregnant can determine a single or multi-fetal births, and fetal head circumference and other measurements. Because this stage a number of indicators of fetal B-error smaller, easy to verify gestational age.
2, the second time to check the timing of 28-30 weeks in pregnancy. B-to do at this time to learn about fetal development, whether there is any surface deformities, but also the location of the fetus and amniotic fluid volume have a better understanding.
3, the last time was 37-40 weeks pregnant at this time to do B-ultrasound to determine fetal position, fetal size, placental maturity, whether or not the umbilical cord wrapped around neck, etc., carried out in labor before the final assessment.
red: B-ultrasonography多多益善
some pregnant women said that since the B-very safe, without adverse effects on mother and child, then why not also do a few checks? In fact, this view is not correct. Obstetric physicians also advocate for pregnant women not to make too many B-. Australia has places called Lawrence, professor of obstetrics: the use of B-for pregnant women are regularly checked, is not conducive to the healthy growth of the fetus. He will be done during pregnancy for more than five B ultrasonic examination of pregnant women has been done three times with B-ultrasonography of pregnant women were compared and found that the former of fetal growth and development of the adverse effects of the latter twice. Too many B-ultrasonography of fetal adverse because ultrasound can cause temporary inhibition of the brain, while inhibiting the ovarian development of female fetuses. Professor Lawrence surveyed 2800 pregnant women confirmed that multiple B ultrasonic examination does not affect the health of pregnant women, but at least one-third of the fetus, growth and development will be subject to varying degrees of inhibition.
B ultrasonic examination time it is premature to
is generally believed that within 18 weeks of pregnancy in pregnant women do the best B-, especially in the early stages of pregnancy (the special circumstances exception, for example, the early stages of pregnancy vaginal see red, and the need for B-ultrasonography to determine whether the survival of embryos, whether continued pregnancy, the availability of abnormal pregnancy or hydatidiform mole, etc.). Because of pregnancy within 2 months to do if too many super-B will enable the embryonic cell division and forming the human brain affected. 4 months pregnant, the bones began development; 5 months, the fetal development is not perfect; 6 months, all organs are not perfect development. B-to do too much will inhibit fetal growth and development, the occurrence of teratogenic or stillbirth. At that time, if the suspect has teratogenic, and there is an exception.
B ultrasonic examination time, generally 5-6 months after pregnancy, because ultrasound for gestational age, the greater the impact of the smaller fetus. For pregnant women, the whole pregnancy the need for several B-, then follow the medical advice we can, and do not have too many concerns.

Influential, because by then the ultrasound, the results of modern medical statistics will be very much affected, the specific results of numerical I forgot, there is a trial abroad, the acoustic detector placed on the body of pregnant women, and then the use of B-, resulting in found that B-scan detector to read the first time actually has 80 dB, which is equivalent to the train opened from your side you feel out of date, which seems to大了些fetal short, as little as possible to do unnecessary tests, the Chinese medicine is not very developed, doctors are not very great importance to

B ultrasonic examination of the fetus will not hurt.

It was a bit affected, but sometimes in order to check fetal development generally in accordance with the need for regular check or have the necessary!

In recent years, b-type ultrasonic diagnostic image quality and function improved, many hospitals have it as a means of pregnancy checks. It not only can display images section, but also make dynamic observation. Can be observed through its various organs of the fetus, fetal heart rate and fetal movement. And at the same time the organization was measured to make precise measurement and concrete figures. b is a kind of ultra-high-frequency sound waves, the general said it is safe, but a large number of animal experiments showed that low doses of ultrasound is a potential cancer-causing factors and induced deformities, but different frequencies, different sound intensity of different individuals have certain hazards.

because of ultrasound on the solid and liquid have a strong ability to penetrate, energy larger particles can make material for high-frequency vibration, can also be part of the energy into heat energy, so that the local temperature. High-intensity pulsed ultrasound in a small bubble containing micron-size spread of the liquid, the bubbles can lead to contraction, expansion and violent explosion, a phenomenon called “cavitation phenomenon.”
Not long ago, the United States
famous super卡斯坦森biophysical experts pointed out that some bed used diagnostic ultrasound images of the maximum output intensity has reached 1 kW / cm2, the intensity sufficient to produce transient cavitation organisms phenomenon. Of organisms, the role of transient cavitation, bubbles near the vicinity of the explosion will be subject to damage cells, generally speaking, the majority of organs in the human body and biological fluids, a small amount of cell injury will not cause harm to humans.

However, there is a possible exception, that is the germ cells in the body or a sensitive period in the development of embryos and fetuses cavitation phenomenon occurs even if the injury only a few cells also can not be tolerated. The study found that in its mother’s body had received neonatal ultrasonic radiation, and its weight without ultrasonic radiation than the normal low-weight babies. China scholars in the study also found that the impact of ultrasound diagnosis of villous cells and biochemical metabolism, and decidual tissue decreased immunological reaction. Since the ultrasonic diagnosis of embryos and fetuses have the potential hazards, and it application in obstetric also Gongxun Zhuo, and then we should be how to deal with it?

the World Health Organization requirements: At present, ultrasonography is still not appropriate to promote the routine examination of pregnant women means, in a real need for inspection, the doctor must observe the principle of the smallest dose possible to reduce the ultrasound intensity, shorten the inspection time; should not in order to meet the parents curiosity, the use of ultrasound imaging technology for the identification of fetal sex or to do real-time photos.

In addition, before delivery to determine the application of b super sex, under normal circumstances is also unnecessary. Because it will only artificially caused by the population sex ratio imbalance, lead to very serious consequences to society. Therefore, b-ultrasound pregnancy test, should be limited to suspected abnormal fetal position, placenta, umbilical cord, amniotic fluid abnormalities, fetal congenital malformations, but also should not repeatedly check. Does gender, such as inspection, only applies to suspected sex chromosome genetic patients. For example, grandfather, uncle, who have hemophilia, in order to avoid the birth of children with hemophilia in order to make the necessary checks b super sex.

It that there is no impact.

B ultrasonic examination should pay attention to what?
B-mode ultrasonography is an emerging discipline, has developed rapidly in recent years, it has become indispensable in modern clinical diagnostic methods. Ultrasound diagnosis
originated in the 40’s. 50 In the early, A-type ultrasonic diagnosis method is applied to clinical, near B-, M-type and D-mode ultrasonography have come out in succession, 70’s, B-type rapid emergence of imaging technology, the early 80s, pulse and color development of D-mode ultrasonography success. Now the success of color imaging to the heart, artery and vein, lymphatic vessels, biliary tract, such as more realistic sonogram at a glance.
In recent years, the gradual popularization of Interventional Ultrasound, body cavity probe and intraoperative probe applications, expanding the scope of the diagnosis, but also improve the diagnosis and treatment level. For example, the esophageal probe, stomach and duodenal probe, abdominal probe, transvaginal probe, the probe as well as intrauterine rectum, urethra probe and so on.
B-ultrasound in subjects without pain, without injury, non-radioactive, and can be used by doctors and patients welcomed.
in clinical applications, B-can clearly showed that the organ and the surrounding organs such as the various sections, as the images a sense of wealth to the entities, closer to the true anatomical structure, so the application of ultrasound can be diagnosed early. For example: non-metallic foreign body in ophthalmic diagnosis, in the case of vitreous opacities, retinal, and the ball can be displayed after the lesion. The heart of congenital heart disease, rheumatic heart disease, mucus disease has specific detection of non-submerged, can replace the majority of cardiac catheterization. It can also be used in small blood vessels break, flow direction, speed measurement can be widely applied. Early detection of liver lesions detected has reached the level of 1 cm. Also clearly shows the gallbladder bile duct, hepatic duct, extrahepatic bile duct, pancreas, adrenal gland, prostate and so on. B ultrasonic examination can be detected whether the space-occupying lesions, especially for effusion and cyst physical qualitative and quantity, volume and so are reasonably accurate. Various intraluminal stone detection rate higher than the traditional test. Of obstetric more difficult to solve many difficult problems detected. If both of the placental location, amniotic fluid measurement, but also of multiple births, single births, fetal development and it has made, such as deformities and early diagnosis of hydatidiform mole.
However, B also has its super difficult to overcome the current limitations. The first is its poor penetration of bone, air, etc. is very difficult to achieve deep, so the gas-bearing organs, such as the lungs, gastrointestinal and other difficult to detect, the diagnosis of adult brain than the X-ray, CT favorably. The present apparatus, on 1 cm around the tumor tissue not easily detected, so negative ultrasonography; does not rule out the 1 cm about the existence of tumor lesions. Secondly, the reflection method as a result of repeated reflection occurred as well as the next to identify false reflection of interference phenomenon, it is sometimes easy to cause misdiagnosis.
B-mode ultrasound imaging of the detection method has two kinds. First direct detection method, that is, subjects with ultrasound probe with direct contact with skin or mucous membrane, this method is the conventional method used. The second is the indirect detection method, that is inserted between the probe and human bladders one or other material, so that ultrasound from launch to enter the body has a time delay in order to increase resolution, and non-flat parts of the surface to be coupled as well as the delicate organizations not subject to abrasion.
B super-ready to detect before: the former generally do not have to be ready to detect, in the detection of vulnerable to the digestive tract gas interference deep organ, the required inspection or fasting for more rigorous bowel preparation. Such as the abdominal cavity of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas detection before 3 day fasting the best milk, soy, sugar and other easily aerogenes fermentation of food, before they are inspected by one天晚eat light diet, fasting the day of fasting required, cut-water. Does pelvic
obstetrics and gynecology, and urinary tract ultrasonography B requires filling the bladder, that is, before they are inspected by 30 ~ 6O minutes, asking the patients drinking 500 to 800 milliliters (about 2 bottles of soft drinks volume) the use of open bowel bladder filling, forming ” transaudient Window “, so that the uterus, fallopian tube, ovary and prostate and other organs showed complete clear. Transrectal ultrasonography before B takes defecation or enema. Some special B-ultrasonic examination, and another special preparation requirements before the inspection.
X-ray imaging gastrointestinal barium is strong ultrasound reflection and absorption. Gallbladder, bile duct near the gastrointestinal tract if it has residual barium will be affected ultrasonography. Biliary X-ray contrast agent does not pose a direct obstacle to ultrasound, but the normal physiological state biliary influential. Therefore, the general arrangements should first ultrasound or angiography in gastrointestinal X-ray 3 days later, biliary contrast ultrasonography after 2 again. In addition, make biliary B ultrasonic examination 2 days before serving choleretic drugs should be stopped.
B ultrasonic examination of patients at the time of position, due to the need for exploration of different parts, may take a variety of body position. Such as the supine position. About lateral position, prone position, sitting, standing position, lithotomy position, knee-chest position and so on. Should be exposed as fully as possible to check the site for doctors to detect from the various sections.
now re-introduce two types of B-ultrasound-assisted two types of commonly used test, namely, drinking water and fat meal Act.
water law: that is, asking the patient drink 500 milliliters of water temperature right after the check supine, so that the water filling the antrum and duodenum, so that the pancreas head, tail and extrahepatic bile duct and other parts showed clear lesions can be diagnosed.
fat meal Law: mainly in order to further the diagnosis of biliary system diseases. Doctor set at specific methods to measure conventional cholecystectomy, intrahepatic, extrahepatic bile duct diameter values, the subjects asked to eat two fried eggs, wait 45 minutes to one hour after the retest, as far as possible, by the same physicians, in the same position and the measurement point for measurement. The principle is that fried egg, egg yolk composition in particular the release of duodenal mucosa to stimulate the contraction of cholecystokinin, which occurred in the role of three kinds: ① cholecystokinin, the bile into the common bile duct; ② stimulate bile secretion of the liver parenchyma, and even the gallbladder have been resection patients, extrahepatic bile duct bile flow would increase; ③ make Oddi sphincter relaxation in order to bile into the duodenum. When the resin has a clear postprandial gallbladder contraction, can explain a well-functioning gallbladder. If the existence of obstructive lesions, while bile from impeded or obstructed, increased intraluminal pressure, fasting lipid wider than duct.
through fasting lipid values after the measurement of the diameter compared to diagnose certain diseases of the biliary tract.

Regular inspection is necessary, generally once a month. But too often there is a certain amount of harm.

Ultrasound does not affect ~ ` infrasound
harmful to human influence.

Preferably 3 months ago not to make B-. Our colleagues are saying

After three months for B-to the fetus is basically little effect, but do not often make就是了.

Adults and children are harmful

Three months ago it is best not to do B-, because it would affect the fetus. Pregnancy B-Do not make more than three times. Because it is a B-ultrasonic examination of fetal well

B-wave is able to bounce back, without any effect on the fetus.

Say nothing of the hospital impact of publicity, the book said that influential, or less personally feel that as well, need to do to do on (preferably after three months), no need to do to do on the other (such as gender identification, etc.)

Say the very upstairs is 3 months before the bad, 3 months later not a big issue, but also check out some sick so

Adults and children are harmful

Clinically, 3 months in principle not to do B-.
In fact, compared to other checks (such as X films, CT, etc.), B is the impact of the smallest super little impact.

Influential, but not great

Or as little as possible to do it

The doctor’s advice can make 3-4 times

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