[译]another school year-what for? PART1___静静生活。_百度空间


Unit 1



John Ciardi

Let me tell you one of the earliest disasters in my career as a teacher. It was January of 1940 and I was fresh out of graduate school(研究所) starting my first semester at the University of Kansas City美国堪萨斯大学城. Part(部分,一部分 局部) of the student body was a beanpole with hair on top who came into my class, sat down, folded his arms, and looked at me as if to say "All right, teach me something." Two weeks later we started Hamlet. Three weeks later he came into my office with his hands on his hips双手放在髋部. "Look," he said, "I came here to be a pharmacist. Why do I have to read this stuff?" And not having a book of his own to point to(现在分词作原因状语), he pointed to mine which was lying on the desk.


给你讲讲我当老师时候的一次失败经历吧。那是19040年的1月,我从研究生院毕业不久,在堪萨斯城大学开始{dy}学期的教学工作。一个瘦高,长的就像顶上有毛的豆角架一样的男学生走进我的课堂,坐下,双臂交叉放在胸前,看着我,好像在说好吧。教我一些东西。两周后我们开始学习哈姆雷特。三周后他两手叉腰走进我的办公室 看 他说 我来这是学习当药剂师的。我为什么必须读这个?由于没有随身带着自己的书,他就指着桌子上反着的我的那本。

New as I was to the faculty, I could have本可以 told this specimen a number of things. I could have pointed out that he had enrolled, not in a drugstore-mechanics制药技工培训 school, but in a college and that at the end of his course毕业时 meant to reach for a scroll that read Bachelor of Science. It would not read: Qualified Pill-Grinding Technician. It would certify that he had specialized专修过 in pharmacy药剂学, but it would further进一步 certify that he had been exposed to some of the ideas mankind has generated产生 within its history人类发展史. That is to say换句话说, he had not entered a technical training school but a university and in universities students enroll for both training培训 and education.



I could have told him all this, but it was fairly obvious he wasn't going to be around在某地在附近 long enough forlong for渴望羡慕 it to matter要紧有关系,有重大影响.



Nevertheless, I was young and I had a high sense of duty and I tried to设法 put it this way用这种方式表达: "For the rest of your life," I said, "your days are going to average out to about twenty-four hours. They will be a little shorter when you are in love, and a little longer when you are out of love, but the average will tend to hold保持不变. For eight of these hours, more or less大约, you will be asleep."


但是,由于我当时很年轻而且责任感也很强,我尽量把我的意思这样表达出来:在你的余生中我说 平均每天24小时左右。谈恋爱时你会觉得他有点短。失恋时你会觉得他有点长。但平均每天24小时会保持不变。在其中的大约八个小时的时间里你会处于睡眠状态。

"Then for about eight hours of each working day you will, I hope, be usefully employed. Assume you have gone through pharmacy school毕业于 — or engineering, or law school, or whatever — during those eight hours you will be using your professional skills. You will see to处理照料 it that the cyanide stays out of避开躲开 the aspirin, that the bull doesn't jump the fence, or that your client doesn't go to the electric chair as a result of your incompetence. These are all useful pursuits工作. They involve skills every man must respect, and they can all bring you basic satisfactions. Along with everything else, they will probably be what puts food on your table, supports your wife, and rears your children. They will be your income, and may it always suffice祈使句:愿."



"But having finished the day's work, what do you do with使用对待处置 those other eight hours? Let's say you go home to your family. What sort of family are you raising养活家庭? Will the children ever be exposed to暴露于危险的,无遮蔽的 a reasonablyadv.+adj.相当的适度的) penetrating聪明的敏锐的 idea at home? Will you be presiding over a family that maintains some contact with the great democratic intellect? Will there be a book in the house? Will there be a painting a reasonably sensitive man can look at without shuddering? Will the kids ever get to hear Bach?"



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