Media that will cost millions of dollars in CIA spy | 广告发布区 ...
China Network Communications, according to the British "Daily Telegraph" reported on April 28th, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in the next five years, spending millions of dollars updating spy equipment, while upgrading the entire intelligence-gathering and processing system to enable analysts and spies work more closely. The CIA spent millions of dollars will be implemented in 5 years to complete. The Office also prepared to use a year to enrollment intelligence analysts and the ability to speak a foreign language proficiency of overseas agents. The battlefield in Afghanistan and Iraq, the U.S. military and non-military intelligence agencies face a serious shortage of bilingual agent problem. CIA Leon - Panetta said that the updated equipment and system upgrades, the CIA would be able to better cope with some unexpected national security threats such as terrorism, weapons of mass destruction and threats to computer networks. Since the success of a suicide bomber infiltrated the CIA camps in Afghanistan, plus another potential suicide bombers in the Christmas board a passenger plane flying to the United States, the CIA has been criticized in recent months. Leon - Panetta also said that a major reform of the CIA is intelligence gathering to arrange for more intelligence analysts, U.S. military operations in the region, both on the line with good results. But in the past, the history of the CIA, intelligence gathering and analysis personnel are separated each other, this situation will change in the future. CIA official said the intelligence gathering and analysis of personnel working in the same location, will allow a better exchange between them and process information. Panetta said the CIA received language training in the future will double the number of agents, while being trained analysts will increase in the number 3 times. In the spate of several major mistakes, the CIA has become a time to attack the U.S. media target. The U.S. "Washington Post" article entitled "The effectiveness and reform of intelligence agencies widely questioned" as the subject criticized U.S. intelligence agencies is the biggest problem is too large, there are 50 billion U.S. dollars annual budget, is not only a waste of money, but also from non- the desired functions. The newspaper also said bluntly, "for intelligence reform, Obama will face an urgent challenge." "Los Angeles Times" said that although the means of terrorists cunning, but the CIA's intelligence agents even if I have not encountered a similar situation should also be learned in the experience of dealing with similar issues, if these skills are lost to prevent careless words, it appears a little "too professional." Since the CIA before the terrorist attacks against the 911 poor, coupled with weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, the issue of full of mistakes, badly shaken the American public's confidence in the intelligence agencies, reform of intelligence agencies also become an important Congress and the White House question. Later, the White House to reach a consensus with the U.S. Congress, specifically the establishment of a new "National Intelligence Director" posts, and now there are Department of Defense, the State Department, the Department of Homeland Security, intelligence agencies and other departments of the unified budget and personnel management. For a long time, U.S. intelligence agencies nominally unified control by the CIA, but the fragmented among agencies, infighting, could not join forces. White House and some members of Congress called for expanding the CIA director's authority, the Secretary of National Intelligence by part-time job. However, some members of Congress advocating complete dissolution of the CIA and Defense Department intelligence agencies, a new intelligence structure.
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