油罐车侧翻大量汽油泄漏- yinaibeng18 - yinaibeng18 - 和讯博客
油罐车侧翻大量汽油泄漏 [转贴 2010-04-22 11:30:37]   

原文:Roll a lot of petrol tanker leak
Roll a lot of petrol tanker leak Jinqianzaixian hearing on April 20 morning, a tanker in the "List Henry - Enron" rollover occurred 15 kilometers highway, killing 93 on board loaded gasoline leak. Ceheng fire brigade rushed to the scene after the alarm processing, after more than four hours efforts to exclude dangerous. 7:20 the same day, a tanker rollover in roadside ditches, the roof pressure relief valve is continuously out of gasoline. It is understood that the car loaded with 20 tons of 93 # gasoline, when an explosion with unpredictable consequences. Immediately, fire officers and men of the tanker with water cannon spray cooling, 10:50, mobilized from the Xingyi empty oil tanker rushed to the scene down cans, fire officers and men under the protection of water cannon and fire extinguishers, 11:25 points, down can work smoothly.
原文来自: http://www.google.com.hk/news

Roll a lot of petrol tanker leak ; 是由 提供的阀门新闻,中文译文仅供参考(上海依耐泵阀有限公司还生产 及三片式法兰球阀,主安全阀,外螺纹球阀,双杠杆安全阀,高压内螺纹球阀,欢迎您的选购。)

油罐车侧翻大量汽油泄漏  金黔在线讯 4月20日清早,一辆油罐车在“册亨-安龙”公路15公里处发生侧翻,造成车上装载的93号汽油泄漏。册亨消防大队接警后赶到现场,经过4个多小时努力,将险情排除。   当天上午7时20分,一辆油罐车侧翻在公路边沟内,车顶泄压阀门处不断有汽油流出。据了解,车上装载着20吨93?汽油,一旦发生爆炸,后果不堪设想。   随即,消防官兵用水枪对油罐车喷淋进行冷却,10时50分,从兴义市调集的空油罐车赶到现场进行油品倒罐,在消防官兵水枪和灭火器的保护下,11时25分,倒罐工作顺利完成。

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