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2、起床后先喝一杯蜂蜜水,早餐不可忽视。可以只吃一根香蕉,因为它含8卡路里的热量即可填饱肚子,但是空腹吃香蕉不是很好,所以建议喝一杯奶外加一个鸡蛋。 中餐1碗米饭(1-2两左右)+蔬菜+少许的肉,以牛肉为佳哦。但以6-8分饱为宜。 晚餐吃xx餐,喝一盒脱脂的牛奶或是一个鸡蛋或是一个苹果或是黄瓜代替晚餐。



4、一周量一次体重,不要多量,如此才能看到真正的进步。 若你已节食很久,就应注意自己的健康状况,要确定自己吃下的食物都很均衡,维他命摄取量也足够,千万别病倒了。

5、每天要适当的做些运动以配合饮食,适度的运动会减低食欲,增加脂肪燃烧的速度。 运动呢可以选择快走、慢跑、跳绳等方式,也可以转呼拉圈哦!如果在家或是办公室没有条件跳绳的话,可以选择原地双脚跳,一般这样的运动时间在30分钟左右,但也要因人而异,一定要采取循序渐近的方式,不要太急于求成。记着,跑完后要做一下伸展运动,或是找一个及胸高的地方压压腿,方法呢就是脚尖使劲的往脸部靠,同时还要拍打小腿,这样做的目的是把小腿的肌肉拉伸,放松,不会成块状,而是条状,看起来会很瘦的哦!完了后再侧身,两手抱在头上,压一压腰。


Like how to lose weight the quickest and most effective

1, diet pills can not eat, no matter what kind of diet pills have side effects, but now businesses are avoiding the exaggeration of the weight loss diet pills, but never said that its side effects, diet pills in general are not good for heart and injured liver and kidneys, so I do not recommend Chijianfeiyao.

2, after getting up to drink a glass of honey water, breakfast should not be ignored. Can eat a banana, because it contains 8 calories can fill his stomach, but eating bananas fasting is not good, it is proposed that a cup of milk plus an egg. Lunch a bowl of rice (about 1-2 2) + vegetable + a little meat, with beef better Oh. However, advisable to eat 6-8 hours. Dinner meal to lose weight, drink skim milk or a box of egg or an apple or a cucumber instead of dinner.

More than three meals a day, forbidden to eat sweets, lunch and dinner, well in advance control the amount of food each meal, so as not to eat. To eat more fiber foods are less likely to be hungry, and easy to maintain three meals a day’s time, and quantity. Also, some do not eat fried, greasy, too sweet, salty foods, because these are the natural enemies to lose weight oh! Do not eat too much, can not sit for half an hour after a meal.

3, be sure to drink plenty of water, at least 6 large cups a day. Water can help you reduce hunger, flush the body of excess fat and maintain unimpeded metabolism.

4, an amount of weight a week, not to sketch maps, so to see real progress. If you have been dieting for a long time, it should pay attention to their health, to determine their own food are eating a balanced, vitamin intake is enough, do not ill.

5, do some exercise every day to meet the appropriate diet, moderate Games to reduce appetite and increase fat burning rate. It may choose to exercise brisk walking, jogging, rope skipping, etc., can also be transferred hula hoops Oh! If the conditions at home or office without skipping rope, then jump to the option in situ, the general movement of this time of 30 minutes, but to consider each case must be taken to orderly and gradual way, do not be too anxious. Remember, what to do stretching exercises after the finish, or to find a place where high pressure and thoracic leg pressing, way to do that is to toe by straining to face, but also beat the leg, that the purpose is to lower leg muscles stretching, relaxation, not in blocks, but the strip, will look very thin Oh! Finished and then sideways, hold hands in the head, the pressure on the waist.

6, to provide some weight loss I often eat vegetables: whole wheat bread, corn, rice (must be small meal 1-2 2), eggs, duck eggs, milk, milk (to skim), the apple, cucumber, bitter gourd, kelp, celery, black fungus, tomato, melon, tofu, hull, chives, seaweed head, fish, shrimp, chicken (to eat chicken breast meat), all of the vegetables.


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