美国铜版纸行业协会欢迎取消反倾销裁决« oursolo.net






U.S. coated paper industry associations welcomed the abolition of anti-dumping ruling

Printing Industry Association of America on the 21st that the United States International Trade Commission welcomes the lifting of China, South Korea and Indonesia, three coated paper companies to implement anti-dumping and countervailing sanctions against the ruling, the ruling in line with the United States related industries and the interests of consumers.

American printing industry associations and the United States Printing Technology Foundation CEO Kim迈克尔梅day express to the outside world, the association has always supported free and fair trade, the United States International Trade Commission of the above ruling would enable the association members have more many market choice, it is consistent with U.S. companies, employees and the interests of consumers.

He also said that for China, South Korea and Indonesia coated paper business of trade litigation “driving force” is not only from the U.S. paper industry, and to a large extent with the United States in international trade policies. Printing Industries Association of the United States appreciates the United States International Trade Commission to withstand political pressure, to make imports of coated paper mills in the United States did not cause damage at home with the facts of this ruling.

the United States International Trade Commission before making a final ruling that came from China, South Korea and Indonesia on the coated paper product is not relevant industries in the United States of “significant harm”, which abolished the Ministry of Commerce after the United States made the above Three coated paper companies to implement anti-dumping and countervailing sanctions decision. If sanctions are implemented, China for such products will be levied a maximum of 99.65 percent anti-dumping duties and countervailing duties of 44.25 percent.

Printing Industry Association of America also revealed that calls for China, South Korea and Indonesia to conduct litigation coated enterprises surveyed only one American company, the entire United States was not involved in the printing industry associations. (07-11-23)

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