庆祝世界泵业巨头苏尔寿泵将与泵阀英才网首次合作引进优秀泵人才阿里 ...





Position: Instrument & Controller Engineer


  1. Undertake responsibility for all design, processing and support activities for the assigned product range, including, where appropriate, pre-sales support;
  2. Issue of C&I related documentation, requisitions and piece lists to satisfy design, manufacture and customer requirements;
  3. Be responsible for the specification of factored equipment and sub-contract services such as control panels, application software commissioning and electrical, control and instrumentation materials etc.
  4. Control the certification of all drawings and technical data(including vendor drawings and data)issued to the customer;
  5. Give support to other department on engineering problems associated with the product range;
  6. Liaise with customer and Sub-suppliers as necessary.


  1. Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering;
  2. Relevant experience within related industry at least 3 years;
  3. Knowledge of controls and instrumentation products;
  4. Design and drawing skills;
  5. CAD and general computer skills;
  6. Should be familiar with related industry standard;
  7. Good communication ability and cooperation team work with others;
  8. Good English and fluent oral English preferred.






1. 本科(或以上),机械制造相关专业;

2. 3-5年以上相关泵产品设计工作经验;

3. 熟练使用AutoCAD、3D及Microsoft等办公软件;

4. 具有熟练的英语读写能力,并具有一定的英语听说能力;

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