I ask how to make a home halogen Soup « Industry info 工业信息

Category:catering food

ask how to make a home halogen soup? Heard outside the meat to buy halogen products placed inside the body of harmful materials, pigments …. so for health reasons I dare not buy. Spring Festival is approaching, I would like to own at home, braised pork, but I will not make brine soup (my kitchen skills special deviation) Ask the expert can give me a simple practice of high-quality halogen soup. First, thank you啦!

brine production: raw materials: 250 grams of rock sugar, star anise 10 grams, 5 grams of cinnamon, ginger, 100 grams, 100 grams of green onions, three Chennai 5 grams, 5 grams of licorice, pepper 10 grams, cumin 8 grams, 4 grams of cloves, grass and fruit 10 grams, 10 grams of dried pepper, wine 100 grams, 200 grams of salt, refined oil 250 grams, 50 grams of monosodium glutamate, soup 5000 grams, gauze bag 2.
Production Methods: (1) Ginger film break, spring onions knotted, using a gauze bag tightly enclosed pocket, all the spices in a gauze bag good, would be smashing rock sugar.
(2) wok set the fire, put refined oil, 100 grams of crystal sugar fry the dark red melt was doped into the sugar in boiling water 250 restrained color.
(3)-doped soup into the soup pot spice bag, bag spring onion, ginger, salt, MSG, cooking wine, sugar, color, rock sugar (to TANG Cheng-light red), the use of fire simmer until fragrant brine branding for the beginning of blanks.
scope of application: all kinds of animals, raw materials and parts Stewed bean replication.
brine used: (1) raw materials of animal origin must first boil for a short pan of water and then brine into the brine Stewed tasty until soft and cooked. Often enough brine flavor of the raw materials, can improve the quality of brine.
(2) a good fresh flavor of raw materials (pork, chicken, ducks, geese) should be with the odor of raw materials and cattle and sheep were re-used in order to ensure the quality of halogen products.
(3) regular checks of brine salinity, color, fragrance, and brine volume, and keep adding complement.
brine storage methods: brine should always filter, to impurity, to keep clean. When storing the need Shaofei to remove excess grease. Sheng into the porcelain barrel or basin, Cigang months (the next container to be a smooth pad), stored in a cool well-ventilated place. As a long time do not use, should always Shao Fei and then stored. Halogen
producers of ways: (1) a large volume of soft meat after washing them with a knife divided into different departments, beef and mutton is subject to salt, wine, ginger, pickled onion flavor (in the summer marinate 6 hours, winter is about 1 day ).
(2)氽水的时间应视原料质地而定,鲜香味较好,异味轻的原料,氽水已能除去腥味,捞出即可。 Stewed beef, mutton, pork intestines and other heavy odor of raw materials, water to boil for a short cooked before fishing into the halogen pot.
(3) raw materials into the brine pan, the marinade should be submerged materials, stir boiling to remove floating froth, small fire stew cook until cooked or DCB, depending on the material texture Laonen, flexibility steak.
only add Q & A:
(1) In addition to soup spice things others have sold in supermarkets. Soup is the chicken and boil the soup bones and so on.
(2) is a
(3) soup pot of water into the pot is burning.
(4) the need Shaofei cooled brine into the refrigerator and then.
(5) can be.


类别: 餐饮食品

请问如何制作家用卤汤 ?听说在外面买的肉卤制品里 放有有害身体的原料、色素….为了身体健康我不敢买。春节快到了我想在家自己卤肉,可我不会制作卤汤(我的厨房技艺特差)请教那位专家能给我提供一种简单优质的卤汤做法。先谢谢啦!


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