长期受电脑辐射的皮肤要怎么保养- 美容护肤_美容养颜- 百度美容网




电脑关机后,{dy}项任务就是洁肤,用温水加上液彻底清洗面庞,将静电吸附的尘垢通通洗掉,然后涂上温和的,久之可减少伤害,润肤养颜,这对上网的女性而言真可谓点滴功夫,收获多多。 如果条件允许,中午洗把脸,再涂上无油清爽型的乳液会很舒服。












Long-term radiation by the skin of your computer maintenance to how

Skin experts recommend the hospital frequent computer users, especially women, in the machine before the first coating some of the best protective equipment, such as Cream or the foundation, etc..

May wish to use computers emulsion painted skin care, coupled with a layer of pale and Cream, to increase the resistance of the skin. The Cream While isolated computer radiation have little effect, but it can isolate the air in the dust, the natural use of computers can reduce the dust wipe Cream skin damage.

Computer is turned off, the first task is to cleansing with warm water wash face thoroughly with cleansing liquid, the electrostatic adsorption of the dust washed off them altogether, and then coated with a mild skin care products, for a long time to reduce the harm, soothing beauty, This is true for women in the Internet can be described as bit effort, harvest lot. If possible, wash my face at noon, and then painted with oil-free refreshing type of emulsion will be very comfortable.

If you do not want to see the next day when the eyes were red and swollen, gaunt, a black eye, then not long continuous operation, in particular, do not stay up all night online. Usually prepare a bottle of eye drops to prepare for contingencies. After cleansing apply a skin, eye mask eye nutrition.

Computer radiation can not be avoided, can only be reduced

1. Should be possible to buy new computers, generally do not use old computers, old computers are generally more severe radiation, at the same distance, under conditions of similar models, usually 1-2 times the new computer.

2. Note that indoor ventilation. Research confirms that the computer screen to produce a brominated dibenzofuran called carcinogens. Therefore, the best place to install the computer room ventilation fans, if not, with particular attention to ventilation when the Internet.

3. Computers placement is very important. Do not let the screen as far as possible toward the back of someone’s place, because the back of the computer radiation is strongest, followed by left and right sides of the front screen instead of the weakest radiation.

4. Indoor metal objects should not be placed outsiders, so as to prevent re-emission of electromagnetic waves.

5. To operate a computer screen when the best computer security a special color filter panels to reduce the radiation hazards.

6. To use computers, pay attention to maintaining an appropriate distance from the screen. Away from the screen, the closer, the greater the electromagnetic radiation received by the human body, so good is half a meter away from the screen.

7. To use the computer, will face a lot of electromagnetic radiation absorption of particles, therefore, must be promptly wash with water, so that would reduce the radiation suffered 70%.

8. Can put a pot of cactus on the computer desk, it help to reduce radiation.

9. Pay attention to diet. For life is stressful and busy people who, against the computer radiation is the most simple way to drink in the morning 2 to 3 cups of green tea, eat an orange. Tea is rich in vitamin A former, it is absorbed by the body, it can be quickly converted into vitamin A. Not only synthetic vitamin A rhodopsin, but also light in the dark under the eyes to see things more clearly, therefore, green tea can not only eliminate the computer radiation hazards, but also to protect and enhance vision. If not used to drink green tea, chrysanthemum tea can also play against the computer radiation and regulate bodily function.


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