The distance between the wheel and the hard shoulders of the hard ...

temporary parking of vehicles at the roadside, the right wheel and the distance between the hard shoulder is not more than 30 centimeters. I would like to ask
refers to where the hard shoulder? is the location of my parking?

the hard shoulder is located in the outer edge of the carriageway to the edge of roadbed, the width of the strip has a certain structural elements, including the hard shoulder hard shoulder and soil. The main function of the hard shoulder
are: ① the carriageway to protect the stability of the main structure; ② to mechanical failure or emergency vehicles need to provide temporary parking location; ③ provide more than the lateral width, is conducive to safety, increased comfort; ④ for pedestrian, bicycle access; ⑤ to set up facilities to provide the location of the road; ⑥ operation as the work of conservation sites; ⑦ roads without damaging the structure of the premise, can also be used as the location of buried underground facilities; ⑧ excavation sections to improve the bend line-of-sight, promote traffic safety; ⑨ so that rainwater away from the carriageway to the location of emissions, to reduce the carriageway of rainwater infiltration and reduce road damage.2008-04-04


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