Smoke how to make it? What are the differences between normal ...


smoke how to make it? What are the differences between normal cigarettes?

“smoke” in the end exactly? Lifted the fog of smoke

to work in the media, Mr. Gao is with 10 years of age smoking, “addicted smokers,” smoke 2 pack of cigarettes a day. Quitting did not know how many times, tried not know how many ways, still can not get rid of cigarettes. Last year, Chinese New Year, friends gave him a box of “smoke” hopeful Mr. Gao began to quit smoking according to use can be recently met Mr. Gao, his hand holding a cigarette in again.

” ’smoke’ has long been no need. No matter! addiction that did not cut.”

reporter learned from the Internet, like Mr. Gao that the use of “smoke” after smoking cigarettes, and a minority of consumers. Some netizens message that the use of “smoke” after symptoms appear, disable, these symptoms disappear.

consumers to “smoke” question the effectiveness of smoking cessation did not affect the “smoke” sales skyrocket. Reporter from the “smoke” the manufacturer - Beijing Saybolt smoke Technology Development Co., Ltd. was informed that: In 2005, “smoke” in the Chinese market only six months of achieving Sales 1 billion, becoming the marketing industry’s biggest dark horse ; in 2006, “smoke” in sales revenue is expected to reach 1 billion yuan.

“smoke” in the end exactly? “Smoke” can really help with an effective stop smoking? Quitting smoking is really like “smoke” advertisement referred to is so easy? Journalists to investigate these issues in the process of increasingly feel that “smoke” dense fog. fog

one: to be tobacco-based smoking cessation products are not authorized

Saybolt smoke under the Beijing Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd. on the “smoke” Introduction, “smoke” full name should be “atomizing electronic cigarette smoke “, by Yan Gan, cigarette holder, atomized smoke bombs, batteries and other parts. In the high-frequency sound waves to vibrations inside the low concentration of nicotine (ie nicotine) solution into a droplet of critical atomization to simulate smoke as well as to simulate the normal flue gas temperature, through the inhalation of nicotine droplet completely simulated cigarette smoking the process and feel. As the smoke bombs do not contain tar and other harmful ingredients, and not combustion, to avoid the generation of a variety of harmful chemical substances, so that smokers under the premise of protecting the health of the full enjoyment of the pleasure of smoking and ultimately quit.

Saybolt (Group) Co., Ltd. introduced the Executive Director of Miao Nan, “smoke” is based on principles of smoking cessation recommended by the World Health Organization, “nicotine” alternative method. Varying degrees according to the needs of smokers to design high, medium, low, non-nicotine concentrations of four kinds of smoke bombs, by continuously reducing the amount of nicotine inhaled, so that ex-smokers unknowingly nicotine to the body’s physiological Demand plummeted to zero. Miao Nan that the “smoke” can help ex-smokers quit smoking without suffering, and this point is the past, cigarette substitutes or smoking cessation products can not be done.

” ‘nicotine’ substitution does not have problems, the World Health Organization approved a smoking cessation therapy, is currently a lot of smoking cessation drugs are based on this principle.” Beijing Anzhen Hospital, Dr. Yang Xiaohui introduce smoking cessation clinics. But she also said that the current World Health Organization recognized “nicotine” preparation supporting smoking cessation drug that only patches, chewing gum, sprays and sublingual tablets four kinds of forms, does not include the proposed tobacco-based products.

Chinese Center for Disease Control Tobacco Control Office of the Ministry of Health under the leadership of the national tobacco hazard control professional organizations, tobacco hazard control the national business technology center. TCO Yang Yan of “smoke” in this form to be smoke also expressed their own concerns: ” ’smoke’ to this type of product is not what we recommended to the public use of smoking cessation products, because it is easier in children Smoking imitation. “

Fog of 2: Product is not vested in category

Yang Xiaohui patients in the normal right to quit the drugs, there is a part of the nicotine preparations. “Such products in the country there has been for years, but are based on chewing gum, patches and other forms, they are either health food, health supplies, or drugs, the fact that they indeed take the ‘national food key word’ , ‘Wei Jian characters’ or ‘State medicine accurate’ the lot. “Yang Xiaohui presented to reporters received a” national medicine accurate “approval number for a certain brand of nicotine sublingual tablet instructions, this manual details characteristics of the drug, pharmacology and toxicology, pharmacokinetics, indications, adverse reactions, contraindications, pay attention to the matter as well as the approval number and other information.

reporters, however, in the “smoke” packaging and products, but did not find any instructions on the approval document number, production batch number, or their respective types of information, packaging, testing is only a health permit number, and two enterprise standards, and a patent number . Then the “smoke” in the end are the types of products?

reporter consulted the Beijing Drug Administration Market Supervision Department, the staff were very definitely told reporters: ” ’smoke’ did not apply for medicine, but also did not apply for medical equipment and health care products, that is, ’smoke’ yes does not belong to any one of these three. “

” ’smoke’ certainly is not tobacco products. because of tobacco products, in addition to nicotine, also contains a variety of other substances, in accordance with ’smoke’ propaganda point of view, it does not meet the state definition of tobacco products. “Yang Xiaohui said.

Beijing Products Quality Supervision and Inspection Institute for Hejian Tao said: “smoke” does not belong to food.

Since it is impossible to “smoke” to type classification, will not be able to determine what the department should be under supervision, will not be able to confirm its listing need to go through what process.

Saybolt Miao Nan also acknowledged, in the traditional product categories, the “smoke” does not know what kind of return, “What is, nothing is.” However, Miao Nan also believes that, although the state tobacco control smoking cessation products are not a complete standard, but does not mean that these products are not legitimate. Often occurs after the product standard. In the “smoke” before the appearance of anti-smoking product on the market do not scale, nor a complete management system, “smoke out”, and found that the improvement of the system also needed, it should begin to develop.

Mist 3: effects of experimental deficiencies

accordance with the “smoke” ads by “the four-step smoking cessation Law”, the user using the 4 months or so will be able to get rid of the nicotine dependence. When a reporter asked whether the effects for the smoke to quit smoking a scientific test, whether they can provide the relevant test reports, Miao Nan replied: ” ‘nicotine’ substitution effect is to ’smoke’ effect. We have done The test is mainly aimed at non-toxic, safe, sterile, and the contrast effects of experimental cigarettes have not yet done, is preparing in cooperation with hospitals experiments in this regard. “

this year, May 29, the Ministry of Health Maternal and Child Health and Community Zhang Bin, deputy director of Health said in public that the Ministry of Health has asked the “smoke” in the manufacturing facility to the health sector to do the safety testing and toxicological hygiene clinical trials. CDC Tobacco Control Office of China, Yang Yan then told reporters: “We are now in doubt is the ’smoke’ and how the evaluation of smoking cessation results in the end, and have done what detection experiment, how the testing.”

Expert Consumer Alert: Quitting smoking is a comprehensive behavioral modification, is a complex process. Ex-smokers it is necessary to overcome drug addiction, but also to overcome the psychological addiction, not only to rely on the help of drugs, but also more exercise, diet, smoking cessation’s persistence are also crucial, not simply eat one tablet, to the point of smoking cessation drugs can be successful.


类别: 烟酒


“如烟”到底为何物? 揭开如烟的迷雾























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