减压阀的选用- 中国减压阀网的日志- 网易博客


2010-04-13 11:04:33 阅读7 评论0 字号:

根据使用要求选定减压阀的类型和调压精度,再根据所需{zd0}输出流量选择其通径。决定阀的气源压力时,应使其大于{zg}输出压力0.1MPa。减压阀一般安装在分水滤气器之后,油雾器或定值器之前,并注意不要将其进、出口接反;阀不用时应把旋钮放松,以免膜片经常受压变形而影响其性能。 减压阀的安装和维护应注意以下事项: 1、为了操作和维护方便,该阀一般直立安装在水平管道上。 2、安装时应注意使管路中介质的流向与阀休上所示箭头的方向一致。 3、为了防止阀后压力超压,应在离阀出口不少于4M处安装一个减压阀。

“ Selection valve ”是由提供的国际阀门新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国减压阀网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

Selected according to application requirements and the pressure regulator valve of the type of precision, then the maximum output flow rate according to the required to choose their path. Determine valve pressure gas source should be greater than its maximum output pressure of 0.1MPa. Valve is usually installed in the watershed after the filter device, oil mist, or fixed value device before, and be careful not to import and export of anti-access; valve when not in use the knob to relax, often under pressure to avoid deformation of the impact of diaphragm performance. Pressure reducing valve installation and maintenance should note the following: 1, in order to facilitate the operation and maintenance of the valve installed in the level normally vertical pipe. 2, the installation should pay attention to the flow of the medium pipe and valve closing direction of the arrow shown on the same. 3, after the pressure valve to prevent overpressure, should be at least 4M away from the exit valve to install a pressure reducing valve.

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