欧盟贸易壁垒,然后建立节能灯的企业,我不轻易放弃« oursolo.net






据了解,对中国的能源欧盟节能灯泡生产的反倾销税,使中国的价格节能的灯泡欧洲市场上涨了2 / 3。事实上,近年来关于在欧盟范围内对中国的能源解除节能灯泡反倾销关税的声音。一方面,在全球能源,环保,总的趋势,欧盟重视在两年内欧洲国家多年来十分重视环境问题,早在今年3月,欧盟成员国领导人签署了一项环保协议,将逐步取代了节能荧光灯能耗高的老式白炽灯泡,以减少温室气体排放的灯泡。据欧盟委员会估计,欧盟所有家庭更换所有,如果节能灯,可以60%的家庭照明用电减少了白炽灯。这意味着欧盟的能源需求的节能灯将进一步扩大。另一方面,一些主要的国际节能灯企业将生产基地转移到中国,一个能源生产相当一部分储蓄欧盟从中国企业的灯泡,实际上是中国生产的,目前包括荷兰,包括飞利浦欧盟节能灯泡制造商已经在中国设立了工厂,大部分来自中国出口到欧洲的飞利浦产品。因此,对中国的能源欧盟节能灯泡延长一年的反倾销税的制裁措施还包括在中国的外国公司。飞利浦公司估计,从欧盟的能源生产节能灯泡,从中国的反倾销税,该公司每年损失达€20,000,000。所以,欧盟能源最节能灯泡生产商希望停征反倾销税。





国家发展和改革委员会最近宣布,它将在未来的5国1.5亿年,以促进节能灯,节能29000000000度。在一定程度上,以促进更多的节能灯企业走上了国内市场的扩张道路。国内照明行业,在佛山照明有限公司佛山电器照明的{lx1}企业之一,已为未来两年的计划,以10.000亿元收购4 T5荧光灯生产线和2万平方米厂房,因此,施工在T5荧光灯年产量从15,000,000至55,000,000。章机俺还表示,为在国内销售3-5年浙江阳光总销售额的百分之五十左右,逐步改善国内的节能灯产品的份额。

EU trade barriers and then to build energy-saving lamp enterprises, I do not give up easily

■ News Tip: the recent European Council decision on the production of energy-saving light bulbs from China re-imposed one-year anti-dumping duties. EU business and environmentalists have expressed strong dissatisfaction, saying the move has not only led to the EU market prices energy-saving light bulbs, damage the interests of consumers, and is clearly contrary to the EU’s environmental protection and energy saving goal, but also will damage the interests of EU companies. Re-building the face of EU trade barriers, our country more energy-saving lamp enterprises to continuously adjust the layout of the international market and increase the capability of independent innovation, hard skills to cope actively explore the international market, targeting the domestic market, gradually increase the domestic energy-saving lamps Products share.

this year, the EU in October whether to lift the energy-saving light bulbs from China anti-dumping duties guess, once a lot of heated discussions. On the 15th of this month, the EU Council decided on the production of energy-saving light bulbs from China re-imposed anti-dumping tax year news industry at home and abroad has aroused no small repercussions. Zhejiang Sunny Group Co., Ltd. China Zhang Jian, general manager of a few days ago in an interview with reporters said that as the sun Group has long been in overseas markets as well as the technical aspects of the layout to do a lot of adjustment and preparation work, the European Union of the decision of the company’s export business impact.

divergent views on the European Union intended to oppose the extension of unemployment levy anti-dumping duties

electrical lighting, according to Chinese statistics, China is the world’s largest producers of energy-saving lamps, the global market has 10 energy-saving light bulbs 8 are produced in China. China’s energy-saving lamp technology and quality testing have reached the international advanced level. The European Union since 2001 on the production of energy-saving light bulbs from China, up 66.1 percent levy anti-dumping duty for a period of 5 years. In this anti-dumping measures in July last year when due, the EU should be a small number of lighting equipment manufacturer’s requirements, but also from China’s energy-saving light bulbs to start a 15-month investigation to decide whether to levy anti-dumping duties.

recent European Council made on the production of energy-saving light bulbs from China re-imposed anti-dumping duty for one year after the decision, the EU business community and environmentalists have expressed strong dissatisfaction. In their view, would not only lead to the EU market prices energy-saving light bulbs, damage the interests of consumers, and is clearly contrary to the EU’s environmental protection and energy saving goals. In addition, because a considerable portion of production from China’s energy-saving light bulbs are actually from EU companies in China that the decision will harm EU companies.

It is understood that the European Union on China’s energy-saving light bulbs produced by the anti-dumping duties, has made China the price of energy-saving light bulbs in the European markets rose 2 / 3. In fact, in recent years within the EU regarding the lifting of China’s energy-saving light bulbs anti-dumping duties has been the voice. On the one hand, are in the global energy, environmental protection, the general trend, the EU attaches great importance on environmental issues, early in March this year, leaders of EU member states signed an environmental agreement, within two years of European countries will be gradually replaced with energy-saving fluorescent light bulbs high energy consumption old-fashioned incandescent bulbs to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. According to European Commission estimates, the European Union all households replaced all incandescent if the energy-saving lamps can be reduced by 60% of households in lighting electricity. This means that the EU’s demand for energy-saving lamps will be further expanded. On the other hand, with some major international energy-saving lamp enterprises shift their production bases to China, a considerable portion of production of energy-saving light bulbs from China by the EU enterprises are actually produced in China, and currently includes the Netherlands, including Philips EU energy-saving light bulb manufacturers have set up factories in China, most of Philips products from China’s exports to Europe. Therefore, the European Union on China’s energy-saving light bulbs one-year extension of anti-dumping duties, the sanctions also include those foreign companies in China. Philips estimates that production from the EU’s energy-saving light bulbs from China anti-dumping duties, the company’s annual losses amounting to € 20,000,000. So most of the EU energy-saving light bulbs manufacturers hope停征anti-dumping duties.

the EU on China’s energy-saving light bulbs through another year of anti-dumping duties imposed decision, the Italian manufacturer of lighting equipment塔杰蒂company to respond immediately, they have made it clear that the European Court of Justice will go to reverse this decisions, and to make claims. The company also said that since 2003 every year, many companies pay around five million U.S. dollars.

skills suffer domestic enterprises adjust the layout of chapter Stream Medium told reporters that the reason that the EU on China’s energy-saving lamps to extend anti-dumping duties on exports of Zhejiang, the impact of the sun is not great confidence in 6 years from the sun continuously adjust international market layout and increase the capability of independent innovation.

as China’s biggest energy-saving lamp production and export bases, Zhejiang Sunshine is the first national electric light industry to high-tech companies issued A shares in his capacity as a listed company, the company has annual production capacity of 180 million electronic energy-saving bulb production capacity, annual production quantity of various types of energy-saving light bulbs supported billions of dollars. Adjust the layout in the export market, since the EU energy-saving light bulbs for me since the anti-dumping, Zhejiang Sunshine exports are the EU’s 35 percent tax rate. In this regard, the sun from the beginning to actively adjust the structure of export markets and continuing to expand the market outside the EU. Product this year, the company exports 20 percent of the EU market circumstances, the rapid growth of American exports, the former 3-quarter of the United States, Brazil, Cuba and other countries of energy-saving light bulbs the same period last year exports increased by 20-25%. At the technical level, because of technical barriers to limit exports of the EU’s energy-saving lamps “threshold” constant elevation, products entering the EU must not only have CE, GS certification, but also comply with the RoHS environmental directive, forcing some small and medium-sized to give up the EU market . And the sun to rely on its strong technology and innovation strength, with the domestic electricity industry’s only state-level light source technology development center, aimed at high-end markets are the European Union. At present, exports of sunshine independent innovation patented product exports accounted for more than 85% of the total. In technical innovation, according to Zhang Jian revealed that the sun currently is organizing a research and development level of the world’s leading low-mercury, mercury-free fluorescent light-emitting technology. Fujian

are energy-saving lamp production and export of a large province in recent years, manufacturing enterprises in overcoming the EU anti-dumping has a negative impact on the adjustment of product structure, increase the strength of emerging markets has made positive progress, and promote the the province’s exports of energy-saving lamps continued to grow. Customs statistics show that in January-July, the cumulative exports in Fujian Province 280 million energy-saving lamps, worth 320 million U.S. dollars, the same period last year increased by 79.6% and 86.3%.

National Development and Reform Commission recently announced that it would in the next 5 years in the country 150 million to promote energy-saving lamps, energy-saving 29 billion degrees. To some extent, to promote more energy-saving lamp enterprises embark on the road to the expansion of the domestic market. Domestic lighting industry, one of leading enterprises in Foshan Lighting Co., Ltd. Foshan electrical lighting has been planned for the next two years, with 1 billion yuan purchase four T5 fluorescent lamp production line and the construction of 20,000 square meters plant, so that the annual production capacity of T5 fluorescent lamps from 15,000,000 to 55,000,000. Zhang Jian also said that the Zhejiang Sunshine for 3-5 years in domestic sales to total sales of around 50 percent, and gradually improve the domestic energy-saving lamps Products share. (07-10-23)

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