哪些坏习惯不利于护肤- 美容护肤_美容养颜- 百度美容网



要想皮肤远离皱纹、松弛和色斑,{zh0}的办法当然是防晒,并且防晒指数不能低于SPF30。而广谱防晒指的是防晒霜是否能同时对抗UVA和UVB射线,也就是我们能看到的SPF和PA指数。想要更加有效和持久的防晒保护,防晒霜的用量每次至少需要一枚 1元硬币大小。工作日下班途中如果太阳还没落山的话,也要补涂,哪怕你是坐公车回家。如果xx要在户外呆上更长时间,记得两个小时补涂一次。我们知道这很烦,但是没办法,和那些不做防晒保护的人比起来,你会笑到{zh1}。

2. 抽烟


3. 酗酒

好吧,刚教你不要抽烟,现在又要禁止你喝酒。我们并不是要剥夺你所有的生活乐趣,偶尔一杯酒还是okay的,但是切忌过量。每天最多一杯鸡尾酒是你皮肤能承受的极限。酒精穿梭在血液中会增加刺激因素,“那些刺激无时无刻不在加速你皮肤的松弛度,”来自佛罗里达的皮肤科医生Fredric Brandt告诉我们。





混合肌肤:选择泡沫洁面乳来清洁爱出油的T区;然后在干燥的 U区涂抹轻透保湿的产品。


5. 忽略了脖子和胸口

护肤只进行到下巴就停止?“脖子和胸口几乎一直都暴露在外,但是相对于脸部它们受到的保湿好防护却少得多,并且这些地方的皮肤更加脆弱。”洛杉矶的皮肤科医生Howard Fein解释说。解决方法很简单,下次涂抹精华液、面霜、防晒霜,还有去角质的时候,延伸到你的脖子和胸口吧。


美国国家癌症协会的一项研究表明:1980到2004年间,50%的黑素瘤病例都发生在15~39 的女性中间。我们需要吸取的教训就是:每个人每年都应该接受一次痣的透射检查。除此之外,每个月你都应该自我检查,那些不显眼的地方尤其应该注意,比如你的头皮,脚底,还有指甲下面。即使通过的透射检查,也不要低估直觉的暗示,“如果你感觉看东西出现重影,”皮肤科医生Eric Bernstein说,“要跟你的皮肤科医生及时沟通。”




如果你的下巴和脸颊容易冒的话,注意是不是因为你太爱煲电话粥的缘故。打电话的时候下巴和脸颊倚靠在电话上可能会导致,不管这个电话是不是干净,甚至是无菌的。“我脸倚靠在电话上会有摩擦、堵塞和高温,这些都可能会导致你痘痘爆发,”皮肤科医生Katie Rodan告诉我们。如果你煲电话粥的爱好一时很难改掉,那么尝试用耳机吧。

9. 过度去角质



“睡眠不足会导致压力和紧张,那会造成、湿疹和xxx等皮肤问题,”纽约的皮肤科医生Karyn Grossman说。“睡眠是你的身体修复日间损伤的{zh0}时间,打断这个进程会减缓细胞的重建。”所以,睡眠充足规律是保持皮肤良好状态的很关键因素。





13. 忽略眼周护理

眼周的皮肤非常纤弱,是身体其他部位皮肤厚度的 1/6,所以它是保养不当{zd0}的受害者。首先,坚决不要用手揉搓眼周肌肤。“每次你这样做,都要冒着破坏纤弱血管的风险,那会导致视力变暗、模糊,还有眼周肌肤变厚。”纽约皮肤科医生Francesca Fusco说。从20岁起,就要坚持使用抗老眼霜,如果你觉得含有维A的眼霜太过强烈,试试胜肽成分的眼霜。“增加弹性蛋白,能有效减少细纹,”Baumann说。


我们都知道,挤爆青春痘的感觉是在是太爽了!但是实际上挤压痘痘只能让xx更加深入到毛孔之中,导致炎症、感染和痘疤,而且还会让青春痘的生长周期加倍。用xxx的化学药膏也于事无补。“使用过量的xx青春痘的过氧化物会对青春痘周围的肌肤造成伤害,进而带来更多的刺激,”皮肤科医生Jeffrey Dover说。你要做的是,晚上在青春痘上涂抹的过氧化物产品含量不能超过2.5%;而白天则只在最严重的青春痘处使用。对于持续不断的xx,类维A比如 A酸能帮助预防毛孔堵塞,但是医生的警告就是那会让现有的脓包的泛红现象更加严重,所以不要在已经成熟的痘痘上大量使用。




小麦色皮肤很好,但是人工美黑,实际上,并不是很好。“为了保护自己免受持续阳光暴晒的伤害,肌肤会自己变厚并产品,细胞释放出xx色素,让皮肤变黑,”迈阿密的皮肤科医生Flor Mayoral说,“任何来自UVA和UVB的光线照射导致的xx色素改变,都会导致提前衰老,还会增加患皮肤癌的可能性。”而人工日光浴甚至更加糟糕,比起阳光中UVA和UVB结合的射线来说,日光浴床发射出高浓度的UVA光能渗入皮肤的更底层。


“每次我询问病人日常保养的程序,她们就带来满满一大袋的保养品,”纽约的皮肤科医生Patricia Wexler说,“她们挑选护肤品的时候从来不去检查那些产品的配方是否重复,甚至有些护肤成分根本不能共存。”有些时候,一些活性成分遇在一起会互相抵消功效;而另外一些时候它们叠加在一起甚至会刺激伤害皮肤。“护肤成分互相抵消的情况很多时候都发生在想要同时对付多种皮肤问题的时候,比如日晒后的皮肤和成人痘,两者成分要么太强烈,要不不能和谐共处,”Baumann说。你需要记住:维A,乙醇酸,维C,还有过氧化苯,这些成分尽量不要叠加使用,或者在{yt}的不同时段使用,能避开反作用的可能。

Which bad habits are not good for protects skin

1. The broad fair amount of confidence of neglection is anti-sunburning

Need to think that skin is far away from a wrinkle , to go slow with the fleck, the best way is anti-sunburning naturally , the anti-sunburning exponent can not be lower than SPF30 and. Composing the anti-sunburning finger’s broadly is if anti-sunburning frost can resist UVA and the UVB ray at the same time but , SPF being just that we can see that composes in reply a PA exponent. Want effective and enduring anti-sunburning protection, anti-sunburning frost dosages need one trunk 1 yuan of coin size at least every time. The help coming off duty also being going on passage if the sun returns a mountain back to sinking , scribbles a workday, even though you are to take a public vehicle to go home. If the weekend should be more longtime on staying outdoors, keep two in memory hour adds supplemental the Tu once. We know very much, this is tired of, but has no choice but , compare with those person who not making anti-sunburning protection you will be final laughing at arriving at.

2. Smoke

Require that other reason comes to advise you to give up smoking? If you always continue down,do not stopping hurting is the body , also includes skin! Comparing with the female who not smoking, the wrinkle and the fleck are easier to appear on female’s skin having a smoke. In fact, be based on authority organization investigation, female each the cigarette finding 10 , essential old 2.5-year-old that can it seems that the ratio does not smoke. Very dreadful!

3. Keep to the bottle

Teach you not smoking all right , just , will forbid you to drink wine again now. We are really not to need to deprive your possessions of joy of life , one once in a while cup of liquors are still an okay’s, but must guard against a bellyful. Every day the most a cup of cocktail is your limit that the skin energy bears. That alcohol shuttles back and forth in blood is able to increase the upset factor “, those upset every minutes are not in slack degree accelerating your skin” , comes from the Fla. dermatologist Fredric Brandt telling us.

4 selections mistakes protect the skin product

Not choosing according to self skin type to right product , be also a very common but very grave mistake, these must commit to memory firmly closely to scholar specifically for small being unlike skin quality underneath:

Oiliness skin: Choose as well as having the constitutive clean salicylic acid product soft and floury; Anti-sunburning frost needs to have no oily emulsion; Use the essnece containing sial compound to be able to help your fat secretion restraining a pore; Use a chemistry to get rid of keratose once a week (suppose that alcohol is sour).

Sensitive skin: Select and use clean milk face milk; Anti-sunburning frost requires that the nothing not containing spice stimulates a product; Resist old face cream chooses the product having added transparent quality acid and beef tallow resin being able to help skin moisture-preserving.

Blend skin: The cleaning choosing clean about milk of foam loves out oily T area; And then daub the gently fully moisture-preserving product to dry U area.

Dryness skin: The clean product soft and floury definitely does not contain soap base , may take away the fat film on skin otherwise , lets dry skin further worsen; Still have kelp the moisture-preserving sugared product can guard against skin tight. Containing thinking A’s resisting essential points old product usage the previous day (use in every day is able to accelerate drying) , constitutive resisting becomes old possibly with superb peptide face cream, beats drying of peptide comparatively no easy to aggravate skin comparing with thinking A.

5. Have ignored neck and the chest

Protect skin being in progress only to the lower jaw with regard to stoppage? “Neck and the chest are revealed nearly always all outside, moisture-preserving easy to protect that they accept relative to face is much but few but , these local skin is more fragile and”. The Los Angeles dermatologist Howard Fein explains doctrine. The solution is very simple , daub essnece , face cream , anti-sunburning frost next time, when still having exfoliator, extend to your neck and the chest bar.

6. Have ignored a nevus

One research of country cancer association indicates USA: 1980, to 2004, during the years, 50%’s melanoma case all happens among 15 ~ 39’s females. We require that the lesson absorbing will be: Everyone all ought to accept a nevus transmission examination every year. Besides, every is monthly you ought to oneself examination, those no conspicuous locals ought to pay attention to especially , suppose that your scalp , sole, still have nail underneath. The transmission examination passing even, needs to underestimate the intuitive hint neither “, dermatologist Eric Bernstein says if you feel that the double image appears on a thing looking at”, “, needs to communicate with your dermatologist in time”.

7. Brush with dirty putting on makeup

Brush if the aperiodical cleaning puts on makeup, the stage makeup and costume color may become blurred on you , the dirty colored stage makeup and costume is easy to block up a pore and on the brush , let you affect a bacterium and. Each three cycles, use neutral cleaning agent to wash away the head completely , the clean queen of irrigation dries in the shade. You can choose for instance , asking the greenish antibiosis to eliminate the utensil group or , they adopt a microorganism to come to kill a bacterium, but you do not need a cleaning not on behalf of they, time is only not bad (a rough month of extension cleaning is a bit once inferior).

8. Love does marathon talk over the phone

If your lower jaw composes in reply a smallpox of cheek easy to give off a smallpox , pay attention to because you love the reason why doing marathon talk over the phone very much whether be or not. That the lower jaw and cheek backing may possibly lead to an acne on telephone when calling, disregarding this telephone whether be or not is clean, is sterile even. “That my face is leant against on telephone is able to have friction , the block to draw high temperature, these all may possibly lead to your smallpox smallpox outburst” dermatologist Katie Rodan tell us. Hobby period of time is very difficult to give up if you do marathon talk over the phone , attempts to use the earphone bar then.

9. Excessive exfoliator

Hard deep clean pore beginning meeting feeling is well especially “, excessive cleaning or exfoliator is able to damage the natural fat film on our skin in fact , revealing resistance directing on a bacterium in external skin is able to come down ” , Fein says. Have one to be along beautiful way satisfactory to both parties , use exfoliator product , mild containing glycol do not stimulate , presumedly once on Wednesday inferior.

10. Like to stay up late

“Not getting enough sleep is able to lead to pressure and tension , that is able to bring about skin problem such as acne , eczema and psoriasis” , the New York dermatologist Karyn Grossman says. “Sleep is your best time that body renovation loses in the daytime , breaks this course reconstruction that can slow down a cell”. Therefore plentiful of sleep law is to keep fine state of skin’s, very the key factor.

11. Do not wash face before sleeping

Let skin go to bed with thick stage makeup and costume very dreadful, daytime skin secretion fat and the external world dust contaminate more indescribably, … All dorty things are able to block up a pore , propagate an acne. “Your wakeful body temperature meeting ratio moment leaves out height when going to bed , needs to ensure that the god of the earth lets the most effective component stay on face , therefore skin is able to speed up absorbing the external world component disregarding what ” , Rodan you have to say in the face when thinking that you go to bed “therefore”.

12 eats rubbish food

The average man feels food and drink can not control a complexion. But sorry, really not so. USA had published one such item research on the journal that the dermatological department learns with regard to Zeng: Use high proteide food to replace average food, outburst smallpox smallpox probability is changed into people small. Why? The “high sugared food meeting but the blood sugar giving you rises, secretion triggering an insulin. That the insulin will be upset leads to fat secretion hormone , is just an androgen, make you easier to increase an acne” dermatologist Baumann says. Do not eat rubbish food, you can see the acne improvement obviously in the 6 months accepting. Can peanut butter , nut and avocado be used for food and the like food , healthy fat energy nutrition providing hair , skin and nail with basis assimilation of the new and excretion of the old need.

13. Ignore the eye cycle nursing

Eye cycle skin is very slim and weak , is the body other location skin thickness 1/6, therefore it is to take good care of the maximal improper sufferer. First, do not want to rub eye cycle skin with hand determinedly. “Every time you do like this , all want the risk against destroying the blood vessel slim and weak, that is able to lead to sight unexpected turn of events dark , blurred, still have eye cycle skin unexpected turn of events thickly “. New York dermatologist Francesca Fusco says. Starting from 20-year-old, will persist in being put into use fighting an old people eye cream, tries superb constitutive peptide eye cream if you feel the eye cream containing thinking A is very too intense. “Increase flexible egg white , can have an effect to cut down thin lines ” , Baumann doctrine.

14. Squeeze an acne

We all know , push against exploding the acne feeling is in being very refreshing! Lead to the inflammation , infection and smallpox scar , return a doubling gemination back to growth period that can dodge an acne and but in squeezing the smallpox smallpox in fact being able to only let a bacterium further arrive at a pore in depth. Use the most effective chemistry ointment to do not help matters also. “And then hyperoxide skin that can direct on the acne vicinity being put into use excessively curing an acne brings about hurt, bring about more stimulations” dermatologist Jeffrey Dover says. You want being composing , the hyperoxide product contents scribbling on the acne in the evening can not exceed 2.5%; But, daytime is that the god of the earth gets along in the gravest acne be put into use. To sustained ceaseless acne, kind thinking A supposes that A acid can help to prevent a pore from blocking up , doctor’s warning is that general red that can be left all to now available pus phenomenon is graver but , no essential points Da Liang Shi Yong? therefore on already mature smallpox smallpox.

15. Do not move

Except the mood being able to promote you, motion can give your face the rate of flow increasing blood , let you it seems that complexion is rosy healthy. Do not care be once in a while move still continue for insist that, have the data display to move energy laxation pressure, pressure has removed skin state certainly being going to be much better. “The horizontal meeting of Cortisol rises when thinking that your pressure is too big ,this skin problem ” , Rodan say “Cortisol cutting you down is horizontal , your skin is only capable to do becoming glossy other with leading to the acne sum completely transparent “. (Naturally, you ought to immediately wash face clean behind motion)

16. Artificial US is black

Very good, but artificial wheat color skin beauty black , is really not very good in fact. “For hurting protecting self from being been under the blazing sun for quite a long time by sustained sunlight, self is changed into the skin meeting thickly joining the product melanin , the cell releases out natural pigment , lets skin blacken” the Miami dermatologist Flor Mayoral says “, the natural pigment that the irradiation leads to changes , the city leads to any light coming from UVA and UVB to grow old ahead of time, return back to possibility that can increase the trouble chorionic carcinoma”. The artificial sunbath is even too worse but , the ray being hit by UVA and UVB union comparing with sunlight comes say sunbath bed launches out the high concentration UVA optical energy seeping into skin’s more bottom.

17. Abuse skin-care article

“I ask about patient current maintenance procedure every time , they taste with regard to the maintenance bringing about once big chockful bags”, the New York dermatologist Patricia Wexler says “, if the formula never going to examine those products repeats when they choose a skin-care article , some protect the constitutive unable at all skin coexistence even”. That the component be caught in some moment , some activity may cancel out each other together effect; But another some moment their overlying will be upset together even hurting skin. “Condition much moment protecting the skin component canceling out each other all happens for instance , skin of the sunbaked queen composes in reply an adult smallpox when wanting to deal with the various skin problem at the same time, both are constitutive or very intense, if not so ,unable harmony coexists ” , Baumann says. You need to remember: Preserve A , alcohol acid , preserve C , still have the peroxidation benzene, these components try one’s best to not overlay usage, in or no simultaneous a day Duan is put into use, can avoid the possibility counteracting.


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