  1. 由于我们将要参加下个月14日到18日在新加坡举行的会议,如果你们能介绍一些有关该会议的详细情况,我们将十分感激。

As we will attend the meeting to be held from 14th to 18th next month, we will be highly appreciated if you could supply us the details about the meeting.

  1. 我现在寄去来函所说的文件,一式两份。收到后,请你务必核对一下内容,并把结果尽快用电子邮件通知我,我的电子邮件地址是。

I am sending the document mentioned in your letter, two copies of the same form. Please be sure to check the contents after receiving and reply the results to me by e-mail at .

  1. 吃得太多,并不会使人更健康;相反,吃得太多,尤其是吃含脂肪多的食物,会对人体的健康有害。因此,节食是可取的。

Eating too much, will not make people healthier; on the contrary, too much food, especially fatty food, will do harm to the health. So, it is wisable to control the quantity of eating.

  1. 像麦当劳、肯德基这样的快餐厅,目前在中国像雨后春笋般发展起来;中国的传统快餐,像包子、饺子,能不能改进一下,与外国的产品竞争?

Such fast food restaurants as McDonald's and KFC, is mushrooming in China at present. And, could our tranditional fast food like baozi and jiaozi compete with the foreign products after improvement?

  1. 像许多西方人那样经常不吃早餐,并不是聪明的做法。我们中国人说:早餐要饱,午餐要好,晚餐要少,这从科学上来说无疑是正确的。

It is unwise that not to eat breakfast like many Westerners. We Chinese say: full in breakfast, nice in lunch and less in dinner. It is correct in terms of the science.

  1. 许多人喜欢去玩卡拉OK,因为觉得卡拉OK令人兴奋;但也有人根本不想去,因为觉得卡拉OK太吵。

Many people like to go to kalaoke as they think it is exciting, however, some people will not go at all for the thought of the noisy in it.

  1. 手提电话机使人们打电话很方便,但是大部分手机的质量却有待进一步提高,因为今天的手机有许多地方还远不是尽善尽美的。

Mobile phones bring convinient to people. However, most of them need to be improved in quality because today's mobile phones have so many parts unperfectly.

  1. 今天电视在中国已经非常普遍,除了一些偏僻的地方,不论在城市或乡村,几乎每家都有一台电视机供其使用。

Today, the television is very popular in China. Except some far away places, almost every family has one TV set both in the urban and in the rural areas.

  1. 汽车业正在进入中国人的家庭,虽然一个普通的买车人可能买不起德国队奔驰车,但他xx有能力买一部日本的本田车,或者是上海产的桑塔纳。

Cars are entering Chinese families. Although a common buyer can not afford a German Benz, but he is surely able to purchase a Janpanese Honda or a Shanghai-made Sontana. 

  1. 在一个现代化的城市里,要避免交通阻塞绝非易事。也许一个良好的地铁系统,是减轻交通阻塞的{wy}有效方法,可是建设成本十分高。

In a modern city, it is not easy to avoid the traffic jams. Maybe a good underground system is the only way to down the condition.

  1. 就快速运输来说,空运明显比铁路运输或水运具有优势;但就旅行来说,有人宁可坐火车或汽车,以便把当地的一些景色看得更清楚。

For fast transportation, an air is abviously better than a train or a ship; however, for voyage, some people would prefer the railway and highway along which can enjoy the scenic beauty on the way.

  1. 现在许多中国人在买自己的房子,在过去的几年里,房地产的价格曾经一翻再翻,但人们仍然是排队等候机会来买。

Now, many Chinese purchase their own house. In the past several years, the price of the estates has been doubled and redoubled, but still, people wait in queues for chance to buy.

  1. 在一个中国式的家里,厨房不过是一个煮东西的地方;但在许多西方式的家里,厨房不但是煮饭和吃饭的地方,还是一个家人或朋友们聚会的地方。

In the Chinese style family, the kitchen is no more than a place for cooking; however, in many Westerners' families, it is not only the place for cooking and eating, but for the party among the family or friends.

  1. 我们需要一本有关房屋装修的专门杂志,所以决定提出三个正面理由订阅《你的家》;该杂志每月一期,每期100页。

We need a specialized magazine about housing decoration, so we have decided to subscribe the monthly 100-page magazine "Your Family" based on 3 positive reasons.

  1. 在一些西方国家,一边吃早餐一边谈生意,是不稀奇的;在中国,虽然经常有商业宴会,但人们却很少在餐桌上谈生意。

In some Western countries, it is common to talk the business at breakfast; however, in China, although there are often some business parties, people do not discuss it at table.

  1. 每年,都有大批的外国旅游者来中国观光,中国有许多xx的旅游点,比如长城就是一个有重大历史意义的建筑物,桂林就是一个个以不平凡的风景而闻名的地方。

Every year, there are a great number of foreign visitors come to China. China has a lot of famous landmarks such as the Great Wall which is a structure played a great role in history, and Guilin, known as the uncommon place for its scenic beauty.

  1. 中国有着许多具有西方特色的五星级宾馆,但是有些外国旅游者宁可要中国式的宾馆,说他们不远千里而来,不是为了要体验他们自己国内每天都常见的东西。

China has lots of Western style 5-star hotels, but some foreign visitors would prefer a Chinese style one. They said that they do not come to experience their daily life in their own country after the thousands of miles travel.

  1. 现在一个西方人来到中国访问,不一定会因为文化上的差异而感到震惊,但他必定会对中国经济建设速度之快感到惊奇。

Now, a Westerner will not be shocked by the cultural difference in China, but he is surely surprise in the fast speed of China's economic construction.

  1. 离婚过去在中国很少见,但现在变得越来越普遍;可是,同发达国家相比,实际的离婚率还是相当低的。

Divorce is rare in China in the past, while now it is more common. But in fact, the divorce rate in China is quite low compared with developed countries.

  1. 许多科学家认为艾滋病实质上是一个社会问题,因为它是和诸如卖淫、xx这样的社会恶习密切关联的。

Some scientists think AIDS is in essence a social problem because it relates the social evils such as prostitution and drug taking.

  1. 只要我们采取适当的措施,唤起大家的注意和努力,我们就肯定能够防止艾滋病在中国蔓延。

As long as we adopt proper measures and are awake of people's attention and efforts, we can surely prevent the spreading of AIDS in China.

  1. 像春节在中国一样,圣诞节在西方国家是被人们广泛地庆祝,人们互相寄卡片和送礼物,尤其是小孩子特别高兴,他们希望圣诞老人会给他们送来许多礼物。

Like the Spring Festival in China, Christmas Day in Western countries will be celebrated by people widely. People send cards and gifts to each other. Children, especially, are exciting for the hope of lots of presents to them from Santa Claus.

  1. 中国的经济继续沿着快速的轨道发展,许多中国人正在改变自己的生活方式,而在这样做的同时,他们总是准备好迎接任何新的挑战。

China's economy is developing fast and many Chinese is changing their life style. At the same time, they are always ready for any new challenges.

  1. 本园建于清末,占地五亩,毁于二十世纪五十年代。1995年重建,历时六载,扩至一百多亩。

This 5-mu garden completed in the end of Qing dynasty and destroyed in the 1950s. After 6-year renovation started in 1995, it has expanded to over 100 mu.

  1. 本温泉胜地包括有三座豪华宾馆,出在岭南特别景色之中,其温泉属于“氯化钠”泉,含有丰富的矿物质,浸浴可以调理身体机能,xx多种疾病。

This spring place is including 3 luxury hotels in the special scenic of Lingnan. This spring belongs to "NaCl" spring and has abundant mineral water which can treat many diseases.

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