浴霸无放射性,孕妇可以做? « City life wiki 城市百科



浴霸有中国特色的(外没有这样的产品),市场准入,产品已超过10年,并已对国家豆腐皮,没有行业标准的产品介绍。腐竹生产由于进入壁垒低,技术含量不高,利润,市场空间广阔,吸引了很多投机者,浴霸市场变得Nishajuxia,混乱,充满了假冒伪劣。只有2004年的统计,有浴霸376,不包括原始设备制造商的产品和加工厂,小作坊大量国内厂商上半年。浙江是小厂,即使一些所谓的“xx”只不过是浙江的OEM,往往不敢原产地。尤巴制造商多的市场份额的目的主要是多品牌战略,加上未登记的品牌和假冒产品在市场上几乎浴霸品牌。尤巴在大约100万美元从市场开始的价格降到了一两百元。但值得注意的是,许多“xx”是假的!例如,浙江飞利浦浴霸,实际上是在香港注册的小型工厂,飞利浦香港公司的生产技术。作品尤巴香港,深圳和其他生产场所(与6,7地方的生产过程中,是{wy}真正的杭州)。 1浴霸灯15-20元,风扇25-30元,10元,面板材料成本,加上工人的工资成本可能超过150万元以下,市场混乱,无序的基本国策。在市场买入200 - 300元。一些伪劣产品实际上只是灯泡,电风扇放在一起的小组只是看起来华丽。
的家庭浴室取暖器在欧洲市场必须通过严格的欧洲CE认证,并符合欧盟安全标准的中文60335-1认证。超静音设计,电路保护,过热保护,二级保护防触电保护,IP 24飞溅水的保护,防冻保护,和防锈处理。它的安全级别中{zg}的类似电热产品,因此为了确保浴室使用。内部为不锈钢加热管加热元件,加热的合金丝元素与空气xx隔绝,并有效地防止氧化的失败,以确保使用寿命长。欧洲纪录,实际使用超过20年的寿命。由于采用空气对流的原则,没有球迷,所以我不产生噪音,尘埃,污染,甚至乏味。对流加热器直接加热空气,没有中间媒介,是达到100%热效率高,一般家庭卫生间可以选择500瓦?750瓦。即使你的卫生间20㎡之间,有合适的模式可供选择,并具有温度控制功能,可以设置自动控温加热器打开和关闭,例如您设定的温度25度(30度)时,浴室当温度达到25度自动关闭。由于加热机是间歇性的工作,当然,机器的耗电量乘以0。? ? ?字母a!低的成本,你可以让你的浴室保持舒适的温度。当然,你也可以一个星期不干燥衣服挂在浴室之间的干燥自己!热从在对自然对流,快速,统一的增加,镀液温度平衡顶部底部浴室空气,人体感觉舒适。您不再需要因为马桶盖寒冷,改变你的“学习”的习惯了!觉得你是在温暖和舒适的浴室读,读报纸,享受冲浪寒冷和潮湿的冬天赤身裸体!享受浴吧!因此,合格产品的选择


Yuba radioactive No, pregnant women can do?

Yuba radioactive No, pregnant women can do?

Yuba is a new household appliances, and many people are concerned about the process of using it in the end there will be any electromagnetic radiation, will not harm human health? It is reported that in people’s daily lives, almost all of the electrical appliances have radiation, such as home television sets, fluorescent lights and other common household appliances. Determine whether it is hazardous to humans, the key depends on the level of radiation frequencies. Understand a little medical knowledge know that electromagnetic waves are not “invisible killer”, rational use of, but also on human health to produce good effect. Many hospitals have a “physical therapy room”, which is specifically the use of electromagnetic waves to aid human medical treatment; many families also have some “therapeutic device” to medical treatment or health, it also shows that electromagnetic radiation does not necessarily harmful. Experts say, Yuba radiation frequency is only about one sixtieth phone, so you can say, Yuba is a no electromagnetic radiation household appliances, fully ease of use.

cold in our wet area south of the Yangtze River basin has always been the unresolved issue of bathroom heating (heating with heating in northern bathroom, very comfortable). The home on the market in Chongqing commonly used bathroom heater - Yuba, due to low thermal efficiency, short service life, security is poor, is extremely low and inefficient heating equipment.
works Yuba foam by heating the thermal radiation to increase the temperature of the bathroom. But only to the radiation to the local area heating, without giving the whole a warm bath, bath temperature equilibrium. Upper Yuba warm heating method under the cold does not conform to the human feelings of cold feet warm comfort of the first request is very easy to make children and the frail elderly and those who lead to respiratory infections. It is also used by Yuba why everyone does not feel warm, uncomfortable reason. In order to achieve a good heating effect, and some consumers to choose from more than bubbles and the heating function of both the wind warm Yuba, buy later was found in the course of its large power at home to increase the electricity scold scold. Hundreds of one official told this writer, and some consumers to purchase soon after went to the store to demand a replacement, saying it was too big power consumption. Yuba heating a bubble of power 275W, 4 Zhi namely, 1100W, power-and result in strong light pollution. Long-term use may also burns the skin, causing skin diseases (so Yuba require high-mounted, but affect the heating effects). Yuba security is also very poor, when there are Yuba blast injury accidents. Yuba long-term use in wet environments, can also cause damage to electric components, short circuit and leakage. Yuba
unequal quality. AQSIQ released the survey data, indoor heaters products (including Yuba) and random checks for nearly forty percent product failure. Shanxi, Sichuan and other provinces sampling results showed that, Yuba pass rate of only 5 percent or so. As a
Yuba products with Chinese characteristics (outside no such product), access to markets has been more than ten years and has state of the Yuba there is no industry standard products are introduced. Yuba production due to low barriers to entry, technical content is not high, and profits, the market space for a wide attracted a lot of speculators, Yuba markets have become Nishajuxia, chaotic, full of fake and shoddy. Only the first half of 2004 statistics, the domestic manufacturers have Yuba 376, not including a large number of OEM products and small workshops processing plants. Zhejiang mostly small factories, even if some so-called “name brand” is nothing but OEM Zhejiang, often afraid to place of origin. Yuba manufacturers for multi-purposes of the market share are mostly multi-brand strategy, coupled with an unregistered brands and counterfeit products on the market nearly Yuba brand. Yuba price at the beginning of some one thousand dollars from the market dropped to one or two hundred. But to note is that many “brand names” are fake! For example, Zhejiang philips Yuba is actually a small factory in Hong Kong registered a Philips Hong Kong technology company production. Op Yuba Hong Kong, Shenzhen and other places of production (with 6,7 places of production, of course, is the only authentic Hangzhou). 1 bathroom heater lamp 15-20 yuan, fans 25-30 yuan, 10 yuan panel material cost, plus cost of wages of workers is probably less than 150 yuan, the market was chaotic, in a fundamental state of disorder. On the market bid 200 - 300 Yuan. Some inferior products are actually just light bulbs, fans put together a panel just looks gorgeous.
the European market for household bathroom heater must pass stringent European CE certification and comply with EU safety standards EN 60335-1 certification. Ultra-quiet design, circuit protection, overtemperature protection, Class II protection against electric shock protection, IP 24 splash water protection, Frost protection, and anti-rust treatment. Its security level is similar among the highest electric heating products, so in order to ensure the bathroom to use. Internal heating element for the stainless steel heating pipe, heating elements in the alloy wire and the air completely isolated and effectively to prevent oxidation of failure, to ensure long service life. The actual use of the European record for more than a twenty-year life span. Because the principle of using air convection, no fans, so I do not produce noise, dust, pollution, even dull. Convection heater direct heating of air, without intermediate medium, the thermal efficiency up to {bfb}, the average family bathroom can be selected 500W ~ 750W. Even if your bathroom 20 ㎡ between, there are suitable models to choose from; and has a temperature control function, can set the automatic temperature control heaters open and close, for example you set the temperature 25 degrees (up to 30 degrees) When the bathroom when the temperature reaches 25 degrees automatically shut down. As the heating machine is intermittent work, so of course, the machine power consumption multiplied by 0.? ? ? A! Low-cost, you can make your bathroom to keep a comfortable temperature. Of course you can also not a week to dry clothes hanging in the bathroom between the drying myself! Hot air from the bathroom at the bottom to the top of the natural convection, rapid, uniform increase, bath temperature equilibrium, the body feel comfortable. You no longer need to cold because of the toilet lid and change your “learning” habit! Feel you are naked in the cold and wet winter with warm and comfortable in the bathroom reading, reading the newspaper and enjoy surfing! Enjoy your bath bar! Therefore, selection of qualified products

so many good things Yeah, seems that I should also bought.05-11-01

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