组合机床液压系统网络课程设计- queshao1 - queshao1 - 和讯博客
组合机床液压系统网络课程设计 [原创 2010-04-24 13:25:53]   

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2.4万字   42字



Nowadays the construction of the Distance Education System has been the hotspot in instruction reform field. Using the computer network to carry through the remote education (web instruction) is the sign of the modernization of the remote education; Web instruction is the new way to realize the stuff education、the for life education and the crew education, and it is a trend of the today’s innovation of education; It should much more release the idea, quicken the network construction and pay attention to the exploitation and the using of the web instruction resource in order to realize the web instruction as soon as possible. This article briefly expounds the methods and processes of realizing the course design of hydraulic pressure system of combined machine tool by net teaching. The common course design of hydraulic pressure system of combined machine tool is usually done in the university under the guidance of the teacher, but this software makes the user design online by the net, feedback the design result to the teacher with E-mail, and communicate with the teacher, so that it can get rid of the traditional teaching mode at the form.

KEYWORDS:web instruction, hydraulic pressure system,combined machine tool,course design,loop

目  录
{dy}章    绪论
  §1.1  课题的来源、目的和意义……………………………………………..1
§1.2  远程教育概述…………………………………………………………. 1
   §1.2.1  远程教育简介…………………………………………………….1
   §1.2.2  远程教育的实施过程…………………………………………….2
   §1.2.3  远程教育的优势………………………………………………….3
   §1.2.4  远程教育的发展趋势…………………………………………….4
§1.3  课题研究主要内容….………………………………………………….5
第二章    方案论证……………………………………………………………….6
  §2.1  开发工具的选择………………………………………………………..6
§2.1.1  Dreamweaver简介………………………………………………..6
§2.1.2  Java script简介…………………………………………………...7
§2.1.3  ASP简介………………………………………………………….8
§2.1.4  VBscript简介…………………………………………………….9
  §2.2  设计方案………………………………………………………………11
第三章    软件的开发与实现…………………………………………………...12
  §3.1  课件开发的原则………………………………………………………12
  §3.2  课程设计基本步骤……………………………………………………13
  §3.3  静态网页的设计………………………………………………………19
§3.4  动态网页的设计………………………………………………………30
§3.41  计算功能的实现…………………………………………………..31
§3.42  计算结果保存功能的实现………………………………………..32
§3.43  表格提交功能的实现……………………………………………..34
第四章    总结报告……………………………………………………………...36


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