
D502阀门堆焊焊条符合GB EDCr-A1-03说明: D502是钛钙型药皮的1Cr13型阀门堆焊焊条,可交直流两用,焊接工艺良好。堆焊金属为1Cr13半铁素体高铬钢。堆焊层具有空淬特性,一般不须进行热处理,硬度均匀,亦可在750-800℃退火软化,当加热至900-1000℃空冷或油淬后,可重新硬化。用途:这是一种通用性的表面堆焊用焊条,用于堆焊工作温度在450℃以下的碳钢或合金钢的轴及阀门等。 D507阀门堆焊焊条符合GB EDCr-A1-15说明: D507是低氢钠型药皮的1Cr13阀门堆焊焊条,采用直流反接。堆焊金属为1Cr13半铁素体高铬钢。堆焊层具有空淬特性,一般不须进行热处理,硬度均匀,亦可在750-800℃退火软化,当加热至900-1000℃空冷或油淬后,可重新硬化。用途:这是一种通用性的表面堆焊用焊条,用于堆焊工作温度在450℃以下的碳钢或合金钢的轴及阀门等。  D507Mo阀门堆焊焊条符合GB EDCr-A2-15说明: D507Mo是低氢钠型药皮的1Cr13阀门型堆焊焊条。堆焊金属为1Cr13半铁素体高铬钢。堆焊层具有空淬特性,堆焊金属具有较高的中温硬度,良好的热稳定性,抗冲蚀性。如与D577焊条配合使用能获得很好的抗擦伤性能。堆焊工艺简单,焊前不预热,焊后不用热处理,采用直流反接。用途:用来堆焊工作温度在510℃以下的中温高压截止阀密封面。闸阀密封面应将本焊条与D577焊条配合使用(阀座与阀瓣分别用以上两种焊条)。D507MoNb阀门堆焊焊条符合GB EDCr-A1-15说明: D507MoNb是低氢钠型药皮的1Cr13型阀门堆焊焊条,采用直流反接,由于药皮中加入了适量的Mo、Nb等强化稳定元素,故堆焊金属具有较好的抗氧化性和抗裂纹性能。用途:用于工作温度在450℃以下的中、低压阀门密封面的堆焊。  D512阀门堆焊焊条符合GB EDCr-B-03说明: D512是钛钙型药皮的2Cr13型阀门堆焊焊条,交直流两用,焊接工艺良好。堆焊金属为2Cr13马氏体高铬钢。堆焊层具有空淬特性,一般不需进行热处理,硬度均匀,可在750-800℃退火软化,当加热至950-1000℃空冷或油淬可重新硬化。用途: D512是一种通用性的表面堆焊用焊条,堆焊层比D502更硬、更耐磨,较难加工,用于堆焊碳钢或低合金钢轴、过热蒸汽用阀件、搅拌机桨、螺旋输送机叶片等。  D516MA阀门堆焊焊条符合GB EDCrMn-A-16说明: D516MA是低氢钾型药皮的高铬锰钢堆焊焊条,堆焊层金属具有良好的耐磨、耐热、耐蚀以及抗热裂性能,焊接工艺简单,焊前不预热,焊后不用热处理,堆焊层可进行切削加工。用途:用于堆焊工作温度在450℃以下的受水、蒸汽、石油介质作用下的部件,如25号铸钢、高中压阀门密封面。  D517阀门堆焊焊条符合GB EDCr-B-15说明: D517是低氢钠型药皮的2Cr13型阀门堆焊焊条,采用直流反接。堆焊金属为2Cr13马氏体高铬钢。堆焊层具有空淬特性,一般不需进行热处理,硬度均匀,可在750-800℃退火软化,当加热至950-1000℃空冷或油淬可重新硬化。用途: D517是一种通用性的表面堆焊用焊条,堆焊层比D502更硬、更耐磨,较难加工,用于堆焊碳钢或低合金钢轴、过热蒸汽用阀件、搅拌机桨、螺旋输送机叶片等。  D547阀门堆焊焊条符合GB EDCrNi-A-15说明: D547是低氢钠型药皮,合金钢芯的CrNiSi型阀门堆焊焊条,采用直流反接。堆焊金属依靠硅进行强化,得到具有一定铁素体的奥氏体组织,使之具有良好的抗擦伤、耐腐蚀、抗氧化等性能。用途:用来堆焊570℃以下工作的电站高压锅炉装置的阀门密封面及其它密封零件。 D547Mo阀门堆焊焊条符合GB EDCrNi-B-15说明: D547Mo是低氢钠型药皮的CrNiSiMo型阀门堆焊焊条。采用直流反接。堆焊金属具有良好的高温抗擦伤、抗冲蚀等性能,有较高的高温硬度,良好的热稳定性和抗疲劳性。堆焊金属时效强化效果显著,随着时效时间的增加,硬度和抗擦伤性能有进一步提高。用途:用于工作温度低于600℃的高压阀门密封面的堆焊。  D557阀门堆焊焊条符合GB EDCrNi-C-15说明: D557是低氢钠型药皮的CrNiSi型阀门堆焊焊条,堆焊金属依靠大量硅进行强化,得到奥氏体铁素体组织,随着时效时间的增长,硬度和抗擦伤性能有进一步的提高,堆焊金属具有良好的抗侵蚀、抗氧化性和抗腐蚀性能,采用直流反接。用途:用于工作温度低于600℃的高压阀门密封面的堆焊。  D577阀门堆焊焊条符合GB EDCrMn-C-15说明: D577是低氢钠型药皮,合金钢芯的铬锰型阀门堆焊焊条。采用直流反接,堆焊金属为高铬锰型奥氏体钢,故冷作硬化效果显著,具有良好的抗擦伤性能,有一定的中温硬度,较好的热稳定性,如与D507Mo配合使用,可获得很好的抗擦伤性能,该焊条抗裂性好,堆焊工艺简单,焊条可不预热,焊后不用热处理,堆焊金属切削加工性能良好。用途:用于堆焊工作温度在510℃以下的中温高压阀门密封面,在闸阀中如与D507Mo配合使用,使用寿命更高。阀门堆焊焊条使用说明:执行GB984-2001标准堆焊是在工件的表面或边缘进行熔敷一层耐磨、耐蚀、耐热等性能金属层的焊接工艺。对修复和提高零件的使用寿命,合理使用材料,提高产品性能,降低成本有显著的经济效益。堆焊工作及工作条件十分复杂,堆焊时必须根据不同要求选用合适的焊条。不同的工件和堆焊焊条要采用不同的堆焊工艺,才能获得满意的堆焊效果。

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D502 valve surfacing electrode line GB EDCr-A1-03 Description: D502 is a titanium calcium type coating 1Cr13 valve welding electrode can be AC and DC, good welding. Welding metal for the semi-ferrite 1Cr13 high chromium steel. Surfacing layer with air quenching properties, generally do not have to heat treatment, uniform hardness, can also be annealed at 750-800 ℃ to soften, when heated to 900-1000 ℃ air-cooled or oil quenched, re-hardening. Uses: This is a universal surfacing electrode surface for the welding temperature at 450 ℃ below the shaft and the carbon steel or alloy steel valves. D507 valve surfacing electrode line GB EDCr-A1-15 Description: D507 is a low hydrogen sodium type coating 1Cr13 valve welding electrode, using DCRP. Welding metal for the semi-ferrite 1Cr13 high chromium steel. Surfacing layer with air quenching properties, generally do not have to heat treatment, uniform hardness, can also be annealed at 750-800 ℃ to soften, when heated to 900-1000 ℃ air-cooled or oil quenched, re-hardening. Uses: This is a universal surfacing electrode surface for the welding temperature at 450 ℃ below the shaft and steel or alloy steel valves. D507Mo valve surfacing electrode line GB EDCr-A2-15 Description: D507Mo low hydrogen sodium type coating 1Cr13 valve type welding electrode. Welding metal to semi-ferrite 1Cr13 high chromium steel. Surfacing layer with air quenching properties of deposited metal has a high temperature hardness, good thermal stability, erosion resistance. If used in conjunction with the D577 electrode can have a better anti-abrasion performance. Welding process is simple, welding without preheating, no heat treatment after welding using DCRP. Uses: used for welding temperature at 510 ℃ in temperature and high pressure below the valve sealing surface. Valve sealing surface of the electrode should be used in conjunction with the D577 electrode (valve seat and valve flap over two electrodes were used). D507MoNb valve surfacing electrode line GB EDCr-A1-15 Description: D507MoNb low hydrogen sodium type coating 1Cr13 valve welding electrode, DC reverse polarity, due to drug skin by adding the right amount of Mo, Nb, etc. to strengthen stable element, it deposited metal has good antioxidant and anti-cracking performance. Uses: working temperature below 450 ℃, the low pressure valve sealing surface of surfacing. D512 Valve Hardfacing Electrodes meet GB EDCr-B-03 Description: D512 is a calcium-based medicine titanium skin 2Cr13 Valve Welding Rod, AC and DC, good welding. Welding metal is 2Cr13 martensitic high chromium steel. Surfacing layer with air quenching properties, generally do not need heat treatment, uniform hardness, can be annealed at 750-800 ℃ to soften, when heated to 950-1000 ℃ air cooling and oil quenching the re-hardening. Uses: D512 is a versatile surfacing electrode surface, surfacing layer harder than the D502, more wearable, more difficult process for welding carbon steel or low alloy steel shaft, superheated steam valves, mixers Propeller, screw conveyor blade. D516MA valve surfacing electrode line GB EDCrMn-A-16 Description: D516MA low hydrogen potassium type coating of high chromium manganese steel surfacing electrode, welding layer of metal with good wear, heat, corrosion and heat cracking performance of a simple welding process, welding without preheat, without heat treatment after welding, surfacing layer for cutting. Uses: used for surfacing working temperature below 450 ℃ under water, steam, oil under medium components, such as 25, cast steel, high pressure valve sealing surface. D517 valve surfacing electrode line GB EDCr-B-15 Description: D517 is a low hydrogen sodium type coating 2Cr13 valve welding electrode, using DCRP. Welding metal is 2Cr13 martensitic high chromium steel. Surfacing layer with air quenching properties, usually without heat treatment, hardness uniformity, annealing at 750-800 ℃ to soften, when heated to 950-1000 ℃ air cooling or oil quenching the re-hardening. Uses: D517 is a versatile surfacing electrode surface, surfacing layer harder than the D502, more wearable, more difficult process for welding carbon steel or low alloy steel shaft, superheated steam valves, mixers Propeller, screw conveyor blade. D547 valve surfacing electrode line GB EDCrNi-A-15 Description: D547 is a low hydrogen sodium type coating, steel core CrNiSi valve welding electrode, using DCRP. Rely on silicon for metal welding reinforced by certain ferrite austenite, so that it has good resistance to abrasion, corrosion, oxidation and other properties. Uses: used for welding work station 570 ℃ the following high-pressure boiler plant of the valve sealing surface, and other sealing components. D547Mo valve surfacing electrode line GB EDCrNi-B-15 Description: D547Mo low hydrogen sodium type coating CrNiSiMo type valve welding electrode. DC reverse. Deposited metal has excellent high temperature abrasion resistance, erosion resistance and other properties, have high temperature hardness, good thermal stability and resistance to fatigue. Welding metal age strengthening effect is remarkable, as the aging time increased, hardness and resistance to abrasion performance further improved. Uses: used for working temperature below 600 ℃, high-pressure valve sealing surface of the surfacing. D557 valve welding electrode line GB EDCrNi-C-15 Description: D557 is a low hydrogen sodium type coating CrNiSi valve welding electrode, welding of metal depend on a lot of silicon to strengthen, by austenite ferrite, As the aging time of growth, hardness and abrasion resistance to further improve performance, welding metal has good resistance to corrosion, oxidation and corrosion resistance, using DCRP. Uses: used for working temperature below 600 ℃, high-pressure valve sealing surface of the surfacing. D577 valve surfacing electrode line GB EDCrMn-C-15 Description: D577 is a low hydrogen sodium type coating, the core of chromium manganese alloy steel welding electrode valve. DC reverse polarity, welding metal for high-chromium austenitic manganese steel, it is cold hardening effect is remarkable, with good anti-abrasion performance, there is a certain hardness in the temperature, better thermal stability, such as tie and D507Mo used to give a good anti-abrasion performance, good crack resistance of the electrodes, welding process is simple, electrodes may from time to preheat, weld without heat treatment, welding metal machining has good performance. Uses: used for surfacing working temperature below 510 ℃ in temperature and high pressure valve sealing surface, such as in the valve in conjunction with the D507Mo, higher life. Valve welding electrode for use: the implementation of GB984-2001 standard surfacing in the workpiece surface or edge cladding layer of wear and corrosion, heat and other properties of metal welding process. Repair and improve parts of the life, the rational use of materials, improve product performance and reduce costs by increasing the economic benefits. Surfacing work and working conditions are very complex, welding must be selected according to different requirements of the appropriate welding rod. Different parts and welding electrodes to different welding processes in order to obtain satisfactory welding results.

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