整天对着电脑,皮肤变得特别差,怎么护理- 美容护肤_美容养颜- 百度美容网

















Skin becomes especially bad , why nurses to the computer all day long?

1. Avoid lingering around the computer the front for a long time , drink Green Tea having the radioresistance effect to the full.

2. Want the thorough cleaning disregarding putting on makeup or not, face, prevent an adsorption from arousing the small smallpox smallpox in dust on the face.

3. Pay attention to plentiful of moisture content , guarantee in every day increasing skin drinking water , persist in using moisture-preserving refreshing skin liquid , prevent in the face moisture content from running off.

4. Be staring at the computer , weary eye meeting stabbing pain for a long time, the eye vicinity will be dry and give birth to the trivial wrinkle, should pay attention to choosing the appropriate eye mask or eye cream being put into use at any time.

Face protection

Get on the Internet though won’t be on one’s guard against all possible dangers , still should do enough face acrobatic fighting but to cruel electromagnetic radiation. Screen radiation faces each other produce static electricity , the easiest to adsorb dust , longtime , easier to lead to the fleck and the wrinkle. To get on the Internet why does in the front not cover with therefore adding a layer of Dan powder after protecting skin emulsion, to increase skin resistance a bit.

Clean thorough skin

To get on the Internet ends the queen , the first missions are clean skin, use warm water to add clean face liquid cleaning contours of the face completely, the adsorption dust and dirt washes out static electricity totally , cover with the mild skin-care article. The long that but decrease is hurt, smooth skin maintains self’s beauty. This can be termed as being big minor movement effect really to the female who gets on the Internet.

Curing clear and shining eyes

If you do not hope that the second day sees that the red and swollen , black eye socket of both eyes adds withered face time person,the by no means longtime continuous fighting, has not stayed up late a net especially. Prepare one bottle drop of eye liquid , provides against a rainy day in the ordinary time. To get on the Internet applies once cucumber movie , potato chips or jelly milk afterwards , cold tea alternates neither. Whose method: Cut cucumber or the white potato into slices , apply to rest to attain mental composure on the double-fold eyelid, several minutes; Cold tea soddens jelly milk or with gauze applying an eye , may relieve eye part strain, nutrition eye cycle skin.

Increase nutrition

To the people who often gets on the Internet, increase by nutrition is very important. The vitamin B group is beneficial to the mental worker, if sleeping late , the mass going to bed is neither fine , should eat animal liver , new fresh fruit vegetables much, they are rich in vitamin B race; Meat , fish , dairy product increase memory; That chocolate , the wheat enclose face to face , marine products , dried fruit can strengthen coordination of the nervous system, is that the best is small between-meal nibbles time to get on the Internet. The field drinks some of Matrimony vine juice and Fresh Carrot Juice besides , no at the regular time , effect is notable to fostering an eye , protecting skin. If you care about self appearance, abandon those carbonic acid drink right away as quickly as possible , switch over to drink Fresh Carrot Juice or other fresh juice but.

Often do gymnastics

To get on the Internet , you may possibly feel dizziness , the finger is rigid , the middle carries on the back for a long time ache, the lower limbs edema , varication appear even. Lie on a bed , loosen all over therefore, needing to do gymnastics, to keep exuberant energy in the ordinary time, if flat before sleeping, readjust oneself to a certain extent with facing upward under the edge of a bed , relieve deficiency of using brain rhombencephalon to be for blood’s providing oxygen; Put in the Gao Shuang? foot , the tie resting on bed or the sofa, to lighten biped of edema, and to help blood back-flow , the varication taking precautions against lower limbs; Give a stretch in the process of to get on the Internet frequently , extend muscles and bones or face upward to lean against the chair, both hands puts forth self’s strength backward, to expand strained exhausted psoas; Do the simplest method plucking up finger sport , to loosen a finger completely. Remember, this kind gymnastic amounts are not big , lazy sleep be competent is very effective but far than sleeping.


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