


China has the high end of borosilicate float glass all the history of dependence on imports

Have complete independent intellectual property rights of China’s first high borosilicate float glass production line of the successful implementation of industrial production, and through professional organizations quality certification, putting an end to China’s high-borosilicate float glass all rely on imports of history. China has become Germany, the United States, the world’s first three be able to produce such glass country.

According to introduction, high borosilicate float glass with a high temperature, high hardness, low-density, high light transmission rate of the advantages of ordinary float glass are unmatched, the product is widely used in home appliances, lighting, solar power, precision instrumentation, environmental engineering, chemical engineering, semiconductor technology, medical technology, security and other fields, the market has broad prospects, products export rate of more than 60%. (07-11-23)

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