


The Nudie Jeans web shop is now serving you with two new styles that are very different and extremely exclusive from the regular line-up. Please welcome cashmere and hemp into the denim fabric. Personally, I've always been a big fan of cashmere.
Nudie Jeans的在线商店现在为您提供有别于传统系列的两款独特/{dj2}的新型面料。请欢迎羊绒(开司米)和麻融入单宁布。个人而言,我一向对羊绒情有独钟。

First up is Easy Emil Dry Cashmere Selvage:
{dy}款是Easy Emil Dry Cashmere Selvage(EEDCS):

Easy Emil Cashmere is a heavy weight selvage denim from Italy made on old, narrow looms. 92% cotton mixed with 8% cashmere that brings drape and shine to the fabric. On this style you find the selvage edge coin pocket and silver trims. Nudie Orange threads allover except for the back pocket embo which is faded indigo. 11.5oz and made in Italy. Delivered in a selvage denim totebag, containing the Nudie selvage book with the story of dry denim and the naked truth

about Nudie dry wear and tear.
Easy Emil Cashmere是在意大利由古式织布机所生产的一种重磅(其实也不重)赤(或别的颜色,下同)耳单宁。92%的棉混合着8%的羊绒为布料带来褶皱和光泽。在此款上你能看


The second style that Nudie Jeans offers in their web shop with new different denim is the Fast Freddy Dry Hemp Selvage.
Nudie Jeans于其在线商店推出的第二款新型单宁产品是Fast Freddy Dry Hemp Selvage(FFDHS)

11.25oz selvage denim from Italy made of 80% cotton and 20% hemp. The original neps look makes fabric surface unique due to the performance of the hemp. Classic cinch at back. On this style you find the selvage edge coin pocket and silver trims. Nudie orange threads allover and orange back pocket embo. Made in Italy. As with the cashmere Easy Email, these jeans will also be delivered in a selvage denim totebag and Nudie Jeans book.


郑重声明:资讯 【Nudie新型面料简介-羊绒单宁和麻单宁_嘎嘎_新浪博客】由 发布,版权归原作者及其所在单位,其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经(企业库证实,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。若本文有侵犯到您的版权, 请你提供相关证明及申请并与我们联系(qiyeku #或【在线投诉】,我们审核后将会尽快处理。
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