Full ()f pa$s!on@te & lus+......衰女手册
lately, im busy to work, go home sleep and go work again....continue with life tat not meeting my frens, ex colleagues...

im someone not too consider my family...there is one day, when i wanted to dial my house number, i realize is not in my top list, i feel so sad...and regret. All these years, i only living in MY WORLD, how much they have tolerant my attitude my anger, even my unreasonable...

when i was young, im blaming parents for not understanding me....blaming them for not changing their way of teaching me caring me...when i grew up until now.....they did change, is just, i have not much time staying at home and realize their changes...now im asking myself, who am i to ask them change ? they gave me nice beds, nice meals, nice bath, nice own place to stay....what am i asking for ??

regret....now is my turn to treat them better, will do all my best to keep them safe and warms...
this is all the 27th years old can do...to treat the 69th years old and 66th years old better....
love ur family....this is most important.....
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