微波炉,今年中国的出口量将创历史新高« oursolo.net





Microwave ovens this year, China’s export volume will be a record high

According to customs data show that this year’s export volume of China’s microwave oven is expected to close to or more than 50 million units, will be a new record high, accounting for the global microwave oven exports more than 90% share. Currently, China’s microwave oven manufacturers about 50 percent global share, and has become a manufacturing power and the first microwave oven.

It is understood that, at present, China has a microwave oven to create the world’s top development team. Chamber of Commerce, the Secretary-General said that household appliances赖晓明, China’s microwave oven industry after years of development, have begun to control the core technologies, such as magnetron and other core components, the United States, Galanz are independent R & D, production, Toshiba, LG and other foreign-funded enterprises will also provide the their procurement. It is learned that in the domestic appliance industry in most developed Guangdong Province, with state-level enterprise technology center of household electrical appliance enterprises have three: Konka, TCL and beauty. Among them, the U.S. R & D for microwave ovens special from Japan, Korea, Europe and the United States and other countries to employ technical experts and, in particular, organized by several experts, Dr., Master of the composition of the microwave R & D team, engaged in the latest technology to track and new products development; its national product certification laboratory, is designed to ensure product quality and safety performance established.

enterprises manufacturing to survive alone are unable to maintain long-term, China’s microwave oven industry is the earlier to see this point, the function of the product innovation, technological innovation and process innovation in areas such as continue our efforts in enterprise smoothly to create change by the manufacturer. At present, the microwave oven industry is reaching maturity and the market in order to win, functional innovation is the key. Thus, more manufacturers to develop different functions for the microwave oven in order to maximize market share. Frying, deep-frying, boiling, roasting, steaming, microwave ovens has been moving in the diversification of functional improvements and innovations.

when “Made in China” still looking for a way out, our enterprises have the microwave oven on the road in terms of innovation from the progressive realization of a “Made in China” to “China to create a” change. (07-11-23)

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