

2010-04-20 13:39:08 阅读4 评论0 字号:

1范围 本标准规定了法兰连接铁制闸阀的结构型式、技术要求、试验方法、检验规则、标志和供货要求等内容。 本标准适用于公称压力PN1~25,公称通径DN50~2000法兰连接灰铸铁和球墨铸铁制闸阀(以下简称闸阀)。 2规范性引用文件 下列文件中的条款通过本标准的引用而成为本标准的条款。凡是注日期的引用文件,其随后所有的修改单(不包括勘误的内容)或修订版均不适用于本标准,然而,鼓励根据本标准达成协议的各方研究是否可使用这些文件的{zx1}版本。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其{zx1}版本适用于本标准。 GB/T1047管道元件DN(公称尺寸)的定义和选用(GB/T1047—2005,ISO6708:1995,IDT) GB/T1048管道元件PN(公称压力)的定义和选用(GB/T1048—2005,ISO/CD7268:1983,IDT) GB/T1184形状和位置公差未注公差值(GB/T1184—1996,eqvISO2768-2:1989) GB/T5796.1~5796.4梯形螺纹(GB/T5796.1~5796.4—1986,eqvISO2901~2904;1977) GB/T12220通用阀门标志(GB/T12220—1989,idtISO5209:1977) GB/T12221金属阀门结构长度(GB/T12221—2005,ISO5752:1982,MOD) GB/T12222多回转阀门驱动装置的连接(GB/T12222—2005,ISO5210:1991,MOD) GB/T12225通用阀门铜合金铸件技术条件 GB/T12226通用阀门灰铸铁件技术条件 GB/T12227通用阀门球墨铸铁件技术条件 GB/T13927通用阀门压力试验(GB/T13927—1992,neqISO5208:1982) GB/T17219生活饮用水输配水设备及防护材料的安全性评价标准 GB/T17241.6整体铸铁管法兰(GB/T17241.6—1998,neqISO7005-2:1988) GB/T17241.7铸铁管法兰技术条件(GB/T17241.7—1998,neqISO7005-2:1988) JB/T7748阀门清洁度和测定方法 JB/T7928通用阀门供货要求 3参数与结构型式 3.1阀门公称压力按GB/T1048的规定。 3.2阀门公称尺寸按GB/T1047的规定。 3.3闸阀的结构型式如图1和图2所示。 2005-07-11发布2006-01-01实施 4技术要求 4.1压力-温度额定值 闸阀的压力-温度额定值按GB/T17241.7的规定。 4.2阀体 4.2.1法兰应与阀体铸成整体,其法兰连接尺寸和密封面的形状、尺寸应符合GB/T17241.6的规定。 4.2.2结构长度应符合GB/T12221的规定。 4.2.3阀体的最小壁厚按表1的规定。 壳体材料 灰铸铁 球墨铸铁 公称通径DN 公称压力 PN 1 2.5 6 10 16 25 最小壁厚 50 — — — 7 7 8 65 — — — 7 7 8 80 — — — 8 8 9 100 — — — 9 9 10 125 — — — 10 10 12 150 — — — 11 11 12 200 — — — 12 12 14 250 — — — 13 13 - 300 13 — — 14 14 — 350 14 — — 14 15 — 400 15 — — 15 16 — 450 15 — — 16 17 — 500 16 16 — 16 18 — 600 18 18 — 18 18 — 700 20 20 — 20* 20 — 800 20 22 — 22* 22 — 900 20 22 — 24* 24 — 1000 20 24 — 26* 26 — 1200 22 26* 26* 28* 28 — 1400 25 26* 28* 30* — — 1600 — 30* 32* 35* — — 1800 — 32* — — — — 2000 — 34* 注1:公称通径大于250 mm的闸阀应有增强壳体刚度的加强筋。 注2:表中壁厚数值仅适用于灰铸铁HT200(带*为HT250)和球墨铸铁QT450-10,对其他牌号的材料需另行计算。 4.2.4阀座内径应与阀体通径一致。 4.2.5阀体应保证闸阀在壳体试验及工作条件下不发生任何有害变形。 4.2.6端法兰密封面应相互平行,其平行度应符合GB/T1184的12级精度。 4.3阀盖 4.3.1阀盖最小壁厚按表1的规定。 4.3.2阀体与阀盖的连接为法兰式,法兰密封面的型式可采用平面式,也可采用凹凸式、榫槽式或梯形槽式,并在订货合同中注明密封面型式。 4.3.3阀体连接的螺栓数量不得少于4个。 4.3.4对公称尺寸DN≥200的闸阀,可在阀盖上加工出一个螺孔,试验完毕后,必须用金属螺塞堵塞。 4.4闸板 闸板有以下几种型式,应在订货合同中注明: a)楔式单闸板; b)楔式双闸板; c)平行式双闸板。 4.5阀体、阀盖和闸板 4.5.1阀体、阀盖和闸板必须具有导轨或导轨槽,使阀门在启闭过程中,闸板沿着阀体和阀盖的导轨槽移动,以保证闸板在任意位置时,闸板密封面的对称中心线与阀杆轴线成一直线,使密封面的磨损减少到{zd1}程度。 4.5.2阀体、闸板的密封面可在阀体、闸板上直接加工而成,或堆焊其他金属,其堆焊层加工后的厚度不得小于2mm,也可采用其他结合形式。但无论采用哪种结构,都必须保证使用中不松动、不脱落,结合处不渗漏。 4.5.3闸阀全开时,闸板应高于通道内径。 4.5.4阀体上的阀座密封面及闸板密封面必须要有足够的宽度,以保证磨损后xx吻合。对于楔式闸阀,当阀门全关时,闸板密封面中心必须高于阀体密封面中心,。闸板磨损中的位移余量不得小于表2的规定。 公称通径 DN 位移余量 25~50 2.3 65~150 3.3 200~300 6.4 350~450 9.7 ≥500 12.7 4.5.5双闸板闸阀两块闸板的结合必须牢固可靠,保证使用中不会脱落。 4.6阀杆与阀杆螺母 4.6.1最小阀杆直径按表3的规定。 公称通径DN 公称压力 PN 1 2.5 6 10 16 25 最小阀杆直径 50 — — — 18 18 18 65 — — — 18 18 18 80 — — — 20 20 20 100 — — — 20 24 24 125 — — — 22 28 28 150 — — — 24 28 28 200 — — — 28 32 32 250 — — — 28 36 — 300 36 — — 36 38 — 350 36 — — 36 38 — 400 36 — — 40 40 — 450 40 — — 44 45 — 500 40 — — 50 50 — 600 44 — — 50 50 — 700 55 — — 65 65 — 800 65 — — 65 65 — 900 65 — — 70 70 — 1 000 70 — — 70 70 — 1 200 70 — 80 80 80 — 1 400 80 — 80 80 — 1 600 — 80 80 80 — 1 800 — 90 — — — — 2 000 — 100 注:表中最小阀杆直径系指与填料配合段的直径。 注:表中最小阀杆直径系指与填料配合段的直径。 4.6.2阀杆与闸板的连接应保证操作时闸板不致脱落。 4.6.3阀杆螺母与阀杆螺纹的基本尺寸和精度按GB/T5796.1~5796.4的规定。 4.6.4阀杆与阀杆螺母的旋合长度不得小于阀杆直径的1.4倍。 4.7填料、填料垫和“O”形密封圈 4.7.1填料的截面可以是方形、矩形和V形等。当采用方形、矩形时,允许切成45°切口,并按圆周方向120°交叉错开安装。 4.7.2填料垫应根据填料函尺寸和阀杆直径而确定,并将其放在填料的底部。 4.7.3阀杆密封采用“O”形密封圈时,应不少于两道密封圈,并设置防尘密封。 4.8填料压盖 填料压盖应采用带孔整体式或分体式,其螺栓孔不允许采用开口式,连接可用“T”型螺栓,也可用活节螺栓。 4.9支架 4.9.1支架可以与阀盖设计成整体,也可以分成两件,由设计者自行确定。 4.9.2对于用电力、气力和液力驱动的阀门,支架法兰与驱动装置的连接尺寸应符合GB/T12222的规定。 4.10手轮 4.10.1用手轮操作的闸阀,在手轮(包括驱动装置的手轮)轮缘上要有明显的指示闸板关闭方向的箭头和“关”字,且“关”字应放在箭头的前端或带有开关两向的箭头和“开”、“关”字样。 4.10.2手轮应固定在阀杆螺母或者阀杆上。 4.11指示器 如果提供指示器,在指示器上应有标明开和关位置的标记。 4.12内腔清洁度 闸阀产品的内腔清洁度按JB/T7748的规定。 4.13壳体和密封试验 闸阀产品的壳体和密封试验要求按GB/T13927的规定。 4.14其他 4.14.1不带齿轮箱、传动装置或指示针的闸阀的{zd0}开启高度按表4的规定,如图4所示。用手轮或手柄操作的闸阀,当面向手轮或手柄时,顺时针方向转动手轮或手柄,阀门为关。 公称通径DN h1 h2 50 400 510 65 425 560 80 475 610 100 575 720 125 650 875 150 700 950 200 850 1200 250 1025 1400 300 1125 1675 350 1150 1900 400 l275 2070 450 1350 2250 500 1500 2430 600 1700 2850 700 1800 3250 800 2000 3750 900 2400 4150 1000 2500 4450 1200 2950 — 1400 3300 — 1600 3500 — 1800 3800 — 2000 4250 — 4.14.2凡带有驱动装置的闸阀,在操作时各部位必须灵活可靠,无卡阻。 4.14.3对于大口径闸阀,根据用户需要可设旁通阀,其传动型式与主阀一致,旁通阀的规格可按表5的规定。 主阀公称通径DN 700 800 900 1 000 1 200 1 400 1 600 1 800 2 000 旁通阀公称通径DN 100 150 4.14.4如果需要,可在阀体底部设一个排泄孔,其结构及尺寸由设计者自行决定。 4.14.5公称通径DN≥700mm时阀门应在阀盖上设置起吊环。 4.14.6当闸阀用于饮用水领域时,阀门的卫生性能应符合GB/T17219的规定。 4.15材料 4.15.1阀体、阀盖、闸板的材料应符合GB/T12226和GB/T12227的规定;阀体、闸板密封圈和阀杆螺母如采用铜合金材料时,应符合GB/T12225的规定。 4.15.2阀体和闸板密封面材料可用本体材料、铜合金或不锈钢制成,但应满足使用条件和设计要求。 4.15.3阀杆应用不锈钢或铜合金材料制造。 4.15.4阀杆螺母应用强度较高和耐磨性能良好的铜合金或其他材料制成。 4.15.5填料应采用缓蚀石棉材料、橡胶或氟塑料、柔性石墨。 4.15.6支架可采用与阀盖相同的材料或性能高于阀盖的材料制成。 4.15.7闸阀主要零件材料可按表6选取,如有特殊要求经供需双方协商在订货合同中注明。 零件名称 材料名称 牌 号 阀体、阀盖、闸板 灰铸铁 HT200、HT250、HT300、HT350 球墨铸铁 QT400-18、QT450-15、QT450-10、QT500-7 阀体密封圈 闸板密封圈 铸锰黄铜 ZCuZn38Mn2Pb2 铸铝青铜 ZCuAl9Mn2、ZCuAl10Fe3、ZCuAl9Fe4Ni4Mn2 不锈钢 1Cr13、2Cr13 铸铝黄铜 ZCuZn25Al6Fe3Mn3 阀杆 不锈钢 1Cr13、2Cr13、1Cr17Ni2、1Cr18Ni9Ti 黄铜 H62 阀杆螺母 铸铝青铜 ZCuAl9Mn2、ZCuAl10Fe3 铸锰黄铜 ZCuZn38Mn2Pb2 铸铝黄铜 ZCuZn25Al6Fe3Mn3 填料 石棉 — 橡胶 — 氟塑料 — 柔性石墨 — 手轮 球墨铸铁 QT400-18、QT450-15、QT450-10、QT500-7 可锻铸铁 KTH300-06、KTH330-08、KTH350-10 5试验方法 5.1闸阀产品的压力试验方法按GB/T13927的规定。 5.2闸阀产品的内腔清洁度测定方法按JB/T7748的规定。 6检验规则 6.1出厂检验 6.1.1每台产品必须进行出厂检验,经检验符合要求方可出厂。 6.1.2出厂检验项目、要求、方法按表7的规定。 检验项目 检验类别 出厂检验 型式检验 技术要求 检验和试验方法 壳体试验 √ √ 按4.13 按5.1 密封试验 √ √ 标志 √ √ 按7.1 目测 内腔清洁度 — √ 按4.12 按5.2 主要零部件尺寸 — √ 按4.2.1、4.2.2、 4.2.3、4.2.6 使用测量工具进行检测 注:“√”为检验项目。 注:“√”为检验项目。 6.2型式试验 6.2.1有下列情况之一时,应进行型式检验: a)新产品或老产品转厂生产的试制定型鉴定; b)正式生产时,定期或积累一定产量后,应周期性进行一次检验; c)正式生产时,如结构、材料、工艺有较大改变,可能影响产品性能时; d)产品长期停产后,恢复生产时; e)出厂检验结果与上次型式检验有较大差异时; f)国家质量监督机构提出进行型式试验的要求时。 6.2.2型式检验采取抽样检验。检验样品可从生产厂质检部门检验合格的库存产品中随机抽取,或从已供给用户但未使用的并且保持出厂状态的产品中随机抽取。每一规格供抽样的最少台数和抽样台数按表8的规定。到用户抽样时,供抽样最少台数不受表8的限制,抽样台数仍按表8的规定。对整个系列产品进行质量考核时,根据该范围大小情况从中抽取2~3个典型规格进行检验。 公称通径DN/mm 供抽样的最少台数 抽样台数 ≤200 10 3 250~600 6 2 ≥700 4 2 6.2.3型式试验项目、要求、方法按表7的规定。 6.2.4型式试验中每台被检闸阀产品的壳体和密封试验结果必须符合表7中的相应技术要求的规定,其余检验项目中若有一台阀门一项指标不符合表7中技术要求的规定,允许从供抽样的闸阀产品中再抽取规定的抽样台数,再次检验时全部检验项目的结果必须符合表7中技术要求的规定,否则判为不合格品。 7标志和供货要求 7.1标志 闸阀产品的标志按GB/T12220的规定。 7.2供货要求 闸阀产品的供货要求按JB/T7928的规定。

“ Iron gate valve flange connection ”是由提供的国际阀门新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国闸阀网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

1 Scope This standard specifies the structure of flanged iron gate valve type, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking and delivery requirements and so on. This standard applies to PN PN1 ~ 25, nominal diameter DN50 ~ 2000 gray cast iron and ductile iron flanged gate valve system (hereinafter referred to as gate valves). 2 Normative reference documents The terms of the following documents by the standard reference in the provisions of this standard. For dated references, subsequent to all of the amendments (excluding corrections) or revisions do not apply to this standard, however, encourage the parties to reach an agreement under this standard to explore the possibility to use the latest version of these documents . For undated reference documents, the latest versions apply to this standard. GB/T1047 pipe components DN (nominal size) of the definition and use (GB/T1047-2005, ISO6708: 1995, IDT) GB/T1048 pipe components PN (nominal pressure) of the definition and use (GB/T1048-2005, ISO/CD7268: 1983, IDT) GB/T1184 shape and position tolerances without tolerances values (GB/T1184-1996, eqvISO2768-2: 1989) GB/T5796.1 ~ 5796.4 trapezoidal thread (GB/T5796.1 ~ 5796.4-1986, eqvISO2901 ~ 2904; 1977) GB/T12220 General Valve logo (GB/T12220-1989, idtISO5209: 1977) GB/T12221 metal valve structure length (GB/T12221-2005, ISO5752: 1982, MOD) GB/T12222 multi-turn valve actuator attachment (GB/T12222-2005, ISO5210: 1991, MOD) GB/T12225 common valve copper alloy castings GB/T12226 General Valve gray iron castings GB/T12227 General Valve ductile iron castings GB/T13927 common valve pressure test (GB/T13927-1992, neqISO5208: 1982) GB/T17219 in drinking water equipment and protective materials, safety evaluation GB/T17241.6 whole cast iron pipe flanges (GB/T17241.6-1998, neqISO7005-2: 1988) GB/T17241.7 cast iron pipe flanges (GB/T17241.7-1998, neqISO7005-2: 1988) JB/T7748 valve cleanliness and determination JB/T7928 General requirements valve supplier Three parameters and structure type 3.1 Nominal pressure valve according to GB/T1048 requirements. Valve nominal size of 3.2 by GB/T1047 requirements. 3.3 The structure of valve type as shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2. 2005-07-11 Release 2006-01-01 implementation 4 technical requirements 4.1 Pressure - Temperature Rating Valve pressure - temperature rating by GB/T17241.7 requirements. 4.2 Body 4.2.1 flange should be cast as a whole body of its size and flange sealing surface of the shape, size should be consistent with GB/T17241.6 requirements. 4.2.2 Structure of the length should be consistent with the provisions of GB/T12221. 4.2.3 Body of the minimum wall thickness requirements in Table 1. Grey cast iron ductile iron shell material Nominal diameter DN, PN 1 2.5 6101625 Minimum thickness 50 - - - 7 7 8 65 - - - 7 7 8 80 - - - 8 8 9 100 - - - 9 9 10 125 - - - 10 10 12 150 - - - 11 11 12 200 - - - 12 12 14 250 - - - 13 13 - 300 13 - - 14 14 - 350 14 - - 14 15 - 400 15 - - 15 16 - 450 15 - - 16 17 - 500 16 16 - 16 18 - 600 18 18 - 18 18 - 700 20 20 - 20 * 20 - 800 20 22 - 22 * 22 - 900 20 22 - 24 * 24 - 1000 20 24 - 26 * 26 - 12002226 * 26 * 28 * 28 - 14002526 * 28 * 30 * - - 1600 - 30 * 32 * 35 * - - 1800 - 32 * - - - - 2000 - 34 * Note 1: The nominal diameter greater than 250 mm shell stiffness of the valve should be enhanced to strengthen tendons. Note 2: Table values apply only in the thickness of gray cast iron HT200 (with * for the HT250) and ductile iron QT450-10, on the other brands of material required to be calculated. 4.2.4 valve seat diameter should be the same path. 4.2.5 valve body should ensure that test and in case any work is not harmful under the conditions of deformation. 4.2.6-side flange sealing surface should be parallel to each other, the parallelism should be consistent with GB/T1184 of 12 accuracy. 4.3 valve cover 4.3.1 valve cover minimum thickness requirements in Table 1. 4.3.2 body and the connection for the valve cover flange, flange sealing surface of the planar pattern can be used, also can use bump-type, tongue and slot or trapezoidal trough, and the contract specified in the order sealing surface type . 4.3.3 Body bolts connecting the number of not less than four. 4.3.4 of the nominal size DN ≥ 200 of the valve, the valve cover can be processed in a screw, after trial, must be plugged with metal plug screw. 4.4 ram There are several types of gate, the contract should be in the order indicated: a) wedge single slide; b) wedge-type double plate; c) Parallel Double. 4.5 Body, bonnet and gate 4.5.1 Body, bonnet and gate must have a rail or rail tank, the valve in the opening and closing process, the gate valve and valve cover along the rail groove movement, to ensure the gate at any position, the gate sealing surface of the symmetry axis and the stem axis in a straight line, so that the sealing surface to minimize wear and tear. 4.5.2 valve, gate valve sealing surface can be, directly processed gate, or other metal surfacing, the surfacing layer thickness after processing shall not be less than 2mm, also have recourse to other unions. But no matter what kind of structure, must ensure that the use is not loose, not falling, not junction leakage. 4.5.3 valve fully open, the gate should be higher than the channel diameter. 4.5.4 Valve seat on the sealing surface of the sealing surface and the gate width must be sufficient to ensure full agreement worn. The wedge gate valve, when the valve is fully closed, the gate valve sealing surface center of the sealing surface must be higher than the center. Wear in the displacement of residual gate shall not be less than the requirements in Table 2. Nominal diameter DN residual displacement 25 50 2.3 65 150 3.3 200 ~ 300 6.4 350 ~ 450 9.7 ≥ 500 12.7 4.5.5 Gate Valve combination of two gate must be solid and reliable to ensure that the use will not fall off. 4.6 stem and stem nut 4.6.1 Minimum valve stem diameter, according to the provisions of Table 3. Nominal diameter DN, PN 1 2.5 6101625 Minimum stem diameter 50 - - - 18 18 18 65 - - - 18 18 18 80 - - - 20 20 20 100 - - - 20 24 24 125 - - - 22 28 28 150 - - - 24 28 28 200 - - - 28 32 32 250 - - - 28 36 - 300 36 - - 36 38 - 350 36 - - 36 38 - 400 36 - - 40 40 - 450 40 - - 44 45 - 500 40 - - 50 50 - 600 44 - - 50 50 - 700 55 - - 65 65 - 800 65 - - 65 65 - 900 65 - - 70 70 - 1 000 70 - - 70 70 - 1 200 70 - 80 80 80 - 1 400 80 - 80 80 - 1 600 - 80 80 80 - 1 800 - 90 - - - - 2 000 - 100 Note: means with the smallest stem diameter with the diameter of filler. Note: means with the smallest stem diameter with the diameter of filler. 4.6.2 the stem and the gate connection should ensure that operations will not fall off when the gate. 4.6.3 stem nut and valve stem thread size and accuracy is based on the basic GB/T5796.1 ~ 5796.4 requirements. 4.6.4 stem and stem nut rotation combined length of not less than 1.4 times the diameter of the valve stem. 4.7 filler, filler cushion and "O" ring 4.7.1 Packing section can be square, rectangular and V-shaped and so on. When using square, rectangular, allow to cut 45 ° cut, according to the direction 120 ° circular cross staggered installed. 4.7.2 filler cushion stuffing should be based on the size and stem diameter and determine the bottom and placed fill. 4.7.3 stem seal with "O" ring should be at least two seals, and set the dust seal. 4.8 gland Gland should be perforated monolithic or split, the bolt holes do not allow use of open-type, a connection is available "T" shaped bolt, also available live bolts. 4.9 Support 4.9.1 stent designed with the whole valve cover can also be divided into two parts, determined by the designers themselves. 4.9.2 for the use of electricity, gas and power and hydraulic driven valves, support flange connection with the drive size should be consistent with the provisions of GB/T12222. 4.10 handwheel 4.10.1 Operation of the valve hand wheel, wheel in hand (including hand drive wheel) rim should be clear instructions on the direction of the arrow and the gate closed "off" character, and "off" the word should be placed arrow with a switch front-end or two to the arrow and the "open" and "off" words. 4.10.2 handwheel should be fixed on the stem or stem nut. 4.11 Indicators If the offer indicator, the indicator should be marked on and off position of the mark. 4.12 cavity cleanliness Valve products by JB/T7748 cavity cleanliness requirements. 4.13 shell and seal test Shell and seal gate valve product test requirements in accordance with the provisions of GB/T13927. 4.14 Other 4.14.1 without gear box, gear or direct needle valve's maximum opening height in accordance with the provisions of Table 4, shown in Figure 4. Hand wheel or lever operated gate valve, when the time for the hand wheel or handle, turn the hand wheel clockwise or handle, the valve is off. Nominal diameter DN h1 h2 50 400 510 65 425 560 80 475 610 100 575 720 125 650 875 150 700 950 2008501200 25010251400 30011251675 35011501900 400 l275 2070 45013502250 50015002430 60017002850 70018003250 80020003750 90024004150 100025004450 1200 2950 - 1400 3300 - 1600 3500 - 1800 3800 - 2000 4250 - 4.14.2 Where the gate with a drive unit, in operation, each part must be flexible and reliable, no jamming. 4.14.3 For the large diameter valve, can be set according to user needs bypass valve, the transmission pattern consistent with the main valve, bypass valve size according to the provisions of Table 5. Main valve nominal diameter DN 700 800 900 1 000 1 200 1 400 1 600 1 800 2 000 Bypass valve nominal diameter DN 100 150 4.14.4 If necessary, set up in the bottom of a vent valve body, its structure and size of the designer to decide. 4.14.5 nominal diameter DN ≥ 700mm valve cover when the valve should be set from the rings. 4.14.6 When the gate area for drinking water, the valve should be consistent with GB/T17219 health performance requirements. 4.15 Materials 4.15.1 Body, bonnet, gate material should be consistent with the provisions of GB/T12226 and GB/T12227; valve, gate valve stem nut, such as seals and copper alloy materials, shall comply with the provisions of GB/T12225 . 4.15.2 ram body and body sealing surface material available materials, copper alloy or stainless steel, but it should satisfy the conditions of use and design requirements. 4.15.3 Application of stainless steel or copper alloy stem material. 4.15.4 Application of stem nut high strength and excellent wear resistance of copper alloy or other material. 4.15.5 filler should be corrosion of asbestos materials, rubber or fluorine plastic, flexible graphite. 4.15.6 stent can be used with the valve cover the same material or the properties of the material above the valve cover. 4.15.7 gate valve according to Table 6, the main component material selection, supply and demand any special requirements by mutual agreement in order the contract. Part Name Material Name Brand Body, bonnet, gate cast iron HT200, HT250, HT300, HT350 Ductile iron QT400-18, QT450-15, QT450-10, QT500-7 Body Seal Cast manganese brass ring gate ZCuZn38Mn2Pb2 Aluminum Bronze ZCuAl9Mn2, ZCuAl10Fe3, ZCuAl9Fe4Ni4Mn2 Stainless steel 1Cr13, 2Cr13 Cast brass ZCuZn25Al6Fe3Mn3 Stem stainless steel 1Cr13, 2Cr13, 1Cr17Ni2, 1Cr18Ni9Ti Brass H62 Stem nut cast aluminum bronze ZCuAl9Mn2, ZCuAl10Fe3 Cast manganese brass ZCuZn38Mn2Pb2 Cast brass ZCuZn25Al6Fe3Mn3 Asbestos packing - Rubber - Fluorine plastics - Flexible Graphite - Ductile iron handwheel QT400-18, QT450-15, QT450-10, QT500-7 Malleable iron KTH300-06, KTH330-08, KTH350-10 5 Test methods 5.1 the pressure valve product test methods according to GB/T13927 requirements. 5.2 gate valve product cavity cleanliness determination in accordance with the provisions of JB/T7748. 6 Inspection rules 6.1 Factory Inspection 6.1.1 each product must be factory tested by the test meet the requirements before the factory. 6.1.2 factory inspection program, requirements and methods according to the provisions of Table 7. Test item test category Technical requirements for factory test test test type and test methods Shell test by 4.13 by 5.1 √ √ Seal test √ √ Mark by 7.1 visual √ √ Cavity cleanliness - √ by 4.12 by 5.2 Main components size - √ by 4.2.1,4.2.2, 4.2.3,4.2.6 use measurement tools to detect Note: "√" in order to test the project. Note: "√" in order to test the project. 6.2 Type tests 6.2.1 one of the following conditions, type of inspection should be carried out: a) new products or old products, trial production at another factory pattern evaluation; b) the official production, regular or accumulate a certain output, it should conduct a periodic inspection; c) the official production, such as structure, materials, technology has changed quite drastically, when that may affect product performance; d) products have been discontinued, the resumption of production; e) the factory test results and the last type of testing when there is big difference; f) Quality Supervision, agencies for the type test requirements. 6.2.2 Type inspection to sampling inspection. Test samples can be tested from the factory quality inspection departments eligible inventory at random, or from the user but not the supply and maintain the factory state using the products at random. The minimum sample size for each station sampling station number and the number of the provisions in Table 8. To the user sample, the sample for at least a few sets from Table 8 limits the number of sampling units based upon the provisions of Table 8. The entire series of products quality assessment, in accordance with the scope of the situation and extract the size of 2 to 3 typical specifications for testing. Nominal diameter DN / mm for a sample of at least the number of sampling units Number of units ≤ 200 10 3 250 ~ 60062 ≥ 700 4 2 6.2.3 Type of pilot projects, requirements and methods in accordance with the provisions of Table 7. 6.2.4 Type tests were seized valve in each shell and sealing products, test results must be consistent with table 7 in the corresponding technical requirements of the regulations, the remaining test items in an index if a valve does not meet the technical table 7 provisions required to allow for sampling from a valve product requirements and then taking the number of sampling units, re-test all the test results of the project must meet the technical requirements of Table 7 provides otherwise, as unqualified products. 7 signs and supply requirements 7.1 marks Valve products marked by GB/T12220 requirements. 7.2 Availability requirements Gate valve supplier of products required by JB/T7928 requirements.

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