户外资料网4月16日消息,2010年道拉吉里峰登山队今日(4月16日)顺利到达Chaur Bag 宿营点,这里海拔3450米,距明天要到达的道峰西侧大本营区直线距离还有5公里。西侧大本营区由多个营地组成,是以往不同的外国队根据自己的攀登线路所设立的,营区从南到北有美国BC、意大利BC、瑞士BC、法国BC和日本BC;今年中国队的BC在道峰的北侧大本营区,距西侧营区还有7公里的直线距离。明天(4月17日)徒步队伍预计到达意大利BC休整,18或19号进驻到北侧大本营区。
进山途中由于山谷较窄、山体遮挡,卫星电话的信号不佳;铱星电话时而能打出,海事卫星电话则一路无信号。队伍中负责报道的山东籍随行人员小郑,一路不停调试海事设备BGAN 试图发回些图片,但始终未能如愿,他打铱星电话说:“不能正常报道,心情焦急”;
Iridium or Thuraya Satellite Phone in Nepal
Thuraya works with geo-stationary satellites: if the view of those satellites is obstructed (mountains etc …) you won’t have reception. Iridium works with LEO’s (low-earth orbiting satellites), chances are better to have a proper signal wherever you are.
If you decide to bring a sat phone into Nepal and you can sneak it through the x-ray checkpoint, I would be very discrete in using it. It would be a highly desirable item in Nepal, and someone could purport to be a govt. official or Maoist and confiscate it. A couple of years ago, my trekking buddy and I were stopped by the Maoists on the Jiri trek. Our guide told us later that one of the 1st questions they ask him and the teahouse owners… did we have sat phones. While the Maoists aren’t extorting $ like they used to, someone could easily do it if they knew you had something they really want.
if? you have additional questions about sat phones and service,Or you need the above product or professional service, plz call Zeedo on+86-1379520-4944 or 86-21-68882239. MSN ID: hwadata#hotmail.com(”#”=”@”)
ADDR:ROOM 1103,Building 3, DongMing Plazza, No.628 ZhangYang Rd,PuDong,ShangHai.
Exceptional Emergency,Deliver Goods to the Customers.
高田电讯的经营团队专注于企业通讯、应急通信多年,与Iridium ,Inmarsat各卫星电话公司有长期的业务合作,希望服务好每一位有需要有诚意的客户。无论是销售数字娱乐产品,还是供应业内{yl}的商业技术产品,高 田电讯的服务目标都只有一个:
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