不错的iPad支架,69美分!_Randy sky_百度空间
In our quest to find the perfect yet inexpensive iPad stand, last week we … LEGOs, a book stand, Tinkertoys or even the family pet are decent replacements for that sack of suck Apple sells as their ($30 for a dock that doesn’t support landscape mode … ha! ha!). Sans family pet, the aforementioned iPad stands run in the neighborhood of $6 to $10 … not too hard on the wallet, thank you very much.

But even better news today … we one-upped the $6 to $10 price range to the cool tune of 
69 cents! < SHUT UP … GET THE F OUT > Seriously … for less than a buck, you can get a lightweight, portable iPad stand that has more functionality than Apple’s krapp since this 69 cents stand supports both vertical AND horizontal orientation.

So what is this 69 cents magical device? A simple business card holder from , discovered by New York Times’ Multimedia Editor . Nice work dude … we love it … gives us more coin for KRAPPS purchases.

Oh … and for those about to diss the 69 cents iPad stand of awesomeness for not having the ability to charge the iPad while docked … deal with it – it’s SIXTY NINE FREAKING CENTS!  

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