Date: 14-APR-2010
Time: 9:30am LT
Type: Piper PA-28-235 Cherokee Pathfinder
Operator: Saviare LTDA
Registration: HK1548
C/n / msn: 28-7410090
Fatalities: Fatalities: 3 / Occupants: 5
Airplane damage: Substantial
Location: Near El Cairo, Meta dep, Villavicencio - 哥伦比亚PA-28飞机起飞不久坠落,3人死亡   
Phase: Take off
Nature: Passenger
Departure airport: La Vanguardia Airport - SKVV
Destination airport: La Macarena
Three people were killed and two injured when the Piper crashed shortly after takeoff near the city of Villavicencio, while covering a flight between the capital of Meta department and the municipality of La Macarena. 
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