车间农药泄漏致一死一伤- 嘉德阀门- 嘉德阀门- 和讯博客
车间农药泄漏致一死一伤 [转贴 2010-04-22 11:16:59]   

原文:Pesticide plant leak caused two casualties
Pesticide plant leak caused two casualties Recently, the utility of Wei Ling robust pesticide factory, two workers at the pesticide factory workshop View pesticide products, pesticides inadvertently splashed face, eye, causing two casualties. At 17 o'clock on the April 17 and more, Wei Ling robust production manager Pengmou pesticide factory and workshop director Wang, the two men in preparation for production, in the workshop see the quality of clients failed to return to the pesticide inside the sediment, when Pengmou Open container valve, the valves and pipe joints fracture, pesticide containers which spilled Pengmou the face and chest, and splashed on Wang's eyes, was sent to Wei Ling hospital after Pengmou died, Wang washed his face after the ride to the treatment of eye Wei Ling hospitals after referral for treatment, not life-threatening. To prevent the recurrence of the tragedy, the main book Yuexi County Public Security Bureau police station immediately set up shop on the pesticide leak warning tape around the mass evacuation. Yuexi county safety, environmental protection, fire and other related departments of the pesticide plant leaked to safe disposal.
原文来自: http://www.google.com.hk/news

Pesticide plant leak caused two casualties ; 是由 提供的阀门新闻,中文译文仅供参考(上海依耐泵阀有限公司还生产 及三片式法兰球阀,主安全阀,外螺纹球阀,双杠杆安全阀,高压内螺纹球阀,欢迎您的选购。)

车间农药泄漏致一死一伤 近日,岳西县巍岭乡茁壮农药厂,两名职工在农药厂车间查看农药产品时,不慎被农药溅到脸部、眼部,造成一死一伤。   4月17日下午5点多,巍岭乡茁壮农药厂生产厂长彭某和车间主任王某两人为准备生产,在车间查看客户退回来的质量不合格的农药里面的沉淀物,当彭某打开容器的阀门时,阀门和管子连接处断裂,容器里面的农药溅到彭某的脸部和胸部,也溅到王某的眼部,后彭某被送巍岭医院不治身亡,王某洗过脸后自己骑车到巍岭卫生院xx眼部,后转院接受xx,无生命危险。   为防止再次发生惨剧,岳西县公安局主簿派出所民警立即对农药泄漏的车间设立警戒带,疏散附近群众。岳西县安监、环保、消防等相关部门对农药泄漏的车间进行安全处理。

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