Human Engineered Earthquakes 人工地震_大连安琪尔心理咨询所_百度空间

by Ray Bilger 作者:瑞 彼尔格尔

Let's now explore what has been, and what is being done in the area of geophysical manipulations. The primary focus here will be human-induced earthquakes, as this is a main area of Elite interest. This is, of course, because earthquakes are so profound and have the most dramatic effects for purposes of controlling populations. Most people may never comprehend the fact that human beings have the capability to produce such things, or that humans would ever do such things to each other. So, when an earthquake occurs, very few would ever even think of asking, "Was that natural or man-made?" Actually, now that we have progressed into a higher level of activity with respect to Earth Changes, it becomes increasingly more difficult to know which is which. In some places the ground seems to be shaking all the time!

       现在让我们来探索在地球物理操纵领域什么曾经以及什么正在被进行。这里主要的焦点将是人工诱导地震,因为这是“精英”主要兴趣之所在。当然,这是因为地震如此深刻,并对控制人口的目的有最戏剧性的效果。大多数人可能从未了解人类(实为非人/ 次人/ 敌人类)有产生这种东西的能力的事实,或者人类(同前)竟然会对彼此做这种事情。所以,当一场地震发生时,很少有人即使只是想到去问:“那是自然的还是人为的?”实际上,因为我们已经进入到一个有关地球变化的更高的活动水平,知晓哪个是哪个变得越来越困难。在一些地方地面似乎一直在振颤!

As you will recall, in Part V of this series, we mentioned Nicola Tesla's 'Controlled Earthquakes of 1935,' labelled by Tesla as "the art of telegeodynamics." Tesla was able to cause "rhythmical vibrations to pass through the Earth with almost no loss of energy," and he could "convey these mechanical effects to the greatest terrestrial distances and produce all kinds of unique effects."

       如你将记起的,在这一系列的第五部分,我们提到了被其标记为“地球遥控动力学艺术”的尼古拉 特斯拉的“1935年被控制的地震”。特斯拉能够引发“传导于地球而几乎不损失能量的有节律震动”,它能够“传递这些力学作用到地球上最远的距离并产生各种独{tx}应”。


The author has little information on developments over the forty years following 1935, yet something must have been happening because, as mentioned in Part IX of this series, a Senate sub-committee hearing, chaired by Senator Claiborne Pell, stated that: "We need a treaty now...before the military leaders of the world start directing storms, manipulating climates and inducing earthquakes against their enemies." Senator Pell would not have spoken these words in 1975 about inducing earthquakes unless he had some knowledge that such technology existed.

       关于1935年之后的四十年间的进展作者所知甚少,然而一些事情必定一直在发生,因为如这一系列的第四部分中所提及的,一个由参议员克莱本 佩尔担任主席的参议院下属委员会听证会声称:“我们现在需要一个协定......在这个世界的军事首领开始指挥风暴、操纵天气并诱发地震以对付其敌人之前。”除非对这样的技术存在有所知晓,佩尔参议员不会在1975年说这些关于诱发地震的话。

Also, reported in Part IX of this series, on December 10, 1976, the General Assembly of the United Nations approved the 'Convention of the Prohibition of Military or any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques,' and issued a report. Again, such a report would not have been issued if there were not technology in place capable of environmental modification, including the ability to induce earthquakes.


The June 5, 1977, New York Times described the great earthquake which destroyed Tangshan, China on July 28, 1976, and killed over 650,000 people.


Just before the first tremor at 3:42 am, the sky lit up like daylight. The multi-hued lights, mainly white and red, were seen up to 200 miles away. Leaves on many trees were burned to a crisp and growing vegetables were scorched on one side, as if by a fireball.

Some investigators believe these electrical effects were associated with electromagnetic plasma and ball lightning and the strange array of flashes which result from Tesla-style technology and /or HAARP-like transmissions. Was this brilliant flash of colored light what Tesla was talking about in 1935 when he mentioned "all kinds of unique effects?quot;? Was this earthquake just a test of the system, conducted on the unsuspecting people of China? It certainly does not appear that it was a natural earthquake.


In January of 1978, Dr. Andrija Puharich, MD, LL.D, issued a detailed research paper entitled 'Global Magnetic Warfare - A Layman's View of Certain Artificially Induced Unusual Effects on The Planet Earth During 1976 and 1977.' In his paper, Dr. Puharich stated, "Of the many great earthquakes of 1976, there is one that demands special attention - the July 28, 1976 Tangshan, China earthquake."

       在1978年1月,马里兰州法学博士安德瑞加 普哈瑞驰博士发表了一份详细的研究论文,题目是《全球电磁战——一个外行对1976至1977年间“行星地球”项目某种人工诱导的非常效应的观点》。在他的论文中,普哈瑞驰博士写道:“在1976年的许多大地震中,有一个需要特别的注意——1976年7月28日中国唐山地震。”

The January 1978 edition of Specula magazine ran an article which described an incredibly profound phenomenon that could be produced within the Earth by what is called the 'Tesla Effect.' According to the article, electromagnetic signals of certain frequencies can be transmitted through the Earth to form standing waves in the Earth itself. In certain cases, coherence to this standing wave can be induced wherein a fraction of the vast, surging electromagnetic current of the Earth itself feeds into and augments the induced standing wave. In other words, "much more energy is now present in the standing wave that the ...amount being fed in from the Earth's surface." By interferometer techniques, giant standing waves can be combined to produce a focused beam of very great energy. This can be used to produce earthquakes induced at distant aiming points.


It might be good to go back and re-read the above paragraph a couple of times. This is one of the things which greatly concerned Mr. Tesla, because this is exactly the type of thing that could easily get out of control once it begins vibrating within the Earth and could actually cause the Earth to VIBRATE TO PIECES. Could the use of this technique have been responsible for the great earthquake in Tangshan, China in 1976?


One source, Dr. Peter Beter, has stated that, by 1977, the Russians had placed fission-fusion-fission Superbombs in certain deep undersea trenches around the Phillipines. The source believes that the Phillipines are in the position of a 'keystone' within the giant Pacific Tectonic Plate. Russia had already been setting off lower yield undersea weapons in other areas around the Pacific Ocean causing strong earthquakes.

       作为一个消息来源,皮特 彼得博士在1977年就说道,俄罗斯人应经在菲律宾周围一定深度的海沟部署了xx-聚变-xx超级xx。该消息来源相信菲律宾位于巨大的太平洋构造盆地的一个“拱顶石”位置。俄罗斯已经在围绕太平洋的其他区域发射了导致强烈地震的低排放水下武器。

Dr. Beter believes the intention was/is to relieve tensions all around the Pacific plate, except the Phillipines where stresses would build to tremendous levels. Then, at a certain point, the bombs around the Phillipines will be set off. It is expected that this will cause incredible earthquakes and tidal waves and ultimately devastate the American West Coast. Volcanoes erupting in the Phillipines are an indication that stresses are building in the area. (Readers need to understand that earthquakes and volcanoes are intimately connected and work hand in hand, with the one sometimes triggering the other, and sometimes the reverse. An earthquake can open vents deep in the Earth which allow lava to flow up. In other cases, the stresses driving volcanic activity can also cause earthquakes.


The January 30, 1981 edition of the Washington Post reported that in 1979 there were 56 significant earthquakes in the world, and that by 1980 the annual figure was up to 71. Coincidentally, in 1980 there was an increase in ELF transmissions by both Russia and the United States.


In 1981, Lt. Col. Thomas Bearden, a nuclear engineer and the leading Tesla researcher in the U.S., gave a very interesting lecture before the U.S. Psychotronics Association. In part of his talk he was speaking about the standing waves produced by Tesla Magnifying Transmitters that were also discussed in Specula magazine in 1978. He was, in essence, describing how HAARP works. Mr. Bearden stated in part,

       1981年,托马斯 彼尔顿中校——美国一位核工程师和特斯拉项目的主要研究者,在美国心电协会前做了一场非常有意思的演讲。在其演讲当中他谈到《反射镜》杂志在1978年也谈及的由特斯拉增强发射器所产生的定波。他主要是描述了HAARP怎样工作。彼尔顿中校部分言及:

Then, what you do is change the frequency. If you change the frequency one way (by dephasing it), you dump the energy up in the atmosphere beyond the point on the other side of the Earth that you focused upon. As you start ionizing the air, you can change the weather flow patterns, the jet stream, etc.. If you dump it gradually, real gradually, you influence the heck out of the weather. It's a great weather machine. If you dump it sharply, you won‘t get the little ionization like that. You will get flashes and fireballs (plasma) that will come down to the surface of the Earth. You can cause enormous weather changes over entire regions by playing that thing back and forth.

Mr. Bearden almost makes it sound like some kind of weather machine toy that's fun to operate. But it also sounds like Tangshan, China, on July 28, 1976.


3 2010-04-21 18:56 |
若要让千万的人员伤亡、财产损失和救援代价失有所值,重心并不在事后单纯的救援和哀悼(虽然救援和哀悼都是必要的),而在于对以后可能发生的灾难的事前预防!这意味着必须面对已经发生了的灾难发生的真正原因!正是由于两年前的“5.12”汶川地震的真正原因——美国/ 西方敌国敌人操纵超级地震武器所为未予追究,才再次发生了今天的玉树地震以及此间国内外发生的无数其他地震!这是中美国(北京)的国耻!4月14日 应该被定为中美国(北京)的国耻日!尽管敌国的每{yt}都是充分可耻的!

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