--基于烃类微渗漏理论的高光谱遥感油气异常探测方法研究- qwwj1495 ...
--基于烃类微渗漏理论的高光谱遥感油气异常探测方法研究 [原创 2010-04-05 21:29:55]   
锘? 鍒╃敤閬ユ劅鎶?湳鐩亡帴鎵炬挖涓晨鏄埄鐢ㄩ仴鎰熷罚鍍忎俏鎭彁鍙栫瓑鎶?湳鎸栨帢鍑洪仴鎰熷罚鍍忕殑鐑冪被寰笚婕忎俏鎭紝鍦堝畾鎴栭娴嬫湁鍒╃殑娌规皵鍕樻帰闈跺尯锛屾槸閬ユ劅娌规皵鍕樻帰鎶?湳鐨勫墠娌裤?瀹冩槸涓?闈炰镜鍏ュ紡鎶?湳锛屽叿鏈夌粡娴庛?瀹夊叏鍙婇珮鏁堢巼绛夋柟闈㈢殑浼樺娍锛屾湁寰堝ぇ鐨勫簲鐢ㄦ綔鍔涖?90骞翠唬浠ュ墠锛岄仴鎰熸帰娴嬫补姘斿井娓楁紡淇″彿涓晨鍒╃敤闄嗗湴鍗槦LANDSAT MSS鍜孴M绛夊鍏夎氨閬ユ劅璧勬枡锛岄?杩囧浘鍍忓寮恒?娉㈡姣斿?銆佸浘鍍忓彉鎹㈢瓑鍥惧儚澶勭悊鏂规硶锛屾彮绀哄拰鎺㈡祴鐢辨补姘斿井娓楁紡寮曡捣鐨勮壊璋冨紓甯革紝濉粯娌规皵寰笚婕忓垎甯冨尯鍩燂紝杩涜娌规皵杩滄櫙璇勪环銆傜敱浜庡鍏夎氨閬ユ劅鍏夎氨鍒嗚鲸鐜囩殑闄愬埗锛屽鍏夎氨閬ユ劅娌规皵娓楁紡淇℃伅鎺㈡祴鐨勪笉纭畾鎬ц緝澶с?闅忕潃20涓栫邯80骞翠唬浠ユ潵鏂板瀷閬ユ劅浼犳劅鍣?濡傞珮鍒嗚鲸鐜囥?楂樺厜璋辩瓑閬ユ劅浼犳劅鍣?鐨勭爺鍒舵垚鍔熷強閬ユ劅淇℃伅澶勭悊鏂规硶鐨勫彂灞曪紝鎴戜涩鍙互鑾峰緱鏇村落姞涓板瘜鐨勭┖闂村落罚鍍忎俊鎭祫婧愩?鏈枃浠ユ涓哄鏈猴紝鍩轰簬鐑冪被寰笚婕忕悊璁猴紝鍒╃敤楂樺厜璋遍仴鎰熸妧鏈娌规皵寮傚女閬ユ劅杩涜鏂规硶鐮旂┒璇曢獙銆傚叿浣撶爺绌跺埄鐢‥O-1 Hyprion鎴愬儚鍏夎氨鏁版嵁锛屼粠鐑冪被寰笚婕忕悊璁哄叆鎵嬶紝鎺㈠鐑冪被寰笚婕忓尯鐨勫湴琛ㄦ尝璋辩壒寰佸強閬ユ劅鎺㈡祴鎸囩ず鏍囧織銆傚湪姝ゅ熀纭?笂锛岄?鎷╅潚娴威严渷鏌磋揪鏈ㄧ泦鍦颁綔涓虹爺绌跺尯锛屽Hyprion褰卞儚杩涜淇℃伅澶勭悊锛岃繘鑰屾彁鍙栫儍绫诲井娓楁紡淇℃伅銆傛渶鍚庣粨鍚堢爺绌跺尯瀹炴祴鍦熷¥鏍峰搧鍋氱浉鍏崇殑娉㈣氨娴嬭瘯銆佸寲楠屽垎鏋愶紝涓洪珮鍏夎氨閬ユ劅娌规皵鍕樻帰搴旂敤鎻愪緵浣愯瘉銆傞鍏堬紝鏈枃绯素粺鍦扮爺绌跺綊绾充簡鐑冪被鐗╄川寰笚婕忕幇璞′互鍙婄敱姝ゅ紩璧威严殑鍦拌〃铓?彉锛屼粠寰笚婕忓湴琛ㄥ湡澹ゅ強宀╃煶鍦扮悆鍖栧寮傚父銆佸湴琛ㄥ湡澹ゅ惛闄勭儍寮傚女銆佸湴妞嶇墿寮傚女銆佸湴鐑紓甯哥瓑鍑犱釜鏂回潰瀵画眰閬ユ劅鎸囩ず鏍囧織銆傝繘鑰岋紝璁鸿堪浜嗗埄鐢ㄤ紶缁熼仴鎰熸墜娈靛疄鐜扮儍绫诲井娓楁紡鎺㈡祴鐨勬柟娉曪紝闃愯堪鍒╃敤楂樺厜璋遍仴鎰熸帰娴嬫补姘旂殑鐞嗚鍙鎬у拰涓?簺瀹為獙瀹ょ爺绌舵垚鏋溿?鐒跺悗锛屽埄鐢ㄦ煷杈炬湪鐩嗗湴鐨凥yprion褰卞儚锛屽湪褰卞儚鏁版嵁棰勫鐞嗙殑鍩虹涓婏紝閫夊彇璺濇订鍖?鍙锋皵鐢版渶杩戠殑涓?褰卞儚涓虹爺绌剁洰鏍囥?鍏呭垎鍒╃敤浜嗗崼鏄熼珮鍏夎氨鎴愬儚閬ユ劅鏁版嵁鍏锋湁鐨勫厜璋辩粏鍒嗙壒鎬э紝鍒嗗埆閲囩敤娉㈣氨绾利鎸囨暟娉?PPI)銆佸厜璋辫鍒嗙被(SAM)銆佸厜璋变唬鏁拌繍绠楃瓑閬ユ劅淇℃伅鎻愬彇鎶?湳鏂规硶杩涜鍒嗘瀽銆佸姣旓紝鏈?粓鍦ㄥ凡是鐭ユ挖姘斿尯纭畾浜嗕笌鐑冪被寰笚婕忕浉鍏崇殑铓?彉鐭跨墿缁勫悎淇℃伅锛屽苟浣滀背姘斿尯鎺㈡祴鐨勯仴鎰熻В璇戠粍鍚堟爣蹇楋紝杩涗竴姝ュ垎鏋愮‘瀹氫簡鏂扮殑娌规皵鍕樻帰杩滄櫙鍖恒?杩涜?锛屽鐮旂┒鍖洪噹澶栧嫎韪忛噰闆嗙殑鍦熷¥鏍峰搧鍋氫簡鐩稿叧鐨勬尝璋辨祴璇曘?鍖栭獙鍒嗘瀽銆傜粨鏋滆〃鏄庯紝鍦熷¥娉㈣氨娴嬭瘯鍒嗘瀽鍛堢幇鍑虹矘鍦熺熆鐗┿?纰抽吀鐩愮熆鐗┿?鐑冪被鐗╄川鐨勭壒寰佸惛鏀舵尝璋憋紱閰歌В鐑冨垎鏋愪粠鍦扮悆鍖栧鍦虹瓑瑙掑利楠岃瘉浜嗘皵鍖哄睘浜庨珮鑳屾櫙鍦哄拰浠ョ敳鐑蜂背涓素殑鍦颁笅鍚补姘旀?缁撹锛屽苟璇佸疄鐢茬兎鍚噺涓庡疄娴嬫尝璋辩殑鐑冩寚鏁板憟姝g浉鍏筹紱鐭跨墿缁勫垎鍒嗘瀽缁撴灉璇佸疄浜嗚殌鍙樼熆鐗╀俏鎭粍鍚堟槸璇嗗埆娌规皵鍖虹殑鏈夊埄閬ユ劅瑙h瘧鏍囧織銆傝繖浜涚粨鏋滀背涓婅堪娌规皵楂樺厜璋遍仴鎰熸妧鏈殑鐮旂┒鎻愪緵浜嗘湁鍔涚殑璇佹槑銆傛渶鍚庡綊绾冲嚭楂樺厜璋辨挖姘旈仴鎰熺殑宸ヤ綔鎶?湳娴佺▼锛屽睍鏈涗簡璇ラ」搴旂敤鐨勫墠鏅?');ReplaceFont('EnDivSummary','Utilizing remote sensing technology to explore oil & gas reservoir, which extract hydrocarbon microseepage information from remote sensing images by information extraction techniques mainly, can detect oil & gas information directly and locate oil &gas exploration target area. It is an non-invasive technology among the technologies of exploring oil & gas reservoir. It is economical,, safe, effective and promising. And it can accomplish integrative forecast.Before 1990\'s, the multi-spectral remote sensing data, such as LANDSAT MSS and TM, were the main source for extracting hydrocarbon microseepage information. By image enhancing, band ratio and image transform, human can identify the tone abnormity induced by hydrocarbon microseepage, then map the distribution region to evaluate the oil & gas perspective. Since 1980\'s, new remote sensing sensor, such as high spatial resolution and hyperspectral remote sensing sensor,, were developed and some more advanced remote sensing information process method appeared. We can acquire more abundant spatial image information.This article catches this chance to make an attempt to study on using hyperspectral remote sensing to explore oil & gas resources. Research is started with finding some indicating symbols based on hydrocarbon microseepage theory over oil & gas reservoir. Then Qaidam basin of Qinghai province is chose for oil & gas remote sensing research. The EO-1 Hyprion images are introduced to extract hydrocarbon microseepage information by applying various method. In the end, soil samples are collected. And spectrum test, hydrocarbon acid-digestion test and mineral components analysis of soil samples are performed. This can prove application feasibility and validity for hyperspectral remote sensing to explore oil & gas reservoir.Firstly, this article systematically studies hydrocarbon microseepage phenomenon and ground surface corrosion caused by it. And finding out remote sensing indicators, which can be used by hyperspectral remote sensing technology, are geochemistry abnormity of soil and rock, adsorption hydrocarbon abnormity in soil, earth\'s surface vegetation abnormity and terrestrial heat abnormity. Furthermore, discuss some means to detect hydrocarbon microseepage by multi-spectral remote sensing data, and quote theory feasibility of detecting microseepage information by hyperspectral remote sensing and some production from lab research.Afterwards, Spectral Puritify Index, Spectral Angle Mapping, and Spectral algebra operation are performed to this application research. It is based on the preprocessed Hyprion image covering Seibei No.2 gas field of Qaidam basin. High spectral subdivision feature of hyperspectral image is fully made use of in course of research. Eventually corrosion minerals compounding information are confirmed to be theidentification indicator for hyperspectral remote sensing to explore oil & gas reservoir. And then find some new perspective area for oil & gas exploration.Furthermore, soil samples in research area are collected. And spectra test, hydrocarbon acid-digestion test and mineral components analysis of soil samples are performed. The result of spectrum test shows that samples spectra have absorption features of clay minerals, carbonate minerals and hydrocarbons. The result of hydrocarbon acid-digestion test makes conclusion that research area is high background field at the point of view of regional geochemical field and methane is the main component in Sebei No.2 gas field. Then approves that methane content and hydrocarbon index of soil test spectra is positive correlation. And mineral components analysis confirms that corrosion minerals compounding information is identification indicator for hyperspectral remote sensing to explore oil & gas reservoir. These results powerfully prove the feasibility and validity of hyperspectral application research in oil &gas field.Finally, conclude technical flowchart of using Hyperspectral image to explore oil &gas reservoir and expect the application prospect.'); 相关的主题文章:
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