污水提升泵站增容工程正在紧张施工中- 中国隔膜泵- 中国隔膜泵- 和讯博客
污水提升泵站增容工程正在紧张施工中 [转贴 2010-04-21 13:48:22]   

我市地处黄河流域和淮河流域,汜河出境水和索河出境水均为郑州市控断面,按照郑州市下达的我市“十一五”环境保护责任目标的要求“2010年索河出境水断面水质COD,氨氮浓度分别达到50mg/L 、5mg/L”,自去年以来,省、市政府开始推行处境河流水质生态补偿机制,按照郑州市生态补偿办法要求,我市索河流域出境水质面临巨大压力。 我市城区地势西高东低,南高北低,广武路以东每天有1万余吨生活污水不能进入城市污水处理厂,直接顺圾电厂东面自然够排入索河。为确保索河出境水断面达标排放,提高城市污水处理率,改善我市水环境质量,创建郑州市环保模范城。原来在该处建设的污水提升泵站设计日提升污水1.5万吨。因全长4公里的直径40cm的钢制密闭管道管阻力大,实际输送能力约1.2万吨。 近阶段我市东区发展迅速,造成用水高峰时泵站抽不供的现象。这一现象我单位及时上报并得到了上级各部门的高度重视,并邀请市政公司技术人员和郑州市工程设计院的专家实地考察就污水提升泵站的现状如何增加污水提升能力给出了可行性报告。根据专家提出的增大污水提升能力的可行性报告,选择专业的管道安装公司改造污水输送管道曾设污水提升泵。该工程已于三月底开工。 此项工程因既要保证工程的顺利进行,还要保障污水处理设施的正常运行,不能让一点污水流出荥阳,施工难度增大。泵池水仓正常水深2.5米,需要开凿的池壁原是采用双排22的螺纹钢网25#防渗商业混凝土浇注而成其牢固程度可想而知。我单位积极为施工方提供原始技术资料,并派遣熟悉环境的人员现场协调。选用科学的施工方案,利用闸阀和泵间隙性开启调节水位,先进的开凿设备,使得土木方面的工程顺利开工。 工程现在正如火如荼地进行着,工程完工后,将使泵站的污水提升能力由原来的设计1.5万吨提高至2万吨,原来用水高峰期泵站提水不供,污水外溢的现象也会随着该工程的完工得到彻底解决。

“ Sewage lifting pump station project is being constructed in the compatibilizer ”是由提供的国际水泵新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国隔膜泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

The city is located in the Yellow River and Huaihe River, creek water and cable River River exit water exit are controlled sections of Zhengzhou City, Zhengzhou City, according to the city issued the "Eleventh Five-Year" environmental responsibility objectives for the "2010 Cable Creek exit water quality section COD, ammonia nitrogen concentration reached 50mg / L, 5mg / L ", since last year, provincial and municipal governments introduced the situation of water quality ecological compensation mechanism of ecological compensation measures in accordance with requirements of Zhengzhou City, the city cable River Basin water quality leaving becoming a pressure. City-lying city from west to east, high and low, wide Wu Road, east of the daily life of 1 million tons of waste water can not enter the city sewage treatment plant, garbage power plant along the east directly into the cable River natural enough. To ensure the cable section of river discharge standard of water quality, improve the urban sewage treatment rate and improve the city water quality, create Zhengzhou Environmental Protection Model. Where the original building design of sewage pump stations on upgrading the sewage 15,000 tons. 4 km long by 40cm diameter, the resistance of steel confined Pipeline large, the actual transmission capacity of about 12,000 tons. Eastern city has developed rapidly in recent phase, resulting in the peak pump pumping water for the phenomenon. I reported this phenomenon in time units and has been attached great importance to the various departments at higher levels, and to invite technical and Zhengzhou Municipal Corporation, Municipal Engineering Design Institute site visits of experts on the current status of sewage pump stations to increase sewage capacity building given the feasibility of report. According to experts the increase of sewage lifting capacity of the feasibility report, choose a professional installation company's transformation pipeline has been set up sewage pipes sewage lift pump. The project was started by the end of March. This works because it is necessary to ensure the smooth progress of the project, but also guarantee normal operation of sewage treatment facilities, can not let a little water out of Xing Yang, construction difficult. Pump water depth of 2.5 meters in the normal position, need to dig the pool wall was originally a double row of rebar 22 25 # seepage business network is made of concrete pouring its strong as can be imagined. I am positive for the construction of units provided by the original technical information, and sent on-site coordination of personnel familiar with the environment. Use scientific construction plan, the use of open space gate and pump water level regulation, advanced excavation equipment, making civil aspects of project began. Project is now well underway with the project completed, will enhance the capacity of the sewage pumping station from the original design of 15,000 tons to 2 million tons, the peak of the original water pump for water is not available, sewage spillover phenomenon will With the project completed thoroughly resolved.

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