
Iron Rail to Golden Spike (revision3x, 4/11/2007)



By William F. Chew, author of “Nameless Builders of the Transcontinental Railroad”



Theodore Judah, a young Eastern civil engineer and surveyor, with proven expertise in railroad building, did a survey as early as 1854, but it was not accepted by the Senate and the House. In 1860, Daniel Strong of Dutch Flat pointed out an easier passage through the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Having received financing from seven men, four of whom represented the Central Pacific Railroad Company, Judah drew new plans and maps for a Pacific railroad, which were incorporated into the Pacific Railroad Act and signed into law by President Abraham Lincoln on July 1, 1862.



The established and experienced Union Pacific Railroad Company would build the eastern route starting from Omaha, Nebraska. The upstart Central Pacific Railroad Company (CPRR), headed by the “Big Four”, Charles Crocker, Leland Stanford, Mark Hopkins, and Collis Huntington, would build the western route from Sacramento, both linking up in Utah.



On January 8, 1863, at 54 “K” Street, in front of the Huntington and Hopkins Hardware Store,

the official groundbreaking of the Central Pacific Railroad took place.



A year later only 18 miles of tract had been laid. Lack of manpower was becoming critical. It was back breaking labor, too grueling to stay on.  Men would work a short time and move on to other, hopefully, more profitable and less arduous projects.



Charles Crocker needed dependable workers. He had hired a small group of local Chinese miners to clear the Dutch-Flat-Donner Lake Wagon Road.



Impressed by their discipline and efficiency, he proposed to Supt. James Strobridge to hire these Chinese workers. Strobridge, however, strongly objected because he believed that “the Chinese were too small and inexperienced”. He was soon silenced when Crocker supposedly rebutted: “They built the Great Wall didn’t they?”

这些工人的纪律性和高效率,给克洛克留下了非常深刻的印象。很快,他就向工程监督詹姆斯-斯特布罗奇建议正式雇用这些华工,但遭到了强烈的反对。斯特布罗奇的理由是,他认为“这些中国人太弱小,而且没有经验”。克洛克反驳说:“可正是他们建造了xx的万里长城,不是吗?” 斯特布罗奇顿时哑口无言。


To be continued (待续……)        绿萍译

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