
论文编号:JD544 包括开题报告,任务书,论文字数:19989,页数:49






With the rapid development of economy of our country,more and more people have owed their cars, at the same time, more and more accidents occur because of parking and reversing.the car reserving aid system which can help drivers parking is invented.
At the core of the design using AT89C2051 low-cost, high accuracy, Micro figures show that the ultrasonic range finder hardware and software design methods. Modular design of the whole circuit from the main program, pre subroutine fired subroutine receive subroutine. display subroutine modules form. SCM comprehensive analysis of the probe signal processing, and the ultrasonic range finder function. On the basis of the overall system design, hardware and software by the end of each module.
The research has led to the discovery that the software and hardware designing is justified, the anti-disturbance competence is powerful and the real-time capability is satisfactory and by extension and upgrade, this system can resolve the problem of the car availably, building construction the position of the workplace and some industries spot supervision.


Keywords:Measure Distance  uitrasonic  MCU AT89C2051

摘  要 1
{dy}章  绪论 5
1.1 超声波测距技术研究的背景及意义 5
1.2 国内外超声波测距技术的发展现状 6
1.3 倒车技术研究的背景及意义 6
1.4 国内外倒车雷达的发展现状 7
第二章  认识超声波 9
2.1 什么是超声波 9
2.1.1认识超声波 9
2.1.2 超声波发生器 9
2.1.3利用超声波测距 9
2.1.4 超声波测距仪原理框图 10
2.3 超声波倒车雷达系统工作原理 12
2.3.1 系统工作原理框图 12
第三章  超声波倒车雷达硬件设计 13
3.1 单片机控制芯片 13
3.2 超声波倒车雷达的工作原理 14
3.3 超声波发射电路设计 14
3.4 超声波检测接收电路 15
3.6 基于MAX7219显示电路 17
3.7 超声波测距系统的硬件电路设计 18
第四章  超声波测距系统的软件设计 20
4.1超声波测距仪的软件规划 20
4.2 DS18B20的接口程序设计 21
4.3 显示程序设计 24
4.4 距离计算及其程序实现 27
4.5 主程序设计 31
4.6 源程序代码 33
参考文献 34
附录一超声波测距电路原理图 36
附录二超声波测距电路版图 36
附录三源程序 37
总  结 48
致  谢 50


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