南海庙会菠萝诞 2 二沙江景_snowinghill_新浪博客



Above: 五星级的岭南会,我吃不起这儿的饭,但还能饮茶。Ling-Nan Club is a five-star restuarnt, every deer. I can only afford dim sum tea here.

Above: 绿树从中的星海音乐厅。The Xing-Hai Music Hall behind trees while standing out in the skyscrapers.

Above:  海印、二沙。Hai-Yin Bridge and Er-Sha Island

Above: 星海音乐厅侧面。 View of Xing-Hai Music Hall from the other side, it’s shape looks spectacular.

Above: 二沙岛、滨江东。East of Bin-Jiang Road, the expensive housing area is opposite Er-Sha Island.




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