

2010-04-14 08:42:48 阅读11 评论0 字号:

氨基树脂胶粘剂amino resin adhesive
氨基塑料树脂aminoplastic resin
氨水ammonia liquor
半耐久性胶粘剂semi-durable adhesive
薄膜胶;胶膜纸film adhesive
苯酚甲醛树脂phenol formaldehyde resin
苯酚甲醛树脂胶phenol formaldehyde
synthetic resin
苯酚热固树脂phenol thermosetting resin
苯基二氯胺phenyl dichloramine (P.D.A)
丙阶酚醛树脂;不溶性酚醛树脂resit (e)
丙烯propylene (= propene)
丙烯醛树脂acrylic thermoplastic resin
丙烯热朔性树脂acrylic thermoplastic resin
丙烯酸(类)树脂acrylic acid resin
丙烯酸甲脂methyl acrylate
不连续涂胶glue applied in discrete spots
不溶物质insoluble substance
不溶于水water insoluble
不受强酸影响not affected by strong acids
不需要固化剂no hardener required
部分稀释partially dilutable
部分与水混合partially water miscible
采脂resin tapping
沉淀消失precipitate dissolves
陈化时间assembly time; curing time
迟缓剂retarder; retarding agent
枞酸甲酯methy abietate
达玛(氧化)树脂;不溶树脂dammar resin
单面涂胶single sutface spreading
蛋白胶protein glueprotein adhesive; albumin glue
导电性胶electrically conductive adhesive
导电性胶粘剂electrically conductive adhesive
低克分子量聚合物low MW polymers
低温固化low-temperature setting
底浓度溶液low viscosity solution
点状胶合spotty bond
淀粉胶starch glue; dextrin(e) adhesive
淀粉胶粘剂starch adhesive
动物胶animal glue;(size; adhesive)
豆胶粉soybean glue ; soybean meal glue
多元醇(缩合)树脂polybasic alcohol resin
二羟甲基脲dimethylol urea(DMU)
二氢枞酸甲酯 menthyl dihydroabietate
二氧化碳carbon dioxide
芳樟醇 linalool
防水胶(1类)perfect water resistance(tape1)
防水胶,耐水胶waterproof glue
防水胶粘剂moisture-proof adhesive
防水乳胶emulision water repellent
分馏塔fractionating tower
分散剂disperse agent
酚醇phenolic alcohol
酚基 phenolic group
酚醛胶 phenol glue; phenolic adhesive
酚醛树脂 phenok resin; phenol-fornaldehyde resin; phenol aldehyde resin
酚醛树脂胶粘剂 phenol aldehyde resin adhesive; phenolic-adhesive
粉状固化剂 powder hardener
粉状胶 powder glue
封边涂胶 edge gluing
封边涂胶机 edge gluer; glue alpplicator for edge
呋喃 furan(e);furfuran
呋喃甲醇;糖醇 furfuryl alcohol
呋喃甲醛;糖醛 furfural; furaldehyde
呋喃树脂 furan(e) resin
呋喃树脂胶粘剂 furan(e) resin adhesive
呋喃烷 furanidine
腐蚀性 corrosive
干混合胶 dry mixing glue
高频固化 radio-frequency curing
高频胶合 radio-frequency gluing
高温固化胶 high temperature setting glue
高粘度溶液 high viscosity solution
高粘度液体 high viscosity liquid
工作周期 operating cycle
骨胶 bone glue
鼓泡 blister
固化(或硬化)期 setting-up period
固化过程 curing process
固化剂 curing agent; hardener
固化时间 curing time;setting time
固化速度 curing velocity
固化温度 setting tenoerature
固体(树脂)含量 solid content
固体胶 solid resin
辊涂机 roller coater
滚筒搅拌机 drum mixer
滚筒式搅拌机 cylinder gluing machine
过量的碱 excess alkali
过氧化氢异丙基苯 cumene hydrogen peroxide
海松酸甲脂 methyl pimarate
合成胶 synthetic glue
合成胶料 synthetic size
合成树脂胶 synthetic resin glue
合成树脂胶粘剂 synthetic resin adhesive
合成有机胶粘剂 synthetic organic adhesives
环氧芳樟醇 epoxy linalool
环氧酚醛树脂胶粘机 epoxy-phenolic adhesive
环氧树脂 epoxy resin
环氧树脂胶粘机 epoxy resin adhesive
回流 reflux
混合胶 mix(ed) glue
混合阶段 blending stage
活性剂 activator
活性期(有效期)pot life
活性炭 active carbon
挤涂机 extrusion coater
加速老化 aging accelerated
甲醇 methanol; methane alcohol
甲酚树脂胶 cresol resin adhesive
甲基丙烯酸甲脂 methyl methacrylate
甲阶酚醛树脂;可溶性酚醛树脂 resol
甲醛 formaldehyde
甲醛树脂 formaldehyde resin
甲醛水溶液(水合甲醇) formaldehyde in aqueous solution;formalin
甲氧基 methoxyl group
间苯二酚 resorcinol
间苯二酚甲醛树脂胶粘机 resorcinol formaldehyde adhesive
间苯二酚胶 resorcinol glue
间苯二酚树脂 resorcinol resin
间苯二酚树脂胶粘机 resorcinol resin adhesive
间歇式搅拌机 batch
碱性条件 alkaling conndition
碱性制备 alkaling preparation
胶斑 glue stain;gum spot
胶层 glue line
胶层加热 glue -lone heating
胶层太厚 excess glue line
胶称重装置 glue weighing device
胶合;粘附;附着 adhesion
胶合板用调制胶 mixed glue for plywood
胶合剪切强度 glue shear strength
胶合剪切试验 glue shear test
胶合牢度 size fastness
胶合木构件 glue laminated constructions
胶合强度 glue strength; bonding strength
胶合溶液配料 batching of binder solution
胶合时间 gluing time
胶合性质 gluing property(properties)
胶结 bonding;gluing
胶料溶剂 adhesive solvent
胶膜 glue film
胶膜纸 film adhesive
胶凝 gel; gelatinize
胶凝剂 gelatinize; gel-forming agent; gelling agent; gel sensitizer
胶凝期(时间) gelation
胶凝作用 gelificarion; gelling; gelatination
胶破坏 glue failure
胶倾析槽 glue decanting pit
胶乳 latex
胶渗透 glue penetration
胶雾 glue mist
胶循环泵 glue circulating pump
胶粘剂 adhesive; agglutinant; tackiness agent; sticking agent
胶粘性 adhesiveness; tackiness
焦炭 coke
接触剂 ;促进剂 accelerator
接触胶 close contact glue
接触胶粘剂 cintact adhesive
静电喷涂 electeo-state coating; electro-static spray coating
局部胶合 spot gluing
聚氨脂树脂胶粘剂 polyurethane resin sdhesive
聚苯乙烯 polystyrene
聚合体 pokymer
聚合作用放热 exothermic polymerization
聚氯乙烯 polyvinyl chloride(PVC)
聚偏二氯乙烯 polyvinylidene chloride (PVDC)
聚四氟乙烯 polytetrafluoro ethylene(PTFE)
聚乙酸乙烯 polyvinyl acetate emulsion
聚乙酸乙烯胶粘剂 polyvinyl acetate resin adhesive
聚乙酸乙烯脂 polyvinyl acetate(PVA)
聚脂热固树脂 polyester thermosetting resin
聚酯树脂 polyester resin
开式陈化时间 open time; open waiting
糠醇;呋喃甲醇 furancarbinol; furfuryl alcohol; furfuralcohol
糠醛 furaldehyde; furfural; furfuraldaldehyde; furfurol; oil of ants
糠醛树脂胶粘剂 furfural; resin adhesive
抗刮花 scratch-resisfant
抗湿剂 moisture retardant
可溶性降低 reduction in solubility
可涂布时间 spreadable time
快速固化 expediting setting
老化时间 aging time
老化试验 weathering test
胳蛋白;胳朊 casein
胳朊大豆胶 casein-soybean glue
胳素胶 casein glue
胳素胶粘剂 casein adhesive
冷固性胶 cold setting glue
冷固性胳素胶 cold setting casein glue
冷胶合 cold gluing
冷凝固 cold-setting
冷凝固胶粘剂 cold-setting adhesive
冷却阶段 cooling stage
冷杉胶 fir balsam
离缝 gap; open joint
立式涂胶剂 fall shaft glue spreader
粒状胶;未加工的胶 coarse glue
粒紫胶 seed lac
淋涂机 curtain coater
流脂 tesin flux;resinosis; resin flow
硫化;硫化作用 sulphidizing
氯苯 chlorobenzene; chlorobenzoyl
氯丁橡胶粘剂 neoprene adhesive
密胺树脂;三聚氰胺树脂 melamine resin
密胺甲醛树脂 melamine-formaldehyde resin
摩尔比 molar ratio
耐风雨 weather proof
耐光照 light-fast
耐侯性胶粘剂 weather proof adhesive
耐化学药品 chemically resistant
耐水胶(2类)common water resistance(type2)
难熔化的 infusible
粘稠液体 viscous liquid
粘弹特性 viscoelastic behavior
粘度 viscosity
粘度单位-泊 viscosity unit-poise
粘合剂 binder
粘胶 viscoder
粘胶(人造)丝 viscose silk
粘胶液 viscose
粘接剂 bonding agent
粘接稳定 bonding resistant
粘性 tack
粘性胶体 viscoloid
粘性凝胶 viscogel
粘性期 tack range
尿醛胶 urea-formaldehyde glue
尿醛树脂 urea formaldehyde (UF) resin
尿素 urea (= carbamide)
尿素树脂胶粘剂 carbamide resin adhesive
脲醛树脂 Aminocel
凝胶状酚醛聚合物 gelled PF polymer
浓缩尿醛树脂 concentrated urea formaldehyde resin
泡沫胶 foam glue
配方规定量 formula ratio
配方调整 formula adjustment
配胶 glue preparation
配料车间 furnishing department
喷热处理;蒸汽处理 steam treatment
喷涂 spray coating
喷涂机 spraying coater
喷雾施胶机 spray glue applicator
皮胶 hide glue; leather glue
强化松香胶料 Cyfor; fortified resin size
强酸 strong acid
羟甲基 methylol groups
羟甲基苯酚 methylol phenol
羟甲基化 methylolation
羟甲基化反应 methylolation reaction
羟甲基脲 methylol urea
亲水的 hydrophilic
氰氨(基)化钙 calcium cyanamied
全铰链聚合物 fully cross-linked polymer
热固 thermosetting
热固(性)胶粘剂 hot-setting adhesive
热固化 hot setting; thermoset
热固性合成树脂 thermosetting artificial resin
热固性胶 glue of hot setting
热固性胶粘剂 hot-setting adhesive
热固性树脂 heat convertible resin
热固性树脂胶合剂 thermosetting resin adhesive
热冷熔胶 PVAC-gluing
热熔胶 thermosol
热融 hot melt
热朔树脂 thermoplastic resin
热朔性 thermoplastic
热朔性树脂胶合剂 thermoplastic resin adhesive
韧性胶 tough glue
乳化剂 emulsifier
三官能引发剂 trifunctional initiator
三聚氰胺(甲醛)树脂 melamine resin
三聚氰胺醇酸树脂胶粘剂 melamine alkyd resin adhesive
三聚氰胺酚醛树脂 melamine-phenolic resin
三聚氰胺甲醛树脂 melamine formaldehyde resin
三聚氰胺甲醛树脂胶 melamine-formaldehyde resin glue
三聚氰胺胶 melamine glue; melamine resin glue
三聚氰胺浸渍纸 melamine impregnated paper
三聚氰胺脲醛树脂 melamine urea-formaldehyde resin
三聚氰胺树脂(粘剂) melamine resin adhesive
三维结构的聚合物分子 three dimensional polymeric molecules
上胶 glue sizing
施胶槽(桶) sizing-tub (vat)
施胶辊 sizing roll
施胶剂 sizing agent
施胶量 rate of spreading
施胶强度 size fastness
试管胶凝时间 test tube gelling times
收敛剂 astringent
树胶 wood-gum
树脂改性木材 resin modified wood
树脂含量 resin content
树脂胶 resin glue; resin adhesive
树脂酸 resin acid; resinolic acid
树脂酸树脂 resinolic acid resin
双氰胺;二聚氨基氰 dicyandiamide
水杨酸甲酯 methyl salicylate
水中浸泡 water immersion
缩合(作用) condensation
缩合反应 condensation reaction
缩合剂 condensating agent
缩甲醛 formal
缩聚(作用) polymerization
缩醛树脂 acetal resin
碳化钙 calcium carbide
糖醛基 uronic groups
xx树脂 natural resin
添加剂 additive
填缝 gap-filling
填缝用的胶 glue for gap filling
填料 filler
调胶 glue mix
调胶机 glue blender; glue mixer; glue dissolver
酮 ketone
涂胶 glue spread(ing)
涂胶辊 glue spreading roll
涂胶时间 spreading time of glue
脱氢枞酸甲酯 methyl dehydroabietate
脱水剂 glue waterless
xx水溶 fully water soluble
温度-粘度曲线 temperature-viscosity graph
稳定性低 low stability
无定形沉淀 amorphous precipitate
无机胶 inorganic glue
无机粘合剂 binder inorganic; inorganic adhesive
细木工胶 wood glue; joiner’s glue
纤维素胶合剂 cellulose adhesive
橡胶状的 rubbery
新枞酸甲酯 methyl neoabietate
需要固化剂交链 hardener required to cross link
血胶 blood glue; blood adhesive
亚氨基 imidogen; imido-group
亚甲基交链键 methylene bonding groups
亚甲基醚键连接基 methylene ether bonding groups
亚甲基尿素化合物 methylene urea compounds
氧化 oxidation
氧化剂 oxidizing agent
液化 liquification
液体状胶 wet mix glue
乙醇 alcohol
乙酸;醋酸 acetic acid
乙酸甲酯 methyl acetate
异丙基苯 cumene
异构体 isomer
异海松酸甲酯 methyl isopimarate
硬化剂 stiffening agent; stiffener; hardener
硬树脂solid resin
游离氨基 free amino groups
游离酚含量 free phenol content
游离醛 free aldehyde
有机溶液 organic solvent
有无限的贮存稳定性 infinitely storage stable
鱼胶 fish glue
预混合 premix
增量剂(胶) extender (of glue)
增强剂 fortifier
增塑剂 plasticizer; plasticizing agent
增塑增溶剂 plasticizer extender
增粘剂 tackifier
褶层 pleat
蒸发阶段 evaporation stage
植物胶 vegetable glue
酯胶 ester gum
中和阶段 neutralization stage
中间阶段 intermediate stage
肋催化剂;助聚剂 promoter
贮胶罐 glue pot
组合胶 assembly glue
组合胶粘剂 assembly adhesive
                                              ----本文来自: 林学苑网
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