
日前,落户临城工业园区的总投资1亿元的河北迪特泵业生产基地项目正式开工建设。该项目建成后年产水泵10万台,年产值可达10000万元,利税6000万元。这是该县水泵产业的又一“龙头”,将为全县水泵产业进一步做大做强,优化升级增添新的活力。 临城水泵生产始于上世纪70年代,经过30多年的发展,已经成为该县的传统优势产业,水泵企业达到40余家,年产各种水泵10万台,产值超亿元。但是横向与外省先进地区相比,临城水泵仍是小规模、大群体的落后生产模式。在当前工业经济发展的新形势下,水泵产业升级改造势在必行。临城县委、县政府审时度势,提出了转变“小、低、散”的发展模式,培育龙头、扩大规模,叫响品牌,提高市场竞争力,实现可持续发展的思路。力争通过几年努力,建成华北{zd0}的水泵生产基地。 扶持重点xxxx,实施典型带动。xxxx的示范带动对产业集群形成具有先导作用。该县下大力气从政策、资金等方面扶持临泉、普乐、兴临等骨干企业,引导企业积极对接国内大型水泵企业,实施技术创新、管理创新,实现水泵产品标准化、品牌化、专业化,不断提高产品质量,以优质产品,在激烈的市场竞争中站稳脚跟。目前,临泉水泵已实现和上海凯泉公司、海泉供水技术公司联合技术开发,生产高压电机和高楼供水设备等,迈出了“融资、融技、融智”的发展步伐。 规范行业生产,实施品牌战略。以往分布于该县各乡镇的小型水泵企业、摊点缺乏品牌意识,产品大都“贴牌”销售,由于质量、价格不一,造成县内水泵行业无序竞争,整体声誉受损。为xx这种现象,该县重新组建了泵业协会,指导企业进行生产、经营,并依托省xx商标“临泉水泵”,对产品进行统一研发,统一检验,统一销售,统一打造品牌,实现“联船出海”,形成产业规模,打响“临城制造”,提高临城水泵在全省乃至全国的知名度和美誉度。 建设高标准水泵工业园,拓展行业发展空间。为了做大水泵产业,该县在县城新区规划了水泵工业园区,高标准配套水、电、路等基础设施,并出台土地、税收等多项优惠政策,吸引县内水泵及国内外xxxx入驻园区。目前已有27家水泵企业报名入驻水泵工业园,投资上亿元的迪特泵业就是其中之一。他们将以先进的技术、超前的理念,xx全县泵业“脱胎换骨”,由小做大,由散变聚,由弱变强。

“ Hebei Lincheng build strong production base in North China's largest water pump ”是由提供的国际水泵新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国化工泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

Recently settled in Lincheng Industrial Park of Hebei total investment of 100 million yuan of production base Dieter Pump project officially started construction. After the completion of the project pumps 100,000 units annually, the annual output value of 100 million yuan, profit and tax 60 million yuan. This is the pump industry in another county, "leading", will further enlarge and strengthen the county pump industry, adding new vitality to the optimization and upgrading. Lincheng pump production began in the 70's, after 30 years development, has become the county's traditional industries, pumps more than 40 companies, an annual output of 100,000 units of various pumps, output value of over billion. But compared to advanced areas of horizontal and other provinces, Lincheng pump is still small, large groups of backward production. In the current industry under the new situation of economic development, upgrading of pump industry is imperative. Lincheng county committee and government, proposed changes "a small, low, scattered" development model, foster key, expand the scale, called out the slogan brand, increase market competitiveness and achieve sustainable development ideas. Through years of hard work and strive to build the largest pump manufacturing base in North China. Supporting key enterprise, the implementation of a typical drive. Demonstration of leading enterprises has led to the formation of industrial clusters leading role. Great efforts from the county's policy, and funding support Linquan, Bullock, Xing-lin and other key enterprises, and guide enterprises to actively docking large domestic pump business, implement technology innovation, management innovation and standardization of pump products, brands, and professional and continuously improve product quality, quality products, in the fierce market competition foothold. Currently, Linquan pumps have achieved and kaicong spring company, Ocean Spring Water Technologies joint technology development, production, and high-rise high-voltage electrical supply equipment, has taken a "finance, financial technology, financial intelligence," the pace of development. Standard industry production, the implementation of brand strategy. Previously distributed in this county of small water pump business, stalls lack of brand awareness, product most "OEM" sales, because quality, price varies, resulting in disorderly competition in the county pump industry, generally, into disrepute. To eliminate this phenomenon, the county re-formed Pump Association, the guide enterprise production, operation, and relying on Famous Brand "Linquan pump", a unified product development, unified examination, uniform sales, unified brand, to achieve "Union ships at sea," an industrial scale, the reputation of "Lincheng manufacturing" and raise the pump in the province and the country Lincheng popularity and reputation. Construction of a high standard pump industrial park, expanding industry development. To make bigger pump industry, the county district plan of the pump in the county industrial park, high standards of supporting water, electricity, roads and other infrastructure, and introduction of land tax and other preferential policies to attract domestic and foreign famous enterprises county water pump and into the in parks. So far, 27 companies apply settled water pump water pump industrial park, Dieter Pump billion investment is one of them. They will be advanced technology, advanced, leading the county Pump "completely changed" by a small big, loose change from the poly, from weak to strong.

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