做饭忘关燃气阀门凌晨开灯引发爆炸- 天阀的日志- 网易博客

做饭忘关燃气阀门 凌晨开灯引发爆炸

2010-04-13 09:53:46 阅读5 评论0 字号:

原文:Cook forgot to turn on the lights off gas valve caused an explosion early
Cook forgot to turn on the lights off gas valve caused an explosion early At 3 o'clock on the April 9, Dunhua dawn Ling Wu Shengli Street, residential buildings, 66 community west of 6th Floor, Unit 2, an explosion occurred inside a household, the one to the sixth floor window of the past more than 50 fan-blown or shattered steel, explosion 1 LEE to more than 30-year-old man, 80% body burns, were seriously injured were sent to Changchun, where residents say the suspect is Gailou gas explosion caused by pipeline leakage. It is understood that, because Lee will be home next door exploded Zhata between the load-bearing walls, but also nearly missed sleeping next to an old man. According to Dunhua Hospital introduced seriously injured in the explosion Lee has been transferred to hospital in Changchun Jilin branch of freshmen for treatment, not out of danger now in serious condition. 原文来自:http://www.google.com.hk/

ECFA Su Tseng-chang made by the DPP safety valve ; 是由提供的阀门新闻,中文译文仅供参考(上海天阀实业有限公司还生产 及不锈钢法兰电磁阀,两口两位直动式电磁阀,锻钢加长端闸,ZCF塑料王电磁阀,ZQDF-A通用电磁阀,欢迎您的选购。)

做饭忘关燃气阀门 凌晨开灯引发爆炸
做饭忘关燃气阀门 凌晨开灯引发爆炸 4月9日凌晨3时,敦化市胜利街曙光零五社区66号住宅楼西侧2单元6楼一家住户屋内发生爆炸,将一至六楼近50多扇塑钢窗炸飞或震碎,爆炸中一名姓李的三十多岁的男子全身80%被xx,伤势严重被送往长春救治,居民们称爆炸原因疑是该楼燃气管道泄漏所致。据了解,由于李某家爆炸将与隔壁之间的承重墙炸塌,还险些砸到隔壁一位正在睡觉的老人。据敦化市医院医护人员介绍,在爆炸中受重伤的李某已被转送至长春吉大一院分院进行救治,目前伤势严重未脱离危险。

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