
在冶金行业引进的成套设备中,其液压站大都配置德国力士乐,美国派克等欧,美,日等国家生产的高压,大流量液压柱塞泵机组。在设备投入使用后,由于引进时没有相应的液压柱塞泵技术说明书,不了解泵的在线状态监测方法与维护方法及使用软寿命,(软寿命→是设备设计时规定的役龄期限)。因此,有些国内企业设备管理人员认为:外国的液压柱塞泵性能好,使用寿命长,只要液压泵在运转,系统压力还能达到,就不必检修,也没有建立建全相应的液压泵现场点检规章制度,从而造成对进口的液压柱塞泵的管理误区。进口的液压柱塞泵与机械设备一样,都是有服役期限。服役期限的长短取决于液压介质的清洁度以及设备运行中正确监测,维护及保养。本文中主要论述泵在线检测,预知维修,保养维护,更换和调整。 1.进口液压柱塞泵(简称泵)磨损的三个阶段 进口的液压泵的磨损分为初期磨损,正常磨损,异常磨损三个阶段。 1.1初期磨损阶段:泵在零件制造过程中,零件金属表面有一定的微观不平度(表面粗糙度)轴或孔存在的椭圆度与不直度,在金属表面发生初期相对运动时,泵零件间相对高速运动,此时摩擦副间会产生轻微的摩擦磨损,零件处于初期磨损阶段。 1.2正常磨损阶段:经过一段时间的磨合,摩擦副间生成新的,精度等级更高的粗糙度,磨损速度减慢。进入一段相对比较长的稳定使用阶段。 1.3异常磨损阶段:在此阶段中,金属材料达到疲劳周期的额定寿命,金属表面将产生疲劳层,疲劳层在泵高温高压的特殊使用状态下,金属表层易发生颗粒状脱落,因此,磨损急剧增长,{zh1}导致零件失效。 1.4泵在运行中的相对运动的三对摩擦副(静压轴承关系)零件之间的磨损,使零件间的缝隙增大,泵内泄漏量随之增多,油温也相应升高。泵软寿命是从初期磨合期到稳定使用阶段进而到疲劳剥落期阶段(剧烈磨损阶段)。这三个阶段时间的长短主要取决于所使用的液压介质的清洁度。 1.5影响泵的软寿命还有另外一个决定性因素,就是泵的轴承的使用寿命。因为轴承在泵壳内轴向载荷转动,泵壳内的三大摩擦副(1缸体配流面与配流盘;2柱塞杆与缸孔;3滑靴与斜盘)零件高速摩擦转动,金属表面相对运动时,金属与金属产生接触摩擦,发生粘结和切削,而且由于局部高温,造成大尺寸金属氧化物颗粒疲劳剥落,剥落的金属颗粒因无法排出泵壳外而积存在液压泵壳内。因泵壳体充满液压油,沉积的金属颗粒与液压油混杂在一起随泵主轴及缸体的转动又在壳体内旋流漂移,造成泵内轴承的加剧磨损。轴承磨损到一定程度后游隙增大,轴承游隙增大后轴承的回转精度降低后,无法保证缸体与配流盘的相对运动精度,因此又破坏了泵三对摩擦副之间的静液压的平衡,被破坏的静液压支承(三对摩擦副)又会加速磨损。 即使所使用的液压介质达到清洁度标准,轴承还有一个基本的额定使用寿命。轴承的额定寿命分为(1)公称额定寿命;(2)修正的额定寿命;(3)深入计算的额定寿命。 泵用轴承基本额定寿命是指足够大一组的相同型号轴承中有90%在首次出现疲劳征兆前达到或超过的寿命。额定寿命计算的基础与ISO281一致,是Lundberg和Palmgren的疲劳理论,该理论考虑了很多因素,包括材料的疲劳极限,润滑,载荷与润滑间隙内的相互关系以及轴承的摩擦特性和载荷分布,在基本额定寿命的计算中应考虑其它因素,例如润滑和污染的影响。但是如果油液中有大于10μm金属颗粒磨损影响因素,就无法xx计算。该理论在遇有磨粒磨损情况下,通常给出一个最终额定寿命值。液压柱塞泵使用的是INA公司滚柱轴承。达到FZG试验的至少耐磨损等级10级,洁净度为NAS1638之8级,用β⒑≧100的过滤器的液压油的轴承软寿命。 2、特殊环境下的液压柱塞泵轴承 2.1在高温易燃环境下工作的液压系统中,使用难燃的HF(H:Hydraulicfluid液压油液:F:fire-resistant难燃)液压介质。例如炼钢厂使用的液压介质是HFC“水乙二醇”工作液,这种油液与矿物油基液压油液相比,粘度/温度特性较差。HF油液xx空气和污物的能力也较差,润滑特性也与矿物油基液压油相差甚远。间隙摩擦引起的磨粒磨损`侵蚀和滚动轴承疲劳等都产生新的污染颗粒,因此,德国力士乐公司所生产的E-系列液压柱塞泵和马达的技术数据已作了调整,针对HF工作液的特性对柱塞泵所使用的轴承采用代有“RR”镀层的特殊轴承。(轴承Rrcorrotect耐腐性镀层)但这种代有“RR”镀层轴承的使用寿命低于矿物油基液压油的50%。(HFD无水油液,磷酸酯不在此范围内) 2.2代有SL型号是德国力士乐公司为长期工作在高压环境下而设计的一种重载荷超长寿命泵,SL型号的泵是采用带静压平衡超长寿命重载轴承,与标准型号泵相比,“SL”型号泵有较长的使用寿命,泵可长期在高压状态下工作。在31.5MPa,公称转数和油液粘度36m㎡/s下软寿命为10,000h小时。此泵设有专用于冲洗轴承的U油口。 3、影响泵软寿命的因素 3.1轴承的摩损是影响泵软寿命的决定因素,泵用轴承是在特定运转条件下及特定轴向载荷摩擦力矩的特殊轴承。例如德国力士乐A4VSO型号直轴斜盘式泵用的轴承是瑞典INA轴承公司专为力士乐泵特殊制造的,此种轴承滚动接触区内赫兹压力与轴承配合面的面积与普通轴承有很大的区别,它与普通轴承的区别是泵用轴承针对泵运转工作状态的特殊载荷情况,采用了对数曲线修形滚子的圆柱滚子轴承即---滚子母线为直线的修形理论与均布载荷的母线滚子轴承内圈和滚子接触面的对称指数修形曲线的特殊滚柱轴承。 柱塞泵在工作压力达到峰值压力时,其分布在泵缸体孔中360°内分度圆中的九只柱塞中只有四只柱塞在向泵排口压缩高压力油而产生的偏载反作用力施加在主轴前端的圆柱滚子轴承160°区域内上,这种现象使轴承承受主轴变形所产生的偏载荷力和多波峰式的突加冲击载荷力,在这两种外力作用下,轴承不可避免地存在边界应力集中即“偏载边缘效应”,这势必降低轴承额定使用寿命,同时也对泵的软寿命带来影响。 3.2油液污染,主要是人为造成的污染,当更换液压滤芯时没有把滤筒内的油液排净或根本就不排出滤筒内的油液就抽换滤芯,造成滤筒内的污染物从滤筒的排口直接流入油箱。当一个≧10μm颗粒进入到泵中,就会造成配流面的一道划痕,当这道划痕在高压油液长时间的冲刷下,就会演变成一道沟槽,就这么一道沟槽就会造成泵失效。 3.3吸空,对泵软寿命影响{zd0}的是泵吸入带有空气的油液,在此要纠正液压界人员的一个错误观念,就是液压管道不漏油不等于管道不漏空气。当油液管道及各部接头处密封处于小的失效范围内,管道在一个大气压环境下是不泄漏油液的,当泵排量增大时,泵吸油口S处就会出现虹吸现象,外部大气压高出泵吸油S口几倍的大气压,泵吸油口就会从失效的部位吸入空气。当空气进入到泵配流区域从低压区转换到高压区时,在高压油的挤压作用下,气泡爆炸破裂,就会对缸体配流面与配流盘间造成穴蚀现象。穴蚀严重时造成缸体配流面铜层间隔区窜通。另一种泵吸入空气的原因是液压油箱容积小或油箱内间隔板设计不合理,当液压系统回油时所带入到油液中的空气气泡还没有被彻底消出时就被泵吸油口吸走了,也会照成上述病因。 3.4挠性联轴器不对称,电机轴与泵主轴不同轴度大于0.1mm时,高速转动所产生的振动直接反应到泵主轴轴承上,影响主轴前端轴承寿命。 3.5多泵工作时的共振:大型液压站群泵组工作时,每台泵应有自己单独的带有减震座的泵架,泵架与泵架间隔必需有减震措施防止共振。 3.6维修方式不当,任何的不当维修方式,都会造成泵的彻底损坏。泵的解体与装配是一道精细而复杂的工作,工作人员必须在修泵前仔细阅读所承修的泵,马达的维修技术参数,按规程调整静压轴承间隙。{zj0}的办法是由专业人员来维修。 4、液压柱塞泵在线监测诊断与预知维修 4.1本世纪初,以现代电子测试技术,计算机分析等先进的状态监测、诊断仪器为基础,采用超声波泄漏监测技术,红外测温技术,泵用轴承小波分析技术,对在线使用的泵进行定期检测诊断,根据所采集故障信号,绘制出泵在线工作性能曲线图,做出评估报告。依据监测结果决定是否对泵进行维修。从而确定泵的{zj0}维修期,避免了预防维修中过剩维修,大大地降低成本。提高泵使用软寿命,减少了故障停机损失。以技术状态监测维修制度取代过去的定期维修制度。也取代了过去的人工巡回检测即用手摸泵外壳的温度与振动,用耳听泵转动时发出的噪声是否比以前扩大音量的老式方法。特别是以设备点检个人经验为主的技艺维修,而不是以先进的检测,科学的标准为依据诊断的维修。 4.2监测及诊断装置即为故障诊断手段。故障诊断手段可分为便携式简易诊断和在线精密诊断两大类别。液压泵故障的预兆主要参数是压力降低,流量减少,温度上升,变量速度超时,噪音上升与振动增大,泵内泄漏量超标等。检测不同参数时,应根据液压泵所反映出来的实际状况,现场条件和精度要求的差异,选择不同的测量方法和工具,仪器。如日本研制成的液压泵故障诊断器的原理是通过振动诊断法进行检测,经微型计算机分析处理并做出故障预报。可以较快的从泵的外部直接检测出泵内部磨损情况,从而有效地防止了泵的故障发生,提高了主机的可靠性。 泵检测还可以采用液压测试仪检测泵的总效率。液压测试仪是由流量,压力表和温度计所组成,可联接到泵的排口,通过调节仪器的各项功能检测出泵排口在各级压力下的流量,绘制出泵总效率曲线图。泵总效率下降到72%时就必须下线修复。 测试仪与泵泄油口联接检测泵内泄量。泵的泄漏量是随在线使用时间而变化的,在固定的周期时间内,测出泄漏量的变化就可相应得知泵影响系统能否正常工作的运行状态变化,将泄漏量随时间变化的曲线称为状态曲线,作为泵工作状态的评定指标,可用以进行故障预报和维修期的确定。 泵内泄漏状态曲线的绘制及分析。以泵运行时间为横座标,内泄量和容积效率为纵座标,绘出泵泄漏曲线,泄漏量超出正常值的50%就必须下线修复。 4.3查看电流值,冶金行业的大型液压站都是由多台柱塞泵组成的液压系统并配有配套的大型蓄能器组,如果其中有一台泵内泄漏量大或达不到工作压力时,对整个液压系统压力及流量危害不能立即显现出来,点检人员必须每日对工作的泵查看电流表上的电流值并做出记录。如果泵群组其中的一台泵工作压力比另外的泵工作压力低时,压力低的泵在电流表上显示比正常工作的泵电流值低,即少做功的泵比正常做功的泵需用的电流低。 4.4测量泵壳温度。液压柱塞泵内泄漏量大,泵内的摩擦副间隙增大造成压力油泄漏,泄漏的压力油转变成热能,事必造成泵壳同正常泵壳的温度差别。如果泵内轴承疲劳磨损,轴承发热并伴有杂音,热量就在泵壳外表处显现出来,以上二种发热现象采用“红外线电子测温仪”检测对比,有问题的泵壳表面温度就会比正常工作的液压泵壳温度高。点检人员应每4h小时用“电子测温仪”检测一次泵主轴外部、泵壳体中部、泵后盖处等三处温度并在泵温升曲线表上标出温度记录,此温度曲线表可与泵监测诊数据表同时提供给技术人员,便于技术人员对泵做出正确的判断。 5、液压柱塞泵在线冲洗方法 5.1针对在线使用的液压柱塞泵壳内积存的固体颗粒无法排出等问题,德国力士乐公司液压泵设计人员在液压泵壳的两侧设计加装了用于冲洗装置应用的K1`K2冲洗油口,用于定期冲洗泵壳内积存的金属颗粒。 通常泵是用液压过滤机从K1口进油从K2口出油进行冲洗,如果是德国力士乐A2F355或A2V/A2P355A6V/A7V250以上的液压泵备有专用于冲洗轴承的U口,在冲洗泵作业同时另一条管路经U口冲洗主轴轴承。过滤机必须采用过滤比β10≧100滤芯,这样可以得到清洁的液压油来冲洗泵内的残留的金属颗粒。冲洗时柱塞泵必须有变量行程并施加载荷运转,冲洗时须注意泵壳体内压力不得超出0.2MPa,因为泵主轴旋转密封{zg}耐压0.3MPa。为了确保泵冲洗时不得超压,德国力士乐公司生产了专用于泵冲洗的低压力开启的冲洗阀,(冲洗阀订货件号:466468/503.20.01.16)此阀安装在滤油工作管路A和B之间,当管路A和B之间压差超过0.3-0.5MPa时,冲洗阀由高压开启,多余的油液流出低压侧经由升压溢流阀(油口T)泄到B低压回路中。 5.2对使用“HF”液压介质的“E”系列型号泵、马达,应在硬寿命达到5000小时必须拆开清洗,必须特别注意清洗死角,适用的清洗材料列于VDMA23414。对代用“SL”型号的泵,马达的壳体必须是通过油口U冲洗。 6、建立监控与检测维修制度 6.1泵是整套液压系统元件中价值{zg}的部件,如果不对泵进行在线监控与检测就很难预测该泵何时需要什么样的维护。如果不记录和不分析所监控泵的数据,几乎就没有可能对在线使用的泵能否按规定的服役期运行做出准确判断。如果一台泵出现可检测的劣化迹象,在故障发生前有足够时间可观察到劣化程度,那么对泵进行在线定期检测就是合理的。加强维护保障,才能提高泵的使用寿命(利用率)。国外设备管理有一句名言:“维护是为了利用设备而进行的故障管理”。所以建立以状态检测为基础的定检,定修制度,对在线使用的泵做到每日定时检测,做出记录,绘制压力、温度、噪音级、电流值等曲线表,对泵做出状态识别及状态趋势分析,视情维修的维修方针。在我国小浪底工程和三峡工程施工的外国承包商对其使用的液压泵,液压马达坚持1500~2000h小时进行一次冲洗,硬寿命达到8,000h即对泵,马达更换轴承和调整。这是我们使用进口液压设备单位可借鉴的。 6.2建立预防维修。维修的基本手段包括检测、保养、更换和调试。泵预防性维修就是定期对泵进行在线冲洗,泵硬寿命每达到1500小时进行一次冲洗,此方法是提高泵寿命的xxx方法之一。 6.3常用的维修方式是在预定时间进行维修,举一个典型例子,泵的轴承软寿命是一万小时,但这个软寿命只是个参考,可以延长这个时间,但必须估计到这么延长会增加泵的损坏风险。冶金行业液压系统现场是十分复杂的,尤其是污染的影响,xx评估需要丰富的经验,但我们可根据泵的硬寿命,(硬寿命---设备已服役时间)适时的采用电脑轴承分析仪对运转中的三对摩擦副和滚动轴承进行检测分析,针对摩擦副及轴承在运转中的工作状态进行正确判断和xx分析,根据损坏趋势来估计泵与轴承的剩余寿命,并及时作更换计划,以避免突发事故带来的经济损失。 6.4液压泵的失效概率随泵的役龄而上升,应从泵服役期开始就建立相应的记录,记录泵已达到的硬寿命及每次冲洗的间隔时间,轴承更换,维修测试结果,质量验收等一整套维修工艺记录。 6.5设立专业的设备监督人员,行使对设备运行,保养,维修全过程的监督职能,使设备的维修管理科学化,数字化,实现设备维修“零故障”。

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In the metallurgical industry, the introduction of complete sets of equipment, hydraulic station most of its configuration Rexroth, Parker and other American in Europe, America, Japan and other countries the production of high-pressure, high flow hydraulic plunger pump. Put into use in the device, due to the introduction of the hydraulic piston pump without the appropriate technical specifications, do not understand the method of pump-line condition monitoring and maintenance methods and the use of the soft life, (soft life → is the equipment provided for the design of military age limit). Thus, some domestic enterprises equipment management that: foreign hydraulic piston pump performance, long life, as long hydraulic pump in operation, system pressure can achieve, you do not repair, nor the establishment of the construction site all the appropriate point hydraulic pump review rules and regulations, resulting in hydraulic piston pump on the management of import errors. Imports of machinery equipment and hydraulic piston pumps, as are all lengths of service. Service duration depends on the cleanliness of hydraulic medium and the right to monitor equipment operation, maintenance and service. This article discusses the main pump line inspection, predictive maintenance, service and maintenance, replacement and adjustment. 1. Import hydraulic piston (the pump) the three stages of wear Imported into the early wear of hydraulic pumps wear, normal wear and tear, abnormal wear three stages. 1.1 The initial wear stage: pump parts manufacturing process, the parts have some microscopic metal surface roughness (surface roughness) shaft or hole ellipticity and non-existence of straightness, the metal surface of the initial relative movement between the pump parts relatively high speed, this time between the friction pair will have slight wear, wear parts in the early stages. 1.2 normal wear stage: After a period of adjustments, generated between the friction pair of new, higher level of accuracy of the roughness, wear slower. Into a relatively long phase of steady use. 1.3 abnormal wear stage: At this stage, the metal material to achieve the rated fatigue life cycle, the metal surface will have a fatigue level, fatigue layer high temperature and pressure in the pump under the special use, the metal surface prone to granular loss, therefore, rapid wear growth, leading to component failure. 1.4 Pump running relative movement of the three pairs of Friction (static pressure bearing relationship) between the wear parts to increase the gap between parts, pump leakage increase, and oil temperature also increased. Pump soft life run-in period from the beginning to stabilize and then to fatigue spalling stage of stage (severe wear stage). The length of the three stages used depends on the cleanliness of the hydraulic medium. 1.5 affect the soft life of the pump there is another decisive factor is that the pump bearing life. Because the axial load bearing crustal rotation in the pump, pump shell of the three friction pairs (a cylinder with flow surface and the valve plate; 2 piston rod and cylinder bore; 3 Slipper and swashplate) high-speed friction rotating parts, metal surface relative movement of the metal to metal friction generated, place bonding and cutting, and because the local temperature, resulting in large-size metal oxide particles fatigue flaking, peeling of the metal particles can not be discharged from the pump because of the outside shell shell accumulated in the hydraulic pump . Due to the pump casing filled with hydraulic oil, deposition of metal particles and mixed with hydraulic oil pump shaft and the rotating cylinder swirl again drift within the shell, resulting in increased wear of pump bearings. Bearing wear to a certain degree clearance increased bearing clearance increases and then decrease after turning precision bearings, cylinder block and the assignment can not guarantee that the relative plate motion accuracy, it is also undermining the deputy pump three pairs of friction between the hydrostatic the balance of hydrostatic bearing damaged (three pairs of friction pairs) will accelerate the wear and tear. Even if the use of hydraulic medium to achieve cleanliness standards, there is a basic nominal bearing service life. Bearing rating life is divided into (1) Nominal rating life; (2) to amend the rating life; (3) In-depth calculation of rating life. Basic rated life of pump bearings is sufficient freshman group bearing the same model that 90% of fatigue symptoms first appeared before the meet or exceed life. The basis of the rated life span, consistent with the ISO281 is Lundberg and Palmgren fatigue theory, which considers many factors, including the material fatigue limit, lubrication, load and lubrication of the relationship between space and the inner bearing friction characteristics and load distribution, in basic rating life calculation should consider other factors, such as lubrication and pollution. But if there is oil in the wear metal particles larger than 10μm factors can not be accurately calculated. The theory in the case of abrasive wear case, generally give a final value of the rated life. Hydraulic piston pump using a roller bearing company INA. FZG test to at least wear-resistant grade 10, for the NAS1638 cleanliness of 8, with β ⒑ ≧ 100 hydraulic oil filters for the soft life of the bearing. 2, the special circumstances of the hydraulic piston pump bearings 2.1 in the high temperature environment to work flammable hydraulic system, use the flame of HF (H: Hydraulicfluid Hydraulic Oil: F: fire-resistant flame retardant) hydraulic medium. Such as steel mills use hydraulic medium is HFC "water glycol" working fluid, such oil and mineral oil based hydraulic oil compared to the viscosity / temperature characteristics worse. HF oil to eliminate air and dirt poor ability, lubricating properties also far from mineral oil-based hydraulic oil. Gap abrasive wear caused by friction and bearing corrosion fatigue and so `to generate new pollution particles, therefore, the German company produced Rexroth Hydraulic Piston Pump and E-motor technical data has been adjusted to work for the HF solution characteristics of the bearings on the piston by the use of generation and use of "RR" special bearing deposits. (Bearing Rrcorrotect corrosion resistance coating), but this generation and "RR" layer bearing life than mineral oil based hydraulic oil 50%. (HFD anhydrous oil, phosphate is not in this range) 2.2 SL model with Germany on behalf of Rexroth the company for long-term work in the high-pressure environment designed for a heavy load and long life pump, SL model with hydrostatic balance is used pump long life heavy bearings, and standard models Compared, "SL" model pumps have a longer life, high pressure pumps to work long. At 31.5MPa, nominal rotation and viscosity 36m m / s, the soft life of 10,000 h-hour. This pump has dedicated U-bearing oil mouth rinse. 3, the factors affecting pump soft life 3.1 is the effect of bearing wear life of the determinants of the soft pump, pump bearings are used under specific operating conditions and the specific axial load friction torque special bearings. A4VSO models such as Germany Rexroth pump axis bearing swashplate INA Bearing Company in Sweden for a special-made Rexroth pumps, such rolling contact bearing pressure and bearing area Nei Hezi with the bearing surface area and is very common difference, it is the difference between ordinary bearings bearings for the pump operation pump working state of the special load cases, using a logarithmic curve modification roller cylindrical roller bearings that roll --- Dutch Lady's dressing straight line theory uniform load of the bus with the roller bearing inner ring and the roller contact surface of the symmetry index modification curve of special roller bearings. Pump peak pressure in the working pressure, its distribution in the pump cylinder holes 360 ° within the pitch circle of the nine, only four piston plunger arrangement to pump high pressure oil port compression caused by the partial reaction force exerted on the spindle containing the front of the cylindrical roller bearing 160 ° in the region, the phenomenon so that deformation of the spindle bearings to withstand side load forces generated and multi-peak type of sudden impact loading force, in both under external force , bearing the boundary stress concentration inevitably there is "partial load edge effect", which will definitely lower the bearing rating life, but also on the pump affect the soft life. 3.2 Oil pollution is mainly caused by human pollution, hydraulic filter when changing the cartridge when the oil is not cleaned or does not discharge the oil cartridge filter on the swap, resulting in the cartridge pollutant emission from the cartridge directly into the tank port. When a ≧ 10μm particles into the pump, it will cause a flow surface with a scratch, and as this scratch in a long time scouring the oil pressure, it will evolve into a groove, it would be such a groove cause pump failure. 3.3 suction air, the greatest impact on the pump is the soft life with an air suction pump oil in this sector personnel to correct an error in hydraulic concept that does not mean hydraulic piping is not leaking pipes do not leak air. When the oil pipeline and sealing joints in small departments and failure within the channel environment in an atmosphere is not leaking oil, and when the pump displacement increases, the pump suction port S Department Siphon will appear, the external atmospheric pressure several times higher than the pump suction port S of atmospheric pressure, the pump suction port will be the site from the failure of inhaled air. When the flow of air into the pump area with conversion from the area of low pressure to high pressure areas, high-pressure oil in the compression, the bubble burst explosion, it will flow to the cylinder with valve plate between the surface and cause cavitation phenomenon. Cavitation caused severe surface copper cylinder with flow through channeling spacer layer. Another reason is that the air suction pump hydraulic oil tank or tanks within a small interval of board design is unreasonable, when the hydraulic system when the oil back into the oil in the air bubbles have not been completely eliminate the suction pump when I was sucked, also according as the cause of. 3.4 The flexible coupling asymmetry, motor shaft and pump shaft when the different axes is greater than 0.1mm, the vibration generated by high-speed rotation direct response to the pump shaft bearings, the impact of front spindle bearing life. More than 3.5 resonance pump at work: a large hydraulic pump station work groups, each pump should have its own separate pump with a damping seat frame, pump and pump rack frame interval must have the shock absorber to prevent resonance. 3.6 of improper maintenance, improper maintenance of any form will result in complete damage to the pump. The disintegration of the pump and assembly is a fine and complex work, staff must be read carefully before pump repair repair of the pump by the contractor, the maintenance of motor parameters, adjusted by hydrostatic bearing clearance procedures. The best way is by a professional to repair. 4, hydraulic piston pump-line monitoring and diagnosis and predictive maintenance 4.1 The beginning of the century, to modern electronic test technology, computer analysis of advanced monitoring, diagnostic instruments based on ultrasonic leak detection technology, infrared thermometry, Pump Bearing wavelet analysis, on-line use of the pump for regular testing diagnosis, according to the fault signal acquisition, to map out the pump performance curve line to make assessments. Based on the monitoring results to decide whether the pump for maintenance. To determine the best pump maintenance period to avoid excessive maintenance preventive maintenance, greatly reducing costs. Improve the pump with a soft life, reduced downtime losses. Technology condition monitoring maintenance system to replace the previous system of regular maintenance. Has replaced the previous manual detection circuit that is touched by hand pump shell temperature and vibration, with ears hear the noise when the pump rotation is to expand the volume of old-fashioned than the previous method. Equipment, especially personal experiences, examine the skills-based maintenance, rather than advanced detection, diagnosis based on scientific standards of maintenance. 4.2 Monitoring and diagnostic equipment shall be fault diagnosis. Fault diagnostics can be divided into portable and easy online precise diagnosis of the two diagnostic categories. Hydraulic pump failure is a harbinger of the main parameters of the pressure reduction, flow reduction, temperature rise, variable rate of overtime, increased noise and vibration increases, and so pump excessive leakage. Detection of different parameters should be reflected under the hydraulic pump the actual situation on-site conditions and accuracy requirements of the different choices of different measurement methods and tools, and instruments. Such as Japan developed into a hydraulic pump fault diagnosis device of the principles of diagnosis by vibration was detected by micro-computer analysis and fault prediction to make. From the pump can be rapidly detected directly outside the wear of the pump-house, thus effectively preventing the occurrence of pump failures and improve the reliability of the host. Detection of the hydraulic pump can also be detected by testing the overall efficiency of the pump. By the flow of hydraulic tester, pressure gauge and thermometer formed can be connected to the pump exit row, by regulating the function of detection instrument row population at all levels of the pump under pressure flow, rendering the pump total Xiaoshuai curve. The total efficiency of the pump down to 72%, the repair must be offline. Test the pump drain pump discharge port connection test volume. Pump leakage is the use of time changes with the line, in a fixed period of time, measured changes in leakage can affect the corresponding pump system that can change normal operating state, the amount of leakage over time curve known as the state curve, as the pump working state of the evaluation indicators can be used for fault prediction and determination of the maintenance period. Pump leak state curve drawing and analysis. To pump run time as the abscissa, and the volumetric efficiency within the discharge volume for the longitudinal coordinates, draw pump leakage curve, leakage beyond the normal 50% of the repair must be offline. 4.3 View current value, large-scale metallurgical industry by more than one hydraulic piston pump station consisting of auxiliary hydraulic system and is equipped with a large storage device group, if there was a large pump leak or fail to work stress, the entire hydraulic system pressure and flow hazards can not be immediately apparent, and point inspection personnel must view the daily work of the pump current value on the ammeter and make records. If the pump group where a pump working pressure of the pump working pressure than the other low, low pressure pump ammeter display the work of the pump than the normal low current value, that is less than the normal acting pump acting pump for use by current low. 4.4 Measurement of pump casing temperature. Large amount of internal leakage of hydraulic piston pump, pump friction pair gap increased pressure oil leak, leaking oil into the pressure of heat, things will result in the pump casing with the normal temperature difference between the pump casing. If the pump bearing fatigue wear, bearing fever accompanied by noise, heat pump shell in appearance Department apparent, with more than two kinds of heat phenomena, "Infrared electronic thermometer," Detection of contrast, there is the problem of pump casing surface temperature will be higher than work of the pump shell and high temperature. 4h point inspection personnel should be every hour of "electronic thermometer" testing a pump shaft outside of the central pump casing, pump back cover offices and other three temperature and temperature rise in the pump curve marked temperature record sheet, this temperature curve table consultation with the pump to monitor data sheet also available to technical staff, technical staff of the pump easy to make the right judgments. 5, hydraulic piston pump line flushing method 5.1 for the online use of the hydraulic piston pump solid particles accumulated in the crust can not be discharged and other issues, the German Rexroth hydraulic pump designers on both sides of the shell design of the hydraulic pump for flushing devices installed applications K1 `K2 wash oil I used to regularly wash pump shell accumulated metal particles. Hydraulic pump is usually filter into the mouth from K1 K2 export oil from the oil for flushing, if the German Rexroth hydraulic pump A2F355 or A2V/A2P355A6V/A7V250 have dedicated more than U-bearing mouth rinse, wash pump in operation while another pipeline through U mouth wash spindle bearings. Filter must be used filtration β10 ≧ 100 filter, which can be washed clean hydraulic oil to pump the residual metal particles. When the piston must have a variable rinse and applied load operation schedule, irrigation should be noted that when the pressure within the pump housing may not exceed 0.2MPa, because the maximum pressure the pump spindle seal 0.3MPa. To ensure that no excess pressure when the pump irrigation, Germany Rexroth pump produced a dedicated low-pressure flushing flushing valve opening, (flush valve parts ordering number: 466468/503.20.01.16) This valve installed in the filter oil pipeline A work and B, and when the pipeline pressure difference between A and B 超过 0.3-0.5MPa, the flushing valve opens by the pressure, the excess oil out of low-pressure side by the boost pressure relief valve (port T) vent to the low B loop. 5.2 use the "HF" hydraulic medium "E" Series models pump, motor, life should be hard to reach 5,000 hours to open the cleaning, washing special attention must be dead, for cleaning materials listed in the VDMA23414. On the alternative "SL" models of the pump, motor shell to be washed through the oil port U. 6, the establishment of monitoring and detection and maintenance system 6.1 The pump is a set of hydraulic system components in the highest value of components, if not the pump-line monitoring and testing of the pump difficult to predict when and what kind of maintenance. If you do not record and monitor the pump does not analyze the data, almost impossible to use the pump on the line can run the length of service required to make accurate judgments. Appear if a pump could be detected signs of deterioration, in sufficient time before failure occurs can be observed deterioration level, then the regular test on-line pump is reasonable. Strengthen the maintenance of security in order to improve the life of the pump (utilization). Foreign Device Manager a famous saying: "Maintenance is carried out to take advantage of equipment fault management." Therefore, the establishment of state-based detection of periodic inspection, will repair the system, use the pump on the line every day to do regular testing to make records, rendering the pressure, temperature, noise level, the current value and the curve table to make the state of the pump trend identification and analysis of the state, the maintenance condition maintenance policy. Xiaolangdi Project in China Three Gorges Project construction and its use of foreign contractors, hydraulic pumps, hydraulic motors insist 1500 ~ 2000h hours a wash, hard to reach 8,000 h life that is on the pump, motor replacement and adjustment. This is our use of imported hydraulic equipment units can learn from. 6.2 The establishment of preventive maintenance. The basic means of maintenance, including inspection, maintenance, replacement and commissioning. Preventive maintenance is the regular pump-line flushing pump, pump the hard life of 1,500 hours per a wash, this method is to increase the pump life of one of the most effective way. 6.3 The maintenance mode is commonly used for maintenance at the scheduled time, give a typical example, the pump bearing life is 10,000 hours of soft, but the soft life of only a reference, you can extend this time, it must be expected that this extension will increase the pump risk of damage. Hydraulic systems on-site metallurgical industry is very complex, especially pollution, accurate assessment of needs experience, but we can pump hard life, (hard life --- device service time), bearing a timely computerized analyzer on the operation of the three pairs of friction pairs and detection of rolling bearings, bearings for friction pairs and the work in the operation of the state of the right to judge and accurate analysis of trends according to estimated damage to the remaining life of the pump with the bearing, and time for replacement program in order to avoid economic losses caused by unexpected incidents. 6.4 with the pump hydraulic pump failure probability rise of military age, from the beginning of the pump on the establishment of appropriate service record, record pump has reached the hard life and each wash interval, bearing replacement, maintenance, test results, quality inspection, etc. complete set of maintenance records technology. 6.5 The professional equipment monitors, exercise equipment operation, maintenance, repair the entire process of monitoring functions of the equipment maintenance and management of scientific, digital, equipment maintenance to achieve "zero fault."

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