The Nvidia GeForce 310M is the successor of the G 210M and based on the same GT218 core with very similar clock rates (shader speed +30MHz). Nvidia states that the raw performance is 73 Gigaflops compared to the 72 Gigaflops of the G210M. Therefore, the 310M is an entry level dedicated graphics card for small laptops.
可以从上文得知,NVIDIA GeForce 310M是210M的马甲,但是其性能的确不咋地。连310M也难以抗衡….
现在I3、I5、I7平台卖的很热,其中一部分本子上,用的U是I系列的,但是其显卡就是搭配NVIDIA GeForce 310M来卖的;其实这款显卡连GT 240M相比都差远了,包括ATI? HD 5470,可以说极其容易被NVIDIA GeForce 310M这几个数字忽悠。
现在笔记本上主流显卡都是GT 240M,330M,4650,335M,5650甚至更好的了…
接下来看看NVIDIA GeForce 310M实际性能,都是xx网站的截图: