Accident compensation « China tour log 中国旅游日志

my brother with a coal mine because the first light then go out to a small coal loader in the back of the vehicle on the road is difficult to grasp the outside pressure to open the way out, I was brother to passed away, and now people no matter mine, and I do not know if the whereabouts of family members up to mine, said.

your brother with a coal mine because the first light then go out to a small coal loader in the back mine the direction of the road vehicle is difficult to grasp the outside pressure to open the way out, I brother died on the spot, and now people no matter mine, and I do not know if the whereabouts of family members up to mine, said.
brother to pick up your car acts are acts of duty, and now in the course of performing his duties the accident occurred, it should be dealt with in accordance with the injury, if the brother did not give you mine for work injury insurance, it would be borne by the coal mine liability. In accordance with specific criteria, “the Supreme People’s Court on the compensation for personal injury trial law applicable to a number of cases the question of the interpretation of” requirement to determine the compensation for item and the amount of compensation.

to the local media for help, or a lawyer, saying there will be ,,,,,,,,,,,,,

give you a reference:
“People’s Republic of China on Road Traffic Safety Law” different accidents while under the principle of compensation. From tort liability principles of attribution, the Traffic Safety Law of the attribution principle of the 76th there are two, one is the principle of no-fault liability, and the other is the principle of fault liability.
a principle of no-fault liability. Whether between motor vehicles or motor vehicle and non-motor vehicles, between pedestrians, traffic accidents, if the losses caused by the compulsory third party liability insurance in the liability limits, be compensated by the insurance company, not considering at this time parties of the traffic accident occurred there any fault, unless the loss of traffic accidents caused by parties to deliberate. Because, when the vehicle will bear the responsibility for damages in a traffic accident that no-fault liability, the exemption of motor vehicles subject to only one, that is, the loss of traffic accidents are caused by a party intentionally. When a traffic accident liability insurance losses in excess of the limit, motor vehicles and non-motor vehicles, pedestrians between the loss of or commitment to apply the principle of no-fault liability, motor vehicles still take full responsibility, if there is evidence of non-motor vehicles, pedestrians violating traffic safety laws, regulations, and motor vehicle drivers to take the necessary measures can only reduce the liability of motor vehicle and not exempt.

Second, the principle of responsibility for mistakes. Motor vehicle accidents between the responsibility for losses in excess of insurance limits, the traffic on the loss of the parties to assume responsibility for the wrong application of the principles of which party is at fault which party bears the responsibility of the parties are at fault, their fault according to the proportion of responsibility.

Third, the responsibility of the principle of fairness.

Fourth, the principle of fault offset …
another: At present the majority of provinces have introduced policies, coal mine accident victims, compensation standards, at least 200,000 yuan per person.
Hebei, Shanxi 200000 minimum requirements.
the General Office of Sichuan Provincial People’s Government issued

on “coal mining enterprises in Sichuan Province

production safety accidents personal way of compensation for death (for trial implementation)” notice to do

letter Chuan [2005] No. 202 20 0 5 September 30-year

“Sichuan Coal production safety accidents personal way of compensation for death (for trial implementation)” has been agreed with the provincial government, are issued by you, please seriously implemented. coal mine in Sichuan Province

production safety accidents personal compensation for death


In order to effectively contain the first coal mine production safety incident, the promotion of coal mine production safety work, the protection of personnel who died in the course the legitimate rights and interests, and safeguard social harmony and stability, according to “People’s Republic of China Law on Safe Production” (hereinafter referred to as “Safety Production Law”), “Work Injury Insurance Regulations” (hereinafter referred to as “Ordinance”) provides that, combined with practical in our province to develop this approach.

Article II applies to all the province’s coal production, infrastructure companies, operating in the mine production safety accident occurred while the officers who died in the course.

coal production, underground production of infrastructure enterprises production safety accidents personal injury other than the non-implementation of this approach. the death of the third

compensation standards for the treatment of staff. In accordance with the “safe production” and “Regulations” the provisions of its officers killed in the amount of compensation shall not be less than 20 million, according to the following approach to the treatment of compensation for death:

(a) of the immediate family members who died in the course staff to choose a long-term enjoy regular treatment, in accordance with the “Regulations” provisions of the enjoyment of the dead funeral grant, one-time grants and support workers killed relatives Pensions (should be in line with conditions dependent) three work-related injuries, such as insurance benefits.

(b) immediate family members who died in the course staff if it is willing to choose to receive a one-time compensation for the treatment of the dead, in accordance with this section, paragraph (a) of the standard (dependent relatives of pension in accordance with the “Sichuan Province Office of Labor and Social Security forward the Department of Labor and Social Securitynotification “(Social川劳Office [2004] No. 76) The second section (b) Provisions) calculation, the total amount of the death of staff compensation for the treatment of low - make up 20 million to 200,000 yuan. the death of the fourth

staff compensation payment channels

(a) compensation for the death of personnel, units participated in the work injury insurance, in accordance with the “Regulations” provisions of the region by co-ordinating work injury insurance fund; unit did not participate in industrial injury insurance by the production unit to pay security incidents.

(b) in accordance with Article III, paragraph (a) the compensation provided for the treatment of deaths less than 20 million total complement to 20 million, make up the cost of its production unit to pay security incidents. Fifth

illegal employment of coal production, infrastructure units (including, without registration of individual industrial and commercial coal mine) in the underground production occurred in the production safety accidents, the death compensation for the treatment of personnel safety incidents from production units in accordance with the “unlawful employment units of one-time compensation of casualties “(Department of Labor and Social Security Decree No. 19) of the compensation, death compensation for the treatment of persons less than 20 million total to make up for 200,000 yuan. Article VI

personnel killed in the death of immediate family members of their staff the responsibility of compensation for treatment and compensation of the main event of a dispute, in accordance with the law of labor disputes in accordance with the processing and administrative reconsideration, administrative litigation provisions.

from Article VII of the documents come into force upon promulgation. Issued prior to the date of the occurrence of mine production safety accidents is not the implementation of this approach. Article VIII

approach the Office of the Provincial Labor and Social Security is responsible for the explanation.2008-03-28









川办函[2005]202号 二○○五年九月三十日




{dy}条 为有效遏制煤矿企业生产安全事故发生,促进煤矿企业的生产安全工作,保障因工死亡人员的合法权益,维护社会的和谐稳定,根据《中华人民共和国安全生产法》(以下简称《安全生产法》)、《工伤保险条例》(以下简称《条例》)的规定,结合我省实际,制定本办法。

第二条 本办法适用于全省境内所有煤炭生产、基建企业,在井下生产作业中发生生产安全事故而因工死亡的人员。


第三条 死亡人员补偿待遇标准。依照《安全生产法》和《条例》的规定,其因工死亡人员补偿金额不得低于20万元,可按照以下办法处理死亡补偿待遇:



第四条 死亡人员补偿费用支付渠道



第五条 非法用工的煤炭生产、基建单位(含未经工商登记注册的个体煤矿)在井下生产作业中发生的生产安全事故,其死亡人员的补偿待遇由生产安全事故单位按照《非法用工单位伤亡人员一次性赔偿办法》(劳动保障部第19号令)的规定进行补偿,死亡人员补偿待遇总额低于20万元的补足到20万元。

第六条 因工死亡人员的直系亲属对其死亡人员补偿待遇与补偿责任主体发生争议的,依法按照劳动争议处理和行政复议、行政诉讼的规定处理。

第七条 本办法从发文之日起施行。发文之日前发生的井下生产作业生产安全事故不执行本办法。

第八条 本办法由省劳动保障厅负责解释。 2008-03-28

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