榆中三电泵站改造一期工程提前完工- 中国离心泵- 中国离心泵- 和讯博客
榆中三电泵站改造一期工程提前完工 [转贴 2010-04-16 14:00:37]   

4月12日,总投资2.55亿元的榆中三角城电灌工程大型泵站更新改造一期工程宣告提前5天通水运行,给旱魃肆虐的榆中县抗旱救灾及春耕生产送来了一场“及时雨”。县水利部门有关负责人告诉记者,这可比往年多灌近两万亩农作物。 榆中县三角城电灌工程是我省最早兴建的高扬程电力提水灌溉工程之一,始建于1966年。工程经过17级提水,使黄河水滋润了榆中12个乡镇、23.6万人,可有效灌溉18万亩农作物。但由于三电工程受建设初期条件的限制,工程设计标准低,设备不配套,再加上经过40年的运行,设施设备严重老化,80%的干渠泵站超负荷带病运行,致使部分农田得不到适时灌溉。 去年,我省积极争取中央扩大内需资金,榆中三角城电灌工程成为全省首批启动的4个大型泵站更新改造项目之一。这项工程计划利用3年半时间,对存在严重安全隐患的18座主泵站进行更新改造。{dy}批项目于去年9月开工,目前已完成3座泵站的主体工程和设备安装工作。 这一“未雨绸缪”的修复水利设施之举,给今年大旱之年的榆中县农民吃上了“定心丸”。去冬今春以来,榆中县降水持续偏少。目前,全县受旱面积已达到60万亩,有13.3万亩耕地无法下种。今天上午,看着田边水渠里欢快流淌的河水,榆中县连搭乡宋家坡村村民胡清芳高兴极了。她对记者说,这下地里就能种地膜玉米了。

“ Yuzhong Three Pumping Station 1 project completed ahead of schedule ”是由提供的国际水泵新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国离心泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

April 12, a total investment of 255 million of the Yuzhong Triangle City electric irrigation project a large pumping station renovation project announced 5 days to run through water to drought with great courage in Yuzhong County raging drought brought relief and a spring production "timely." County water departments of the official told reporters that this can be more than usual nearly two million mu irrigated crops. Yuzhong County Triangle City electric irrigation project is the first province to build a high-lift one of the power for water irrigation was built in 1966. Works through 17 for water, so the Yellow River water in 12 villages of moisture of the Yuzhong, 23.6 million people, 18 million mu of irrigated crops can be effective. But because the three conditions of power projects being restrictions on First Stage of Construction, engineering 设计 low standard, equipment is not complete, Zai Jia Yun Hang on after 40 years, facilities, equipment is aging, 80 percent of the canal pump station running overload ill The result is farmland lack of timely irrigation. Last year, the central province actively seek funding to expand domestic demand, Yuzhong Triangle City electric irrigation project became the first province to start 4 one large pumping station renovation project. The project plans to use three and a half years, there are serious safety problems on the 18 main pump station renovation. The first project was started in September last year, has completed the three pumping stations of the main engineering and equipment installation work. This "proactive" move to repair irrigation facilities, to this year's severe drought year of Yuzhong County farmers to eat the "reassurance." Since last winter and spring, precipitation in Yuzhong County has kept decreasing. Currently, the county drought area has reached 60 million mu, 13.3 mu of cultivated land could not sow. This morning, looked cheerful Tanabe ditch flowing river, Yuzhong County, Township, Soong villagers who even take the Hu Qingfang delighted. She told reporters that it could come down to earth kind of film in the corn.

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