Neonakis阀门艺术品- 中国电动阀门- 中国电动阀门- 和讯博客
Neonakis阀门艺术品 [转贴 2010-04-16 14:08:14]   

Anyone having trouble deciding on a holiday greeting card to send out to their Xbox Live friend list this season should an easier search thanks to Valve expansion into the stationary market. "Left 4 Dead," "Left 4 Dead 2" and "Team Fortress 2" each have their own set available, featuring artwork by Alexandria Neonakis. The cards run $15.95 for a pack of 10 with envelopes and are available through The Valve Store. If Neonakis' name sounds familiar, it's probably because you've seen her home-grown creations in the past, which have included "Katamari Damacy" and "World of Warcraft" cards posted on her website. Valve seems to have recognized her talent and employed her thusly. Images on the notes range from zombies adorned in Christmas tree lights to snipers dressed like snowmen, but all of them have Neonakis' signature feel of classic illustration with a touch of fannish appreciation. They're pretty much exactly what you'd want to send to any online friends that you primarily associate with over Steam or XBL. According to the site, pre-orders entered now should ship at the end of November, so move quickly if you want to receive them in time to fill out and distribute for December. What do you think of Valve's new line of holiday greeting cards? Which games would you like to see get a similar treatment? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

Valve Brings 'L4D2' And 'Team Fortress 2' To Holiday Greeting Cards;是由提供的阀门新闻,中文译文仅供参考(上海丰企阀门有限公司还生产 及MSD41陶瓷蝶阀,YK43X/F型气体减压阀,Y44H型波纹管式减压阀,GP-1000系列蒸汽减压阀,YQY氧气钢瓶减压阀,欢迎您的选购。)

任何人遇到问题的贺卡发送到自己的Xbox Live好友名单,本赛季应该更容易查找由于阀门进入市场的扩大固定假期决定。 “造成4人死亡”,“造成4人死亡2”和“团队要塞2”都有自己所需要的费用包括由亚历山大Neonakis艺术品。 该卡运行的10个信封,15.95美元,并通过阀门商店发售。 如果Neonakis'的名字听起来很熟悉,可能是因为你已经见过她土生土长的过去,其中包括“块魂”和“魔兽世界”卡创造自己的网站上公布。阀门似乎已认识到她的才华和雇用她正是如此。 票据图像的范围从圣诞树装饰灯喜欢打扮雪人狙击手僵尸,但他们都Neonakis的签名感觉典型的例子有升值的fannish接触。他们几乎正是你要发送到你的任何关联,主要在蒸汽或XBL中与在线的朋友。 据该网站,预购船舶进入现在应该在11月底,因此,迅速行动,如果你希望得到他们的时间填写为12月和分发。 您如何看待Valve的假日新线路觉得贺卡?该游戏将你想看到得到同样的待遇?分享您的想法在注释部分如下。


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