Ultimate Warrior: Robert Duncan O'Finioan_Project Camelot翻译组_ ...

Kerry Cassidy:  Let’s back up and find out exactly how you got into this program.

凯瑞 卡西迪: 让我们回过头去看看你是怎么进入这个计划的?

D:  They wanted people who were half Native American and half Celtic.  Whether it be Scottish, Irish, didn’t matter as long as it was Celtic.  The reason for that is the Native Americans and the Celtic are two of the races on the Earth that are more superimposed to paranormal ability or psi-ability.  Ok. As a matter of fact both of these cultures practice paranormal ability.   

So it’s kind of genetic memory. It’s in our genetic memory.  Ok.  I thought that was basically what it was until about two years ago when I found out that my father was a CIA Agent.  My father has been dead now for almost 15 years.  I never had a clue.  But with that new information it made a lot of smaller tidbits of information and a lot of things that happened in the past, now it all fits. Ok. Basically what happened with me was in 1966 I was 6 years old and both of my parents loaded me up in a trunk and took me to town.  It was a dark cold snowy; I’ll never forget the day, Ok, because it stands out.  Why are we going into a hardware store this late in the afternoon?  So we go into the store and at that time my mom and day aren’t fighting but they aren’t getting along.  And, I have been in the store several times with my grandfather and we’d go into the back, I never been in the back and there’s a door there and if you didn’t know it was there you’d walk right by it and so we go in and here’s 6 or 7 other kids about my age, and they are all sitting at these tables like kindergarten tables, sitting down low in these small chairs and they all had the same things, they looked like puzzle pieces.  Well, this lady comes in that did not fit, ok.



She’s tall, elegant, fur coat. This is Eastern Kentucky. This don’t happen. Alright. And she played a very prominent role from there on.  I have seen her in several of my memories. And she sets me down to play.  She gave me a stack of blocks. And what they are are puzzle pieces. And she says “I want you to make me a picture” and walked off.  So, I looked around for my mom and she is with a guy there who is in a suit who again should not be there and he had a clipboard she’s signing some papers.  At six years old, I was puzzled, but you don’t think much of it.  So, I sit there and I start taking these puzzle pieces and said “this fits, this fits, this don’t fit”.  And, I’m going: this is making a picture, and I sit back. The lady walks up to the front, the guy walks up behind me.   She looks at him and smiles and says “We’ve got one” and that’s when it started.  I was given something to drink, I remember feeling sleepy, and that’s it.


K:  So, are you saying, did you go home with your parents?


D:  No, I did not.


K:  I see.


D:  I was taken directly.  This is what I found out later.  Because once I went to sleep with whatever was in the drink, Kool-aid, soda, or whatever, put me out.  My next memory was at 9 and ½ years old.


K:  So, you have a blank in your memory right now.


D:  Mm hm, yeah.  Now, I have some memories have come back and I have bits and pieces of what happened during all of that, some very vivid, some I have documentation, some are just memories that are there.  Umm, and, then from there.


K:  So, at nine years old, why do you remember nine years old, what happened then?


D:  Because I was had taken a stint at the local hospital, hospital here, University of Kentucky.  They did some type of procedures that no-one ever has really been able to explain to me.  Even as an adult I tried to get the records, and no-one will release those records to me.  And, from there I had couple of years as a kid where everything seemed ok, lot of paranormal activity going on and all that and then at 14 I’m gone again.


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