宝宝现在三岁了,X型腿,距离11.5,我现在很苦恼,应该怎么办.多注意点什么 ...


宝宝需要补钙,多让他练习爬行,做转椅,玩秋千,多让他玩跳床,在跳的过程中不断强化他的身体协调.北京(Beijing China)租赁网好象有跳床,租一个也不贵,每月才20元.玩完还回去,不站家里地方,很便宜.在百度敲闭经zulin,就有.


English:My son is now a three-year-old, X-type legs, the distance of 11.5, I am very upset, it should be on how to proceed. What many attention. How can cure. Thank you

my son is now a three-year-old, X-type legs, the distance of 11.5, I am very upset, it should be on how to proceed. what many attention. how can cure. Thank you
< br="">answer:
Children need calcium supplements, many let him practice crawling, make swivel chair, play swing, allowing him to play many jump bed, in the process of jumping continuously strengthen the coordination of his body. Beijing leasing network seems to have jumped bed, You do not rent a , per month, only 20 yuan. also go back and finish off, do not stop the home place, very cheap. in Baidu knock 闭经zulin, alone.

Many exercises, pay attention to sleeping position, VD and calcium supplement.

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