

3rd World University/College Students Photographic Art Competition


Organizer: Professional Photographers of America (PPA), China Artistic Photography Association, Shandong University of Art and Design

大展主题:天下一家??????? 奖项设置:“金小孔”奖

Theme: One World, One Family???? Title of the Prize: Gold Pinhole Award



The Organizing Committee of Image Asia Qilu International Photographic Week and China Jinan Contemporary International Photography Biennial are to hold 3rd World University Students Photographic Art Exhibition in Jinan, from 5th to 7th November, 2010.

In order to stimulate the creativity of worldwide university students, to improve the students’ photographic skill and to strengthen the communication and understanding among students throughout the world, PPA, China Art Photography Association and Shandong University of Art and Design held the 1st and 2nd World University Students Photographic Art Exhibition in Jinan in 2006 and 2008 respectively, which involved nearly 10000 students from almost 100 universities of more than 30 countries and created great influence.



Qilu area is the cradle of Confucianism and Image by Pinhole, and it’s also the birthplace of a hundred schools of philosophy thought during the Warring States Period. The theme of this year’s competition is One World One Family and the title of the prize is Gold Pinhole originated from the Mo-tse’s concept of Image by Pinhole. Henceforth, every competition will have different themes. Because of the globalization and economic integration nowadays, the theme One World One Family advocates the comprehensive attitude towards the diversified, rich and different human life. It aims to improve the communication and cooperation of world photography and to promote the multi-cultural prosperity and development worldwide!

All university students throughout the world are cordially invited.

Titles of Prize: No. of recipient

PPA International Award:?? ?1

Gold Pinhole Award:?? ?????2

Silver Pinhole Award:??? ???4

Bronze Pinhole Award:??? ??8

Academy Award:?????? ???10

Excellence Award:??????? ?30


① 凡获奖作者及大学生PPA会员都将被邀请参加“第三届世界大学生摄影艺术展”开幕式、“影像亚洲·金小孔奖”颁奖典礼及“PPA—齐鲁之夜”庆典活动。

② 凡获奖大学生可获得PPA入会资格及会员积分;凡获金、银、铜奖及佳作奖大学生均可在影像亚洲大会上免费参加“美国职业摄影师协会(PPA)培训班”,学习结业可获得《美国职业摄影师协会(PPA)培训结业证书》。

③ 获奖大学生可申请美国“PPA摄影奖学金”,经PPA总部审核批准后可赴美国进行短期摄影培训,并可获得美国摄影院校培训结业证书。

④ 凡获奖(金银铜奖以上)的大学生由PPA资助大会期间两天的食宿费用,其余参加者费用一律自理。

⑤ 所有获奖作品将编辑出版大型画册,凡PPA会员及获奖入选大学生可享受半价优惠购买画册。

Prize Reward:

①???? Prize Winners and University Student PPA members are to be invited to attend the Opening Ceremony of 3rd World University Students Photographic Art Exhibition, the Awarding Ceremony of Image Asia Gold Pinhole Prize and the Night of PPA-Qilu Celebration.

②???? University student who won gold, silver, bronze and excellence prize will be invited to attend free PPA Educational Programs of Professional Photographers and obtain Certificate of Educational Programs of Professional Photographers

③???? University student prize winners can apply for USA PPA Photography Scholarship, attend short-term Photographic program in America with the approval of PPA Headquarters and acquire End-of-course Certificate of American Photographic Academies.

④??? All University Students winners (Gold, silver, bronze and above) will obtain two-day accommodation expenses from PPA while other applicants pay their own expenses.

⑤??? All winners’ photographs will be edited and published in books, which could be obtained at half price for PPA members and all University student winners.



Exhibition Selection:

The Exhibition has an evaluation committee which is composed of international photographers and experts. The committee will make sure that the process of selecting students’ photographs is fair, just and open. The organizers have the right to adjust awards numbers of different exhibition classifications, but they will not increase or decrease the total number of selections and awards.


① 凡世界各国已与中国建立外交关系的国家的在校大学生,均可选送作品参加比赛,作品题材、体裁内容、形式不限,艺术、创意、人像、纪实、商业类均可。

② 选送作品一律洗印8吋照片(不得装裱),每人限送10幅。可从影像亚洲·齐鲁国际摄影周或PPA中国官方网站下载《第三届世界大学生摄影艺术大奖赛参赛表》,并按要求用中文或英文认真填写,并在每幅照片背后粘贴《参赛表》。

③ 作者本人须保留作品原文件,如入选后主办方将通过参赛者本人邮箱通知作者索取大文件,通过邮箱发至E-mail:PPA2010@163.com / QQ:1262528867

④ 所有参选作品之著作权、肖像权、名誉权、隐私权及相关法律责任均由作者本人承担或解决。

⑤ 本次大赛一律不收参赛费,不退稿。

⑥ 主办方有权对所有入选获奖作品在展览宣传、出版印刷、展出及国际交流活动中使用,不再另付稿酬。

⑦ 凡选送作品参加本展览者均视为已同意征稿规则中所有项下条款之规定。

Rules of the competition:

①???? All university students of every country which has established diplomatic relations with China can send in their works to partake the competition. There is no limit on theme, content or format and it could be artistic, original, portrait, documentary or commercial.

②???? The size of photographs for the competition should be 6×8 inches (with no mounting or frame). The number of photographs of one applicant should not beyond 10. Entry Form of 3rd World University Students Photographic Art Competition can be downloaded from the official websites of Image Asia Qilu International Photographic Week and PPA China and it should be carefully filled out in Chinese or English with every photograph stuck on the back of the application form.

③???? The author should keep the original photograph and if the works are selected, the committee will inform the author for the original file which should be sent to: PPA2010@163.com / QQ:1262528867.

④??? It is the author’s responsibility to settle any problem of the selected photograph’s copyright, portrait right, reputation right, privacy right or the related legal responsibilities.

⑤??? There is no admission fee and no returning of application works.

⑥??? The committee has the right to use the winning photographs for publicizing, publishing, printing, exhibition and international communication activities with no further remuneration.

⑦??? Any one who partakes the competition is deemed to be in agreement with the terms and regulations of the competition.


截稿时间:2010年7月20日?? 评选时间:2010年8月10日-15日



收稿地址:中国济南市千佛山东路23号? 邮编:250014

官方网站:www.cqlipw.com www.ppachina.com

E-mail: PPA2010@163.com? QQ:1262528867

咨询联络电话:86-531-82619229/86051881???? 传真:86-531-82619229/88300679


Notice for attention:

Deadline: 20th July, 2010?? ?Appraisal Time: 10th-15th August, 2010

Time for exhibition and ceremony: 5th-7th Nov, 2010

Address: Art Gallery of Shandong University of Art and Design (Put University Students Photographic Competition on the envelope), 23# Qian Foshan East Road, Jinan, China???????? Post code: 2500114

Official Website: www.cqlipw.com

E-mail: PPA2010@163.com? QQ:1262528867

Tel:86-531-82619229/86051881?? fax:86-531-82619229/88300679

Tel :( exclusively) for PPA Member:800-860-6858

影像亚洲·齐鲁国际摄影周活动内容 (2010年11月5日——7日/中国济南)


The activities for Image Asia Qilu International Photographic Week (5th-7th Nov, 2010, Jinan China)

The world largest international professional photographic organization and pilot of global photographic education, Professional Photographers of America (PPA) and China Art Photography Association will hold 3rd World University Students Photographic Art Exhibition during Jinan Image Asia Qilu International Photographic Week. And they will also hold several international exhibitions, grand Award ceremonies, international celebrity forums, international photographic programs, photographic websites forums and etc. in Jinan. Worldwide professional photographers, international photographic organizations, principals of international photographic associations, international university students and all prize winners will meet in Jinan, the city of springs. And we will show our warmest welcome to Chinese and international photographers who will attend the century ceremony on the occasion!



中美高级摄影研修班 / PPA职业摄影师培训班(研修班及培训班由美国职业摄影师协会、中国人像摄影学会、中国艺术摄影学会、山东工艺美术学院共同主办,由PPA认证xx摄影大师授课。)


① “网摄天下”——中国xx摄影网站论坛(由国内xx摄影网站联合主办)




1、Exhibition: 3rd World University Students Photographic Art Exhibition will be held during Jinan Image Asia Qilu International Photographic Week and China Jinan Contemporary International Photography Biennial, from 5th to 7th November, 2010. And its Award ceremony will be held in Art Gallery of Shandong University of Art and Design.

2、Celebrity lectures/Photographic training programs:(by international celebrated photographers with PPA certification)

Chinese and American advanced photographic workshop/PPA professional programs for photographers (organized by PPA, China Portrait Photography Society (CPPS), China Art Photography Association and SDADA, lectured by masters of photography with PPA certification)

3、Forum Discussion:

Web and Photography Famous photographic website forum (co-organized by Chinese famous photographic websites)

Photography and Fortune Forum – High Dialogue between Chinese and American Photographic studios (organized by CPPS and PPA, all Chinese and international Photographic colleges and universities are welcome)

③ International Mo-tse Image by Pinhole Demonstration Ceremony.

4、Awarding Ceremony of Image Asia Gold Pinhole Prize: university students prize winners will walk on the red carpet, with international prize winner photographers, to the medals podium, to the success and to the glory!



Do you want to be a successful professional photographer? Do you want to talk with international photographic masters face to face? Do you want to appreciate classic works by photographic masters? Then you should participate in the activities such as exhibitions, forums, training programs, lectures, comment by masters, inter-communication, local photographic competition, etc. Here is the place where you can improve your photographic skills. We are looking forward to seeing you in Qilu, in the city of springs in golden autumn.

It is always a pleasure to greet a friend from afar and Qilu welcomes you!

中国济南当代国际摄影双年展 ??组委会

影像亚洲·齐鲁国际摄影周 组委会


Organizing Committee of China Jinan Contemporary International Photography Biennial

Organizing Committee of Image Asia Qilu International Photographic Week

February, 2010

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