连锁加盟Franchise--PKM of Beautiful_Thing


在,而非加盟店的开店伊始就由连锁总公司辅导创立,所以在名称上理应有别于加盟店,为了区分方便起见。称为“自愿加盟...但是美国的连锁加盟店就只有Franchise Chain这个英文字,而无所谓RC、VC。如前述将Franchise分成商品及商标的P&T型及...
www.langlang.cc/2030251.htm 35K 2008-10-23 -


隐茶杯招商加盟风行温州的“格子铺”租个“格子”就算开店 丽婴房董事长林泰生:闷声挣钱:一人经营几消费者:京城哪些...美国MSA公司 法国特许协会 意大利特许协会> 更多链接 关于我们 联系我们 在线咨询 免责声明 会员服务 2004-2008 国际...
www.8168168.com/ 125K 2008-11-3 -



(1) 由于总公司拥有的连锁系统、商标、经营技术都可以直接利用,比自己去独创事业在时间上、资金上与精神上都减轻不少负担。对于xx没有生意经验的人来说,可以在较短的时间内入行。
(2) 好的总公司,为了提高整个连锁企业的商誉,都会随时开发独创性、高附加价值的商品,以产品差异化来{lx1}竞争对手。加盟店可不必自设R&D部门,而享受这种好处。
(3) 由于总公司统筹处理促销、进货乃至会计事务(像我们公司就为加盟者提供了全套的电脑会计系统),使加盟者能专心致力于销售的工作。
(4) 加盟店由于承袭了连锁系统的商誉,等于给顾客吃下了定心丸,对于新开张的店或是不熟悉的店都会有亲切感,甚至对于新移民的加盟店主所担心的语言障碍、种族歧视等问题,都可以在同一品牌下而受到维护。
(5) 如果自己创业,则商品、原材料进货,可能都有种种困难,而加盟店因是总公司大规模生产及订制,甚至连设备、餐桌椅等杂项设备,都可以更便宜的买进,甚至信用xx。
(6) 开张前的职前训练等种种装备工作,都可由总公司获得协助;开张后还会定期有人来做各项指导。另外如有其他私人的烦恼,也可以代为解决,如日本的连锁业,甚至还提供包括子女教育顾问等。
(7) 自己独创生意,如果出现竞争对手,只有孤军奋战来应对,加盟店则有总公司为后盾,可为支援。
(8) 自行创业则必须自己决定开店场所,而自己对该地点的好坏,往往没有信心;加盟店则可以有总公司咨询,帮助选址。
(9) 由于总公司对周围的环境随时做市场调查,包括顾客层形态的变化,消费倾向的改变等,使得加盟店能及早采取对应措施。
(10) 加盟店的成功,就是总公司的成功,也等于是帮总公司拓展市场,是总公司乐见其成的。因此总公司对业绩好的加盟店,还有奖励制定与福利。
(1) 由于连锁企业对于全体的一致性要求严格,加盟店如想xx独立自主是不可能的。
(2) 由于合同书上已有详细的规定,因此加盟店不太可能有自己的创意。当然加盟店可以将好的创意向总公司反映,也有被接受的可能。
(3) 由于商品及补充设备等,都是标准化、规格化,所以货源补充管道受限。
(4) 由于合同的限制,加盟店如果想把生意转卖给第三者,在未得到总公司同意前,是不被允许的,即使该店的土地及建筑物,都是加盟店自身所拥有。但通常只要原加盟者没有继续经营的意愿,而一切又遵守合同上的规定时,总公司也希望换一位经营意愿高的新加盟店主。
(5) 即使在合同终了之后,如果是从事类似的商业活动,仍是有若干的限制。


Franchise这个单词本身就有"特权"的意思,也就是古时候封建君主或政府赋予个人的特权,美国则将这个字眼,引申到近代企业...自行创业则必须自己决定开店场所,而自己对该地点的好坏,往往没有信心;加盟店则可以有总公司咨询,帮助选址。 (9) ...
lsz.lenso.cn/jiameng/lsjmd/ 32K 2007-8-27 -





Friends don't let friends buy tanning franchises for good reasons! Read this post from Sunday's Denver Post

Some dreams come with too much risk
By Al Lewis
Denver Post Business Columnist

April Hudson got her driver's license at age 14 so she could shuttle around her two blind parents. At age 19, she began investing in real estate. At 28, she had equity in rental properties and $50,000 in the bank.

Then, in April 2002, she bought a tanning salon franchise from Lakewood-based Executive Tans. Today, at 33, Hudson is recovering from personal bankruptcy. She claims Executive Tans and its founder, Wayne Smeal, overstated revenue potential and understated costs of operating franchised tanning salons.

More than 20 franchisees - owning about one-third of Executive Tans' 70 stores - are suing the company with these and other claims before arbitration panels. Hudson is among them. In struggling to get hertanning business out of the red, Hudson said she not only burned through her own real estate equity but her mother's as well.

"I made huge mistakes," she said. "Things I will never forgive myself for. My blind, unemployed mother - I owe her for all of the equity in her home."

Smeal, 44, a lifelong salesman who founded Executive Tans in 1991, denies his company made any misstatements. "We have not overstated one iota," he said, arguing that some franchisees simply failed to control startup costs. Executive Tans never lost a store until 2003, Smeal said, but since then it has closed 19 amid an unexpected downturn.

"I am not going to sugarcoat it in any way," he said. "It's a tough, tough business. Nobody in the industry is making tons of money. There are distributors going under. There are lotion companies about ready to go bankrupt. "I truly think the gas prices have something to do with it," he said, explaining that the money consumers used to spend tanning is now going into their tanks.

"I don't think the business is down as much as I think the market is saturated," said John Overstreet of the Indoor Tanning Association.

In these tough times, franchisees that sue are trying to renege on franchise fees, said Smeal. "Instead of paying $1,285 a month to me, they're paying $1,000 to an attorney," he said.

The attorney in this case, Bud Culp of Denver-based Moye White, typically defends franchisors, such as Denver-based Quiznos. In this case, he's representing franchisees. He claims most Executive Tans franchisees never made money, and many are simply belly up. "I have never seen a franchise system like this in 16 years of doing franchise work," he said. "I don't want them in the business."

However it ends, the case is a cautionary tale for anyone considering the hyperbole-filled world of franchising. Buying a franchise can be a road to riches, but it also can be a road to ruin. Over the years, some franchise owners have told me they've taken on unconscionable debt loads only to toil countless hours for less than what a regular job would pay.

The Federal Trade Commission and a few states loosely regulate franchisors. Most disputes are settled quietly, often before private arbitration panels.

Hudson told me she bought into Executive Tans, expecting expert advice opening her store at Parker Road and Florida Avenue. "Executive Tans didn't lift a finger to help me," she said. She said she spent $100,000 more than what Executive Tans said she needed opening the store in April 2002. Today, after filing bankruptcy, she says the store barely breaks even. Hudson thought if she expanded, her business might improve. Borrowing money from her mom, she purchased a failed Executive Tans store on Arapahoe Road in Littleton in September 2004. She says she closed that store in July after learning the company had misstated revenues.

Smeal denies Hudson's claims and complains that she stuck him with long-term lease obligations after closing her store.

Jill Hutson-Martin, the first owner of the failed Arapahoe store, still owns two more that barely break even. Like Hudson, she hopes to rename them "Exotic Tans" and get as far away from Smeal as possible. She too claims Smeal grossly misstated numbers to sell franchises.

"We lost all of our 401(k)s," she said. "We lost everything in our home equity. We're still paying creditors. We have no life. He's taken everything we have. And he's doing this to a lot of people."

Al Lewis' column appears Sunday, Tuesday and Friday. Respond to Lewis at denverpostbloghouse.com/lewis, 303-820-1967, or .


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There are lotion companies about ready to go bankrupt. ... While sitting at a table in the tanning bed display area, talking to Wayne, ...
www.tantoday.com/forums/salon-discussion/2065-why-we-dont-buy-tanning-franchises.html - 54k - -



If you are SERIOUSLY considering buying
or opening a tanning salon,
or purchasing a tanning franchise,
PLEASE take a few moments to read this!

"We guarantee the following information will SAVE you time,
energy and your hard-earned money!"
(because "opening a salon" is easy,
KEEPING it open is harder!)

Would you like to know the #1 reason many tanning salons fail?

Would you like to know what many franchise salespeople AREN'T telling you??

Do you know what a truly PROFITABLE salon owners #1 priority MUST be?

Would you like to know whether its smarter to buy an existing salon, start from scratch or buy a franchise?

We became frustrated and angry seeing many rookie owners lose their money, and their dreams, and we'll tell you what we've decided to do about it?

This information is making some industry insiders VERY angry!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The tanning salon industry is booming. And what a great business! Your customers actually look forward to visiting you. They come to you to enjoy themselves, feel and look better, and treat themselves. A trip to the tanning salon is a welcome break to your clients. And more and more people across the world are flocking to tanning salons.

However, there's a dark underside to this business. Yes, there are owner/operators who are making great money in the tanning business. Unfortunately, the majority of tanning salon owners are barely keeping their heads above water.

If you research this topic you will find many new salons are being put up for sale. The sale price is sometimes LESS than their initial investment!

So, what does the PROFITABLE minority know that the struggling majority is completely unaware of?


"Readers Comments "

Thanks for the follow-up emails
I just had to write back and thank you for writing this ebook. I have been struggling with my shop for over a year and thanks to your information I now know why. And I know what I'm going to do to fix it. I need to read those interviews to open my eyes.
Thanks very much

Raymond Gill


We searched everywhere to find out why some of the "insider secrets" to becoming a profitable tanning salon owner weren't readily available. We bought a collection of books and ebooks, and received a ton of "bed manufacturers" free guides to starting a tanning salon.

What we discovered shocked us!

After reading many of these publications it became obvious that many of these publications had far different motives besides helping new salon owners become successful. We couldn't find legitimate, helpful "insider info" in any of these publications. Here is a short list of the products we bought, researched and read while looking for honest, detailed information on starting a tanning salon.

1; A product we purchased was a short report (16 pages) on how to open a tanning salon. It was so generic it made us wonder whether the author had ever been inside a salon. The final chapter was a summary of why you SHOULD NOT become involved in the tanning industry, and why you should pursue a career as a home party makeup consultant instead (?)

This author wasn't trying to help people create a profitable tanning business, she was recruiting for a makeup distributorship. And charging over $14 for the privilege of joining her downline???

2: Another book we purchased started out well. It was full of little ideas on how to save money while building a salon from scratch. Nothing too enlightening, and nothing about marketing or getting customers in the door. (Although, isn't that what makes you money?)

After pages and pages of obviously build-out tips the author reveals their "true motives". Seems this gentleman is a "build-out consultant" who will "help" you design and outfit your new salon (for a hefty fee), and he is also affiliated with a tanning salon manufacturer!! (Guess which beds he suggests you buy??)

3; Here's the worst. Over 150 pages of drivel that was promoted as being "everything you need to start and run a tanning salon." The information was very vague and seemed out of date.

After a little research we found that the author has published over 300 "How To Start A" publications. It seemed obvious that they simply went through a book template and changed "lawn cutting business" to "tanning salon business." It wasn't worth the paper it didn't come on! (it was a digital ebook!)

And the list goes on and on....

So, What's Our Motive?

Why did we publish another "how to start a tanning salon" product?

Our aim wasn't to convince you to buy a salon, start one from scratch or purchase a franchise. We don't want to talk you into this business, or talk you out of it. Our goal was to give you a better chance of success in this industry if you do decide to get in. It's NOT about opening your salon, it's about learning the "insider" information on how to KEEP it open, growing and profitable!

We have seen far too many tanning salons open, prosper for a few months or years (the grand opening buzz!), and then come crashing down when a competitor opens up the street, or the owner doesn't have the knowledge on how to constantly grow the business. It is our hope that we can address this problem and help rookie operators navigate the potholes and create a long term asset.

We've written a FREE white paper report that describes some of the biggest problems unsuspecting rookie owners encounter. Issues that end up costing them money, their dreams (and sometimes their business).


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Read more about how to start a tanning salon here:

Imagine owning a business where a customer walks through the door, pays you $5 or $10, and you turn the light onfranchising opportunities for them in the room.  Welcome to the Indoor Tanning Industry!  For entrepreneur or franchise business opportunities this is a great alternative.  This ebook will prove you can start your own tanning salon business with as little as $20,000 cash and a good credit score.  There is an Microsoft Word editable free sample business plan included with this offer that can save you invaluable research time.  Other internet websites sell their sample business plans for $39.95 and you can not even make changes to them!

This website was created by a tanning salon consultant to help anyone interested in opening a new indoor tanning facility or adding tanning units to your existing gym, day spa, beauty salon, video store, smoothie store, or laundry store.  If you are considering a tanning salon franchise, please consider this decision carefully and consider all franchising opportunities before making a final decision.  This ebook's cost of about $20 can save you literally $50,000 simply by educating you on the indoor tanning industry before you make a huge entrepreneur mistake.

entrepreneurThe author has started his own tanning salons and supervises the build-out process on each project.  He currently manufacturers tanning beds from a plant in Central Florida and has helped over 1000 new tanning salon owners go into business for themselves.  If you are dreaming of becoming an entrepreneur or searching for franchising opportunities you should strongly consider opening your own tanning salon.  Realistically you can expect to make $40-$60K per year net profit per salon and should be able to open 3-5 salons in 5 years totally up to $300k per year and financial freedom...a great five year plan.

Please learn what you can from this e-book and combine it with other helpful resources to conceive your own business strategy, as no single strategy will guarantee success for your particular situation.  Great advice when shopping for tanning beds is to buy them from someone who actually "tans" themselves.  It would be like buying a car from someone who does not drive...it just isn't right!

Here are the subjects covered in this ebook:starting you own tanning business

  • Air Conditioning Requirements
  • AC Power Requirements (big money if you guess wrong)
  • Advertising
  • Body Stickers 
  • Budgets
  • Build-out Costs
  • Bulbs for Indoor Tanning Equipment
  • Business Plan (we provide an editable version in Word format)
  • Construction Notes & Details for Contractors
  • Computers
  • Cosmedico VHR & VLR Lamps
  • Cost Per Session
  • DHA
  • Design & Layout 
  • Dressing Rooms
  • Educational Materials
  • Electronic Funds Transfer (EFTs)
  • Electrical Requirements
  • Employees
  • Facial Lamps
  • Fans
  • FDA Regulations
  • Financing
  • Fingerprint Verification (this is cool)
  • Franchises (why would you do this?)
  • Frame Sizes
  • Goggles
  • High Pressure Beds
  • Health Department Contacts
  • Health Inspections
  • Indoor Tanning Associations
  • Insurance
  • Installing Tanning Beds
  • Inventory Controlfree tanning salon business plan
  • Leasing Tanning Equipment
  • License Requirements
  • Locations
  • Loss Prevention
  • Mailing Lists
  • Modular Walls
  • Maintenance
  • Membership Forms
  • Music & Sound Systems
  • Neon Signs
  • Office Equipment
  • Parts & Supplies
  • Pre-fabricated Walls
  • Pricing Strategies
  • Radios
  • Room Dimensions
  • Sanitizers
  • Shipping Tanning Beds
  • Stand Up Tanning Booths
  • Tanning Beds
  • Timing & Control Systems
  • Towels
  • Used Tanning Beds
  • UV Light Meters
  • UV Free Spray Tanning
  • Visa & MasterCard
  • Waiver Forms
  • Warning Signs

how to start a tanning salon

The cost of this "eBook" is only $19.95 and you will receive instant access! 

The price includes 10,000+ words, 100+ indoor tanning industry links, and 10 secrets guaranteed to save you more than the $19.95 you pay for this instant access e-book!  Act now and get our new "editable" Tanning Salon Business Plan absolutely FREE!  This is a $39.95 value anywhere else on the Internet. 


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【作者: 】【访问统计:】【2008年11月5日 星期三 11:06】【】【】

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