Digital Video Player Kit_dianxian空间_百度空间
Digital Video Player Kit Until now, alternative video CD solutions from vendors have utilized licensed components and/or software to provide systems OEMs with a complete offering. Such design approaches have resulted in longer product cycles and increased design costs, which are typically passed on directly to end users. Today, Oak is the first company to offer a complete system solution based upon its own proprietary CD-ROM and MPEG technology core to create a complete system level engineering design for the video CD player market.

"Oak believes that a complete system solution is necessary to bring the desired level of affordability for video CD players to the mass market," said David Tsang, president and founder of Oak Technology. "The key integration of technologies -- the MPEG and CD-ROM controllers combined with firmware -- has been previously non-existent in competitive solutions and has contributed to the overall dormancy of the video CD market."

The Video Player Kit will be available to OEMs at the end of June.

Oak Technology, Inc. supplies high performance multimedia semiconductors and related software to rapidly growing segments of the personal computer, PC peripheral and PC-based consumer electronics industries. Oak is currently the world's largest merchant supplier of CD-ROM controllers and has recently introduced additional high-performance multimedia semiconductor products: an MPEG video decoder, a 64-bit video/graphics accelerator and a 16-bit digital audio controller.

The OTI-201's RISC engine, combined with a video playback resolution of 352 x 240 at 30 frames per second, enables Oak to offer full-motion video and superior 24-bit true color video capabilities as well.

"Although video CD players are becoming increasingly popular in both the U.S. and Japan, high implementation costs have plagued consumer electronics manufacturers and volumes have remained low," said Gordon Ng, product marketing manager for imaging products at Oak. "For the first time, OEMs will now have access to a complete development kit that incorporates all the crucial technologies on a single board, enabling faster design delivery and bringing affordable digital video players to the consumer electronics market."

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