晚饭后,一刷牙几分钟是{zh0}的? « Live in China 混在中国





信息国内外表明,科学刷牙的{zj0}频率和时间是“三,三,三。”刷是每天3次,每次在饭后3分钟刷,刷,同时你的牙齿,每3分钟。这是因为它三分钟后,赤峰(China Chifeng)损害牙齿的口腔xx开始活动的时间以及一顿。如果有条件的,它应该促进“333”的刷牙方法。






除了掌握正确的方法刷牙,水温也应注意。据日本医学家的研究表明,牙齿满足30 -在正常口腔温度和新陈代谢的36摄氏度。因此,当你不注意刷牙水的温度很长一段时间,使热的突然或突然寒冷刺激,不仅容易引起牙龈出血和痉挛的牙齿,而且会直接影响其正常代谢牙齿,发生的牙齿,缩短牙齿的寿命,同时,可引起牙本质过敏症状。正确的方法是使用温水,使牙齿在合适的温度,清洁刷。









2,刷牙时刷毛应该关闭。解剖结构复杂的口腔,更坚固的地区,特别是牙齿毗邻部表面上臼齿远面前,是积累的斑块最有可能的网站。毗邻的远端表面刷牙从一个方向或从不同的方向,角度,尽可能与牙齿表面,猪鬃插入的控制,就可以明确刷。 3。牙刷头部运动的多样化。口腔结构比较复杂,仅在刷牙方法,刷牙的行动,很难去网口牙菌斑。人们刷牙的基本动作牙刷头的纵向,横向,旋转和四个振动完成刷牙过程。













After dinner a few minutes brushing is the best?

some would say three minutes, I really the case?

to have a clean, white teeth is enviable. Today function of teeth is not only used to chew food so simple, it can also show people the beautiful side. Good teeth, you can breath fresh, laughing, smile even more brilliant. But in life, some people do not know how to properly brush their teeth, and the resulting damage to teeth is Taibuyinggai. Here, check whether you have the following errors in it!

Error 1: The brushing time of less than 3 minutes

the pathogenicity of dental plaque performance and the maturity of the plaque. Mature plaque formation usually takes two days or so, if the insist on brushing at least 2 times a day teeth brushing time for each of not less than 3 minutes after the meal but also seriously mouth, so that you can achieve the elimination of dental plaque , clean mouth purposes. Experts have advocated sooner or later, brushing, mouthwash after meals.

information at home and abroad indicate that the best science and brushing frequency and time is three, three, three. Is the brush three times a day, each time after 3 minutes after a meal brush, brush your teeth at the same time every 3 minutes. This is because it is three minutes after a meal Chifeng oral bacteria harm teeth begin its activities as well as time. If the conditional, it should promote 333 brushing method.

Error 2: In the morning brush your teeth, do not brush your teeth at night

in everyday life, some people only attach importance to the morning brush your teeth, do not brush their teeth before going to sleep at night, which is very bad habits. Because at night, the mouth of the environment is relatively stable, temperature, humidity, nutrients and so it is suitable for bacterial growth and reproduction, and reduced secretion of saliva in the mouth during the day and ate food debris under the influence of bacteria, especially in the streptococci , lactic acid bacteria such under the action of bacteria will be a lot of fermentation acid production, this acid can be a serious erosion of teeth were damaged. Similarly, the plaque bacteria, toxins, etc., stimulate the gums, causing bleeding gums, bad breath, in serious cases can develop into periodontal disease. So, brush your teeth before going to bed is particularly important.

Error 3: The horizontal brush method

should be clear, brushing the suitability of the method, the number is more important than brushing. Some people used to adopt more cross-brush method ills of dental hard tissue (enamel and dentin) there was damage, but also for periodontal soft tissue (gums, periodontal) also has hurt. However, if to be improved, but also can become a better brushing method. Any kind of law should be easy to learn good brushing teeth, cleaning teeth, good effect, not damage teeth and periodontal tissue.

In fact, one can grasp a good brushing method depends largely on the flexibility of his hands. While each person s gestures are clever clumsy brush of points, but as long as full induction, it is generally able to effectively use the toothbrush to clean mouth. The relatively slow movement of children and the lack of patience, can not cope with the complex brushing skills, parents should teach them to use a relatively simple method of brushing. Together with their children brush their teeth, let him look at you how to brush is to make him a good way to quickly master the skills.

Error 4: Brushing the water temperature was too cold or hot

In addition to master the proper way to brush their teeth, the water temperature should also pay attention to. According to the Japanese medical scientist s research shows that the teeth meet in the 30 - 36 degrees Celsius under normal mouth temperature and metabolism. Therefore, when you do not pay attention to brushing the water temperature for a long time to make the teeth by the sudden heat or sudden cold stimulation, which not only easily lead to gum bleeding and cramps, but also will directly affect the normal metabolism of the teeth, which took place dental, shortening the life of the teeth, At the same time can cause symptoms of dentine hypersensitivity. The correct approach is to use warm water, so that the teeth brushing at the right temperature, clean.

Error 5: Brushing unprincipled, there

drain brush the teeth in order to achieve the desired effect, in addition to proper brushing methods, must be guided by the following four principles -

District scrubbing: full-mouth maxillary and mandibular teeth, teeth can be divided into two parts, upper and lower can also further divided into two parts, right and left sides, each side can also be broken down into pre-, during, and after three quarters. Each cell includes only 2-3 teeth, brush your teeth as a scrubbing action units, require brushing a plot formulated after the scrub to another district.

followed by washing: Since it is a wash area, it must follow a certain sequence brush down. Otherwise, it is possible brushing a district, while another district is inadequate washing, or even missing. As for the order of arrangement may be determined by each of the habits. If, on the first following the first outer, the first left and right and so on.

three face wash: Most people brush their teeth the biggest drawback is that only brush their teeth on the outside (buccal lip), while the lingual and occlusal surface of the palate is not given to washing. Although the results of the appearance of the teeth look clean, but a careful look Zhang openings inside lingual palatal teeth are filled with dirt. The so-called face wash is requested labial buccal, palatal lingual, occlusal surface can be washed into the.

repeated washing: To fully achieve the purpose of cleaning the teeth must be in every district of the tooth surface of scrubbing back and forth 3-4 times to repeat it possible to brushing teeth. Therefore, the net full-mouth tooth brushes, each brush your teeth at least 3 minutes.


1, at home, prepare a mirror, each week according to a well-lit area in the mouth, to identify the adhesion plaque area. There are places where plaque and black or yellow. So each brushing, there is a focus of the site of plaque to brush the site. This is to achieve a very important part of brushing results.

2, bristles when brushing teeth should be close. The complex anatomical structure of the oral cavity, more rugged regions, particularly the teeth adjacent to the Department of surfaces and the last molar distal face, is the most likely site of accumulation of plaque. Adjacent to its distal surface brushing teeth, from one direction or from a different direction, angle, as far as possible and with the tooth surface bristles inserted into the grip, it is possible to make clear brush. 3. Toothbrush head movements diversification. Oral structure is more complicated, just a brushing method, a brushing action, it is difficult to go to the net mouth dental plaque. People brush their teeth, the toothbrush head of the basic movements are vertical, horizontal, rotation and vibration of four to complete the brushing process.

4, even if you are brushing method is correct, but it is an unqualified use of the toothbrush, that s a waste of effort to bring the teeth can only be hurt, they must use a qualified toothbrush bristles after polishing and will not damage teeth and gums. For example out of travel, it is best to bring their own toothbrush, do not use hotels, restaurants ready toothbrush.

brushing method reference

physiological method

brush bristles with the tooth surface contact, brush the top point to the highest side, and then along the gums for a small whisk brush teeth, similar to chewing fibrous foods on the tooth surface friction action. This method can be clean tooth surfaces and gum tissue to stimulate blood circulation, enhance periodontal tissue health.

Bies brushing method (Bass tcchrmique): wash tongue surface, the bristles with the teeth appear before a 45-degree angle, brush heads point to the direction of gum, so that the bristles into the gingival sulcus and the adjacent inter-area, part of the brush pressure on the gingival margin to make before and after a short distance back and forth to vibrate. Bristles pressed in the tooth surface, so that hair-side in-depth fissure zones before and after a short distance to the vibration. Cleaning ability of this method due to strong to overcome the see-saw type of horizontal brush shortcomings of the law, but into a short horizontal brush, and can effectively remove the tooth neck and gingival sulcus plaque, massage gums, but also to avoid tooth cervical wedge-shaped defects and gingival recession.

Rotary brush method (roll method)

the direction of rotation from the gum to the crown brush. Anterior lip brush surface, posterior buccal and palatal surfaces of posterior teeth when the tongue, bristles towards the gums, leading-edge beam, that is on the teeth facing up, under the teeth down. Bristles with the teeth appear before 45-degree angle. The second step, the toothbrush toward the highest rotation to a small ring. The third step, Shun teeth brushing, you can clean the brush each tooth surface. Brush the tongue palatal surfaces of anterior teeth, the bristles beam pointed directly on the tongue palatal surfaces of teeth, the teeth to the drop-down, raise up the next teeth, brush teeth after occlusal surface when the bristles on the biting surface, brush back and forth .

above brushing method, based on the skilled use can also be integrated together, for example, to make the first level of fibrillation, and then to make a few vertical vibration method, the purpose of only one brush to thoroughly clean teeth.

three minutes to brush their teeth after a meal is best.

third bar.

3-5 minutes.

should also brush your teeth before meals, but the time should be more than a half-hour intervals, after dinner mouth rinse can be.04-12-19

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