吃生鸡蛋可能是有害的事, « Live in China 混在中国



鸡蛋的营养成份齐全,是老幼皆宜,营养丰富的食物,但也经常在健康人使用的佳品。鸡蛋消费可以提高人体的自我调节和修复能力,从而使抗衰老防衰,健康健身,长寿的效果。但有些人认为,原料都比熟鸡蛋,吃好,吃更多的营养比生熟。实际不然,吃生鸡蛋既不卫生,也不容易消化和吸收。沙门氏菌的xx和寄生虫卵,卵污染,往往不容易传播疾病的xx。此外,在蛋清还含有一种有害物质,称为抗胰蛋白酶,当人体时,生鸡蛋摄入量,抗胰蛋白酶进入消化道,与胰蛋白酶水解蛋白的干扰,影响蛋白质的消化,吸收。在生鸡蛋蛋清还包含0.05亲,这是一种有害物质%。由于人的肠道能合成生物素,一般不是缺乏长期,如果吃大量的生鸡蛋,里面的亲和素生物素生鸡蛋到一个稳定的化合物在体内具有约束力,因此不能被肠道吸收的生物素可导致生物素缺乏症,在一系列症状,如精神疲劳,肌肉疼痛,脱发,皮肤xx,食欲不振,体重下降等,造成的。最近报告说,通过肠道的生鸡蛋,很容易发酵变质,有时可能产生N -亚硝基化合物。这种化合物具有致癌作用。煮熟的鸡蛋或烹调等方法,对沙门氏菌内,寄生虫卵被打死,抗胰蛋白酶和抗生物素蛋白也被摧毁,而其它营养素,完整无缺,蛋白质变得松散,容易消化吸收,可实现充分利用鸡蛋,各种营养的目的。因此,如果不能吃生鸡蛋,而应吃熟鸡蛋。那种认为吃生鸡蛋比吃熟鸡蛋营养说,一个科学的方法。

参考: http://chinamv.com/

鸡蛋的营养成份齐全,是老人和小孩安全,富有营养的食物,而且常用人民的健康佳品。鸡蛋消费可以提高人体的自我调节和修复能力,从而使抗衰老防衰,健康健身,长寿的效果。但有些人认为,原料都比熟鸡蛋,吃好,吃更多的营养比生熟。实际不然,吃生鸡蛋既不卫生,也不容易消化和吸收。沙门氏菌的xx和寄生虫卵,卵污染,往往不容易传播疾病的xx。此外,在蛋清还含有一种有害物质,称为抗胰蛋白酶,当人体时,生鸡蛋摄入量,抗胰蛋白酶进入消化道,与胰蛋白酶水解蛋白的干扰,影响蛋白质的消化,吸收。在生鸡蛋蛋清还包含0.05亲,这是一种有害物质%。由于人的肠道能合成生物素,一般不是缺乏长期,如果吃大量的生鸡蛋,里面的亲和素生物素生鸡蛋到一个稳定的化合物在体内具有约束力,因此不能被肠道吸收的生物素可导致生物素缺乏症,在一系列症状,如精神疲劳,肌肉疼痛,脱发,皮肤xx,食欲不振,体重下降等,造成的。最近报告说,通过肠道的生鸡蛋,很容易发酵变质,有时可能产生N -亚硝基化合物。这种化合物具有致癌作用。煮熟的鸡蛋或烹调等方法,对沙门氏菌内,寄生虫卵被打死,抗胰蛋白酶和抗生物素蛋白也被摧毁,而其它营养素,完整无缺,蛋白质变得松散,容易消化吸收,可实现充分利用鸡蛋,各种营养的目的。因此,如果不能吃生鸡蛋,而应吃熟鸡蛋。那种认为吃生鸡蛋比吃熟鸡蛋营养说,一个科学的方法。







鸡蛋营养全面,是老人和小孩的安全,营养食品,而且还使用常用的保健佳品人。鸡蛋消费可以提高人体的自我调节和修复能力,从而使抗衰老防衰,健康健身,长寿的效果。但有些人认为,原料都比熟鸡蛋,吃好,吃更多的营养比生熟。实际不然,吃生鸡蛋既不卫生,也不容易消化和吸收。沙门氏菌的xx和寄生虫卵,卵污染,往往不容易传播疾病的xx。此外,在蛋清还含有一种有害物质,称为抗胰蛋白酶,当人体时,生鸡蛋摄入量,抗胰蛋白酶进入消化道,与胰蛋白酶水解蛋白的干扰,影响蛋白质的消化,吸收。在生鸡蛋蛋清还包含0.05亲,这是一种有害物质%。由于人的肠道能合成生物素,一般不是缺乏长期,如果吃大量的生鸡蛋,里面的亲和素生物素生鸡蛋到一个稳定的化合物在体内具有约束力,因此不能被肠道吸收的生物素可导致生物素缺乏症,在一系列症状,如精神疲劳,肌肉疼痛,脱发,皮肤xx,食欲不振,体重下降等,造成的。最近报告说,通过肠道的生鸡蛋,很容易发酵变质,有时可能产生N -亚硝基化合物。这种化合物具有致癌作用。煮熟的鸡蛋或烹调等方法,对沙门氏菌内,寄生虫卵被打死,抗胰蛋白酶和抗生物素蛋白也被摧毁,而其它营养素,完整无缺,蛋白质变得松散,容易消化吸收,可实现充分利用鸡蛋,各种营养的目的。因此,如果不能吃生鸡蛋,而应吃熟鸡蛋。那种认为吃生鸡蛋比吃熟鸡蛋营养丰富,是不科学的说法


鸡蛋的营养成份齐全,是老人和小孩安全营养食品,但人们常用的保健佳品。鸡蛋消费可以提高人体的自我调节和修复能力,从而使抗衰老防衰,健康健身,长寿的效果。但有些人认为,原料都比熟鸡蛋,吃好,吃更多的营养比生熟。实际不然,吃生鸡蛋既不卫生,也不容易消化和吸收。沙门氏菌的xx和寄生虫卵,卵污染,往往不容易传播疾病的xx。此外,在蛋清还含有一种有害物质,称为抗胰蛋白酶,当人体时,生鸡蛋摄入量,抗胰蛋白酶进入消化道,与胰蛋白酶水解蛋白的干扰,影响蛋白质的消化,吸收。在生鸡蛋蛋清还包含0.05亲,这是一种有害物质%。由于人的肠道能合成生物素,一般不是缺乏长期,如果吃大量的生鸡蛋,里面的亲和素生物素生鸡蛋到一个稳定的化合物在体内具有约束力,因此不能被肠道吸收的生物素可导致生物素缺乏症,在一系列症状,如精神疲劳,肌肉疼痛,脱发,皮肤xx,食欲不振,体重下降等,造成的。最近报告说,通过肠道的生鸡蛋,很容易发酵变质,有时可能产生N -亚硝基化合物。这种化合物具有致癌作用。煮熟的鸡蛋或烹调等方法,对沙门氏菌内,寄生虫卵被打死,抗胰蛋白酶和抗生物素蛋白也被摧毁,而其它营养素,完整无缺,蛋白质变得松散,容易消化吸收,可实现充分利用鸡蛋,各种营养的目的。因此,如果不能吃生鸡蛋,而应吃熟鸡蛋。那种认为吃生鸡蛋比吃熟鸡蛋营养说,一个科学的方法。
鸡蛋的营养成份齐全,是老人和小孩的安全,营养食品,而且还使用常用的保健佳品人。鸡蛋消费可以提高人体的自我调节和修复能力,从而使抗衰老防衰,健康健身,长寿的效果。但有些人认为,原料都比熟鸡蛋,吃好,吃更多的营养比生熟。实际不然,吃生鸡蛋既不卫生,也不容易消化和吸收。沙门氏菌的xx和寄生虫卵,卵污染,往往不容易传播疾病的xx。此外,在蛋清还含有一种有害物质,称为抗胰蛋白酶,当人体时,生鸡蛋摄入量,抗胰蛋白酶进入消化道,与胰蛋白酶水解蛋白的干扰,影响蛋白质的消化,吸收。在生鸡蛋蛋清还包含0.05亲,这是一种有害物质%。由于人的肠道能合成生物素,一般不是缺乏长期,如果吃大量的生鸡蛋,里面的亲和素生物素生鸡蛋到一个稳定的化合物在体内具有约束力,因此不能被肠道吸收的生物素可导致生物素缺乏症,在一系列症状,如精神疲劳,肌肉疼痛,脱发,皮肤xx,食欲不振,体重下降等,造成的。最近报告说,通过肠道的生鸡蛋,很容易发酵变质,有时可能产生N -亚硝基化合物。这种化合物具有致癌作用。煮熟的鸡蛋或烹调等方法,对沙门氏菌内,寄生虫卵被打死,抗胰蛋白酶和抗生物素蛋白也被摧毁,而其它营养素,完整无缺,蛋白质变得松散,容易消化吸收,可实现充分利用鸡蛋,各种营养的目的。因此,如果不能吃生鸡蛋,而应吃熟鸡蛋。那种认为吃生鸡蛋比吃熟鸡蛋营养丰富,是不科学的说法









看到周润发还是坏四生蛋! (电影!)







参考: www.yule.com.cn life.96963.com

Eating raw eggs could be harmful to do,

to eat a raw egg a day is hazardous to health do, what benefits?

a look at this you’ll understand, He He

nutrient content of eggs is complete, is young and old-Safe, nutritious food, but also commonly used in health people Jiapin. Consumption of eggs may enhance the body’s self-regulation and repair capacity, thereby making anti-aging Fangshuai, health fitness, longevity effect. But some people think that raw than cooked eggs, eat well, eat more nutritious cooked than raw. Actual Otherwise, eating raw eggs is neither health nor easy to digest and absorb. Salmonella bacteria and parasite eggs, eggs are often contaminated and not treated easily transmitted diseases. In addition, within the egg white also contains a harmful substance, called the anti-trypsin, when the body when the intake of raw eggs, the anti-trypsin into the digestive tract, interfering with trypsin hydrolysis of the protein, affecting protein digestion and absorption. Raw eggs in egg white also contains 0.05% of the avidin, which is a harmful substance. Because of the human intestine can synthesize biotin, it is generally not a lack of long-term, if a large number of eating raw eggs, raw egg inside the avidin-biotin binding and in vivo into a stable compound, so that can not be intestinal absorption of biotin may lead to biotin deficiency, resulting in a series of symptoms, such as mental fatigue, muscle aches, hair loss, skin irritation, loss of appetite, weight loss and so on. Recently reported that raw eggs through the intestinal tract, it is easy fermentation degenerate, it may sometimes produce N-nitroso compounds. The compound has a carcinogenic effect. Cooked eggs or other methods of cooking, the inside of the salmonella bacteria, parasite eggs were killed, the anti-trypsin and avidin were also destroyed, while other nutrients are intact, and the protein becomes loose, easily digestion and absorption can be achieved by full use of eggs, the purpose of various nutrients. Therefore, should not eat raw eggs, but should be eaten cooked eggs. The idea that eating raw eggs nutritious than eating cooked eggs to say that a scientific approach.

Reference: http://chinamv.com/

nutrient content of eggs is complete, is the young and old Safe, nutritious food, but also the people commonly used health Jiapin. Consumption of eggs may enhance the body’s self-regulation and repair capacity, thereby making anti-aging Fangshuai, health fitness, longevity effect. But some people think that raw than cooked eggs, eat well, eat more nutritious cooked than raw. Actual Otherwise, eating raw eggs is neither health nor easy to digest and absorb. Salmonella bacteria and parasite eggs, eggs are often contaminated and not treated easily transmitted diseases. In addition, within the egg white also contains a harmful substance, called the anti-trypsin, when the body when the intake of raw eggs, the anti-trypsin into the digestive tract, interfering with trypsin hydrolysis of the protein, affecting protein digestion and absorption. Raw eggs in egg white also contains 0.05% of the avidin, which is a harmful substance. Because of the human intestine can synthesize biotin, it is generally not a lack of long-term, if a large number of eating raw eggs, raw egg inside the avidin-biotin binding and in vivo into a stable compound, so that can not be intestinal absorption of biotin may lead to biotin deficiency, resulting in a series of symptoms, such as mental fatigue, muscle aches, hair loss, skin irritation, loss of appetite, weight loss and so on. Recently reported that raw eggs through the intestinal tract, it is easy fermentation degenerate, it may sometimes produce N-nitroso compounds. The compound has a carcinogenic effect. Cooked eggs or other methods of cooking, the inside of the salmonella bacteria, parasite eggs were killed, the anti-trypsin and avidin were also destroyed, while other nutrients are intact, and the protein becomes loose, easily digestion and absorption can be achieved by full use of eggs, the purpose of various nutrients. Therefore, should not eat raw eggs, but should be eaten cooked eggs. The idea that eating raw eggs nutritious than eating cooked eggs to say that a scientific approach.

cooked eggs, or eat, because the absorption of nutrients depends on eggs egg freezing level, boiled eggs, high nutritional value and good absorption. Eating raw eggs is not good.

Reference: in my hand is a child-rearing years have seen a similar argument

Xinhua Beijing May 29, according to Xinhua foreign media reports, Japan’s National Institute of Health and other medicine, food studies suggest that seven bodies, raw eggs may cause food poisoning. It is reported that researchers in Japan chicken Salmonella infection rate and the average family situation of raw eggs, a survey, whether to eat or to eat fresh eggs have been maintained at 7 degrees Celsius, or room temperature eggs, the chances of food poisoning caused is almost the same. So if you want to be eaten raw eggs, you must prevent the chickens infected with Salmonella, that is, to reduce the eggs in vaccinated chickens infected with Salmonella bacteria. Japan each year from eating raw eggs infected with salmonella food poisoning are caused by approximately 2.8 million people. The 10000 may be infected with Salmonella in eggs of about 3-4. The bacteria after full heat treatment that will be eliminated, so there will be no eggs, cooked any problems. In addition, attention should be paid eggs shelf life as far as consumption of fresh eggs, we will not have adverse effects on the body.

eating raw eggs bad bacteria

previously heard of eating raw eggs good for what to say on so many bodybuilders eat. Fascination with bodybuilding just then, so follow up with diarrhea, not absorbing. Fortunately, no infection of any disease.

eggs of the most nutritious food is cooked in shell, raw is not conducive to healthy, not to mention anything on the nutritional value of the.

egg nutrients complete, is the young and old Safe, nutritious food, but also commonly used in health Jiapin people. Consumption of eggs may enhance the body’s self-regulation and repair capacity, thereby making anti-aging Fangshuai, health fitness, longevity effect. But some people think that raw than cooked eggs, eat well, eat more nutritious cooked than raw. Actual Otherwise, eating raw eggs is neither health nor easy to digest and absorb. Salmonella bacteria and parasite eggs, eggs are often contaminated and not treated easily transmitted diseases. In addition, within the egg white also contains a harmful substance, called the anti-trypsin, when the body when the intake of raw eggs, the anti-trypsin into the digestive tract, interfering with trypsin hydrolysis of the protein, affecting protein digestion and absorption. Raw eggs in egg white also contains 0.05% of the avidin, which is a harmful substance. Because of the human intestine can synthesize biotin, it is generally not a lack of long-term, if a large number of eating raw eggs, raw egg inside the avidin-biotin binding and in vivo into a stable compound, so that can not be intestinal absorption of biotin may lead to biotin deficiency, resulting in a series of symptoms, such as mental fatigue, muscle aches, hair loss, skin irritation, loss of appetite, weight loss and so on. Recently reported that raw eggs through the intestinal tract, it is easy fermentation degenerate, it may sometimes produce N-nitroso compounds. The compound has a carcinogenic effect. Cooked eggs or other methods of cooking, the inside of the salmonella bacteria, parasite eggs were killed, the anti-trypsin and avidin were also destroyed, while other nutrients are intact, and the protein becomes loose, easily digestion and absorption can be achieved by full use of eggs, the purpose of various nutrients. Therefore, should not eat raw eggs, but should be eaten cooked eggs. The idea that eating raw eggs nutritious than eating cooked eggs argument is unscientific

a look at this you’ll understand, He He

nutrient content of eggs is complete, is the young and old Safe nutritional food, but people are commonly used in health Jiapin. Consumption of eggs may enhance the body’s self-regulation and repair capacity, thereby making anti-aging Fangshuai, health fitness, longevity effect. But some people think that raw than cooked eggs, eat well, eat more nutritious cooked than raw. Actual Otherwise, eating raw eggs is neither health nor easy to digest and absorb. Salmonella bacteria and parasite eggs, eggs are often contaminated and not treated easily transmitted diseases. In addition, within the egg white also contains a harmful substance, called the anti-trypsin, when the body when the intake of raw eggs, the anti-trypsin into the digestive tract, interfering with trypsin hydrolysis of the protein, affecting protein digestion and absorption. Raw eggs in egg white also contains 0.05% of the avidin, which is a harmful substance. Because of the human intestine can synthesize biotin, it is generally not a lack of long-term, if a large number of eating raw eggs, raw egg inside the avidin-biotin binding and in vivo into a stable compound, so that can not be intestinal absorption of biotin may lead to biotin deficiency, resulting in a series of symptoms, such as mental fatigue, muscle aches, hair loss, skin irritation, loss of appetite, weight loss and so on. Recently reported that raw eggs through the intestinal tract, it is easy fermentation degenerate, it may sometimes produce N-nitroso compounds. The compound has a carcinogenic effect. Cooked eggs or other methods of cooking, the inside of the salmonella bacteria, parasite eggs were killed, the anti-trypsin and avidin were also destroyed, while other nutrients are intact, and the protein becomes loose, easily digestion and absorption can be achieved by full use of eggs, the purpose of various nutrients. Therefore, should not eat raw eggs, but should be eaten cooked eggs. The idea that eating raw eggs nutritious than eating cooked eggs to say that a scientific approach.
nutrient content of eggs is complete, is the young and old Safe, nutritious food, but also commonly used in health Jiapin people. Consumption of eggs may enhance the body’s self-regulation and repair capacity, thereby making anti-aging Fangshuai, health fitness, longevity effect. But some people think that raw than cooked eggs, eat well, eat more nutritious cooked than raw. Actual Otherwise, eating raw eggs is neither health nor easy to digest and absorb. Salmonella bacteria and parasite eggs, eggs are often contaminated and not treated easily transmitted diseases. In addition, within the egg white also contains a harmful substance, called the anti-trypsin, when the body when the intake of raw eggs, the anti-trypsin into the digestive tract, interfering with trypsin hydrolysis of the protein, affecting protein digestion and absorption. Raw eggs in egg white also contains 0.05% of the avidin, which is a harmful substance. Because of the human intestine can synthesize biotin, it is generally not a lack of long-term, if a large number of eating raw eggs, raw egg inside the avidin-biotin binding and in vivo into a stable compound, so that can not be intestinal absorption of biotin may lead to biotin deficiency, resulting in a series of symptoms, such as mental fatigue, muscle aches, hair loss, skin irritation, loss of appetite, weight loss and so on. Recently reported that raw eggs through the intestinal tract, it is easy fermentation degenerate, it may sometimes produce N-nitroso compounds. The compound has a carcinogenic effect. Cooked eggs or other methods of cooking, the inside of the salmonella bacteria, parasite eggs were killed, the anti-trypsin and avidin were also destroyed, while other nutrients are intact, and the protein becomes loose, easily digestion and absorption can be achieved by full use of eggs, the purpose of various nutrients. Therefore, should not eat raw eggs, but should be eaten cooked eggs. The idea that eating raw eggs nutritious than eating cooked eggs argument is unscientific

raw eggs, there are bacteria on the human body no good, cooked eggs, high temperature sterilization, eating up security, nutrition there is no loss of flavor than good health.
good eating cooked eggs.

biological knowledge we can see from the eggs of the rich in protein, it is the most primitive tribal chief of the amino acids, raw food nutrition, there is no harm and will not be lost, of course, also some eggs are not for immediate consumption , like a snake’s eggs have to be careful, but not affect the majority.

no harm to have a lot of benefits can be rest assured that eat

raw eggs contain high levels of nutrients, the human body are harmless. On the contrary, we usually ate the book eggs after warming up it destroys the eggs, but fewer nutrients it?



harmful, because raw eggs there are still bacteria, eat my stomach hurts.

total raw eggs taste better than cooked, or eaten cooked bar.

saw Chow Yun-fat or bad four raw eggs! (Film!)

Avian flu pandemic is now, or do not eat born Miao!

raw eggs, bacteria!

to eat raw eggs or undercooked eggs, boiled eggs is not only lower than the digestibility of 30% -50%, and a lot of the body unfavorable. On the one hand, raw eggs, egg white contains a harmful part of the basic proteins — antibiotic proteins, such antibiotic proteins in the intestine can be closely integrated with biotin become a complex, this complex is very stable, the body can not absorb. When a large number of raw egg into the body, resulting in more complex, impede the body’s absorption of biotin, the body may suffer from biotin deficiency. After the egg by heat treatment, this antibiotic protein Jibei destruction, no longer impede the absorption of biotin. On the other hand, observed under the microscope, egg shell filled with holes, these holes a few times larger than the pathogens to several hundred times. Therefore, the egg at any time there may be invasive pathogens. Consumption of eggs by pathogen infection, the body may be chills, fever, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, food poisoning phenomena.

people believe, with the qi of the effectiveness of chicken eggs, and often eat can ruddy, increased appetite, physically strong, and anti-aging and so on. Ordinarily chick embryo with higher levels of egg protein, it is because the eggs in the incubation period, nutrition has not been destroyed, but has been enhanced through the hatch. In addition, it contains a similar “human placenta” some of the elements, can improve gastrointestinal function, there improve appetite and anti-aging effects. However, in the chick embryo eggs sold on the market are mostly chicken eggs for hatching, is due to temperature, humidity, improper or died from infections from developing chick embryo inside the egg shell. This death Peidan contained in the original protein, fat, carbohydrates, inorganic salts and vitamins and other nutrients in whole or in part has been changed, most embryos have been used and consumed, leaving little nutrients. The determination of dead Pei Dan, nearly 100 percent contained bacteria such as E. coli, staphylococcus, salmonella typhi, Proteus and so on. This is not the death of eating fresh Peidan not only nutritional value is not high, and prone to poisoning, lead to dysentery, typhoid, hepatitis and other diseases.

In addition, directed at eggs, milk drink, the earth would rather eat a little egg is not a big one to eat a big breeder eggs, etc., is not the correct habit of eating eggs.

egg protein in the human body to be rich in amino acids, the proportion of its composition suitable for human needs. Egg is also a vitamin, a good source of inorganic salts is a high nutritional value of food.
Some people like to eat raw eggs. Boiled eggs, nutrient composition that was destroyed, that make up the body to eat raw than cooked. In fact, this eat not only useless but harmful. One egg from the chicken ovary and cloaca output, and its ovaries, cloacal carrier rate is high, so even the yolk surface of the shell may have been bacterial contamination, raw can easily lead to parasitic disease, intestinal disease or food poisoning . Second, raw eggs breakout smell, can inhibit the central nervous system makes loss of appetite, and sometimes can make people vomit. Third, health egg contains a substance called avidin, which hinder the body’s substance contained in egg yolk biotin absorption. Boiled eggs, the eggs can kill bacteria inside and outside, but also undermine the anti-biotin, so eggs should not be eaten raw.

Reference: www.yule.com.cn life.96963.com04-09-11

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