
[产    地  ]:  台湾

• Single Power Supply Operation
- 2.7 to 3.6 volt for read, erase, and program operations
• Serial Peripheral Interface compatible -- Mode 0 and Mode 3
• 8M: 8,388,608 x 1 bit structure or 4,194,304 x 2 bits (Dual Output mode) structure
16M: 16,777,216 x 1 bit structure or 8,388,608 x 2 bits (Dual Output mode) structure
• 256 Equal Sectors with 4K byte each (8Mb)
512 Equal Sectors with 4K byte each (16Mb)
- Any Sector can be erased individually
• 16 Equal Blocks with 64K byte each (8Mb)
32 Equal Blocks with 64K byte each (16Mb)
- Any Block can be erased individually
• Program Capability
- Byte base
- Page base (256 bytes)
• Latch-up protected to 100mA from -1V to Vcc +1V


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